Total Solution No more yo yo-ing!

10 stone 12.8 this morning! It's still moving! :)

As it's a non run day today I'll be back on exante

Right we're off up the hill! Have a good day! :)
Good day today

Walked up white nancy again this morning OH ran up crazy fool! Then worked from home this morning and went into school this afternoon.
A walk with Barney to finish the day and I'm just sat down half watching tv with a coffee and vanilla shake.

Food today:

Porridge for Bfast with chopped banana and flaked almonds
Bar for lunch
Vanilla shake in coffee and tea
Brown bread cheese salad sandwich
Dark chocolate - 8 squares
Packet hula hoops

Abs challenge before bed and that's me done!
10 stone 12.7 this morning. Right off up a hill in the sunshine then off for a run!

Morning! :)
Chocolate followed by a 1lb loss. Can't grumble at that!! :D

Have a good day Yoyo x
Chocolate followed by a 1lb loss. Can't grumble at that!! :D Have a good day Yoyo x

I've been eating dark chocolate most days now :)
What a lovely sunny day :)

Started with a white nancy climb, followed by a 20 min run - couch to 5 k week 6 run 2. From now on I'll be doing non stop runs till the end (week 9) and then I start my 10k training plan! Eek! Having ice cold baths after my runs so I don't get injured again.

Granola and milk for breakfast
A couple of coffees with vanilla shake mix
A tea with milk
Lunch was coffee with milk and salt beef on rye bread (I met a client for lunch) I only had one slice if bread but it did have melted cheese! Eek.
I had a boost skinny smoothie with extra fruit and a shot of something healthy (reckon around 250 cals) on my way home from Manchester on the train.
Another coffee with milk and a glass of prosecco with dinner - me and hubby had our first date exactly 5 years ago today so we went out to celebrate - I had steak and salad, but the salad was dressed and had Parmesan shavings in it.

So no exante today. Back on it tomorrow..

And challenge tonight then bed :)
Morning! STS today, which I'm pleased about - although a gain may creep up on me.

Off to climb white nancy - have a great day! X
So I've kind of fallen into a routine of eating real food on my running days (but being sensible, trying to eat low carbs and limit bad foods etc) and exante on the days inbetween. I think it will be helpful for me in the long term to find an eating plan I can actually stick to long term.

Problem is, all morning after my walk up white nancy I've been craving granola (which I have on my run days) and I've realised how out or diet mindset I've become. I'm in two minds about this. On the one hand if I'm hoping to maintain forever then it's good that I don't feel like I'm on a diet. On the other hand, it helps to have a diet mindset for days like today when I want to stick to exante. If I'm stricter with myself I'll lose weight faster, yet if I don't feel like I'm on a diet it's more likely to become a way of eating and I'll keep the weight off.

I guess I've just come on here to stop me thinking about food and to get my thoughts down.. Feeling better now! :)
Its all about balance isn't it. The method you are using is working well so I'd stick with that until you are closer to goal then re evaluate x
Its all about balance isn't it. The method you are using is working well so I'd stick with that until you are closer to goal then re evaluate x

Thanks Susie :)
I'm doing really badly, I finished the dark chocolate bar that I've been having a few squares from each day - probably had around 8 squares and now I feel rotten :(

Just having a real down day - we have no plans, the weather is rubbish and I can't motivate myself to get off the sofa. I've been snoozing and watching friends all day when I could be sorting my clothes out for our holidays.

I'm due on so maybe it's that - I really want to eat! Had half a shake, half a vanilla shake in coffee and tea and a bar so far as well as the chocolate.

Stay focused Yoyo, we all have days like that. Go & sort your clothes out or try some holiday clothes on, it will take your mind off of food & remind you why you started the diet in the first place xx
Yep, go and sort ur clothes. Anything to distract you. Uv been doing really well.

Seems sensible eating on run days and u are being careful. Stick with if chick :) x
Stay focused Yoyo, we all have days like that. Go & sort your clothes out or try some holiday clothes on, it will take your mind off of food & remind you why you started the diet in the first place xx

Ive got my arse in gear, done a bit of dead heading and sorting in the garden and sorted out some drawers in my bedroom - having a big clear out! Lol! Next stop is my wardrobes :) I've loads of clothes to give to charity.

It's definitely stopped me thinking about food too which is great! And my mood has improved too :)

Right, back to it! :)

Hope everyone else is having a good day? X
Yep, go and sort ur clothes. Anything to distract you. Uv been doing really well. Seems sensible eating on run days and u are being careful. Stick with if chick :) x

Thanks hon xx