Total Solution No more yo yo-ing!

Good to hear you had a good day.
Urghh raining and we overslept! Had to drive to the bottom of the hill rather than walk but we still made it up there for 7am - the climb is getting easier which must mean I'm getting fitter! Yey!

We're just taking Barney for a lead walk as he has a poorly foot after his surgery yesterday and then we're going for our run in the downpour :( not going to be much fun!

Have a great day everyone! X
Well done for doing it in this weather. It is a bit miserable out there.
Well done for doing it in this weather. It is a bit miserable out there.

We did the walk but we are going for a run later instead! Hoping the rain will ease off. Have a great day!
I got the job!!! :)

Will post more later - off to school now
Congratulations Yoyo.

True dedication regarding the exercise & so worth it in the end xx
Congratulations :D That's brilliant news!

Well done on sticking to the morning walk, keep this up and you'll soon be running up it :)
Congrats that's great news!
Congratulations :D That's brilliant news! Well done on sticking to the morning walk, keep this up and you'll soon be running up it :)

Yeah that might be a while off yet you crazy fool :) hope you are doing ok? How come you missed skating? X
Nice day today, chugging along nicely with the diet, had a vanilla shake pack (1/2 in a latte for breakfast and 1/2 throughout the day in coffee and tea), a bar at lunch - half before and half after school, and just had a plate of asparagus and mushrooms and then I'll have a chilli that I'm soaking. Then I have a salad for later. 100 cals 5g carbs worth of veg is actually quite a lot!
Feels good to be eating veg again though.

Should be able to stick to TS plus this week, my nephew is down for the weekend so we won't be going out in the evening, my only blip is tomorrow when it's my mums birthday and dad is cooking steak. So I'm having steak and veg, and I'll have one less pack to make up for the 200cals of steak I'm having so it should work out ok.

Going to try for a whole week off booze and see what impact that has on my weight loss - would be great to get into the 10's! Though I weighed myself this morning and I'd put on, but reckon that was from the binge on tues evening.

All this exercise is making me feel great, although I really didn't want to go out for our run just now - I felt much fitter and was able to run faster. One more run left this week of week 4 then it's onto week 5!

Hope everyone has had a good day? X
Yeah that might be a while off yet you crazy fool :) hope you are doing ok? How come you missed skating? X
Had to go to a meeting so couldn't make it, will be there next week though :) x
Congrats on the new job. :)
Who does this? (Me! *waves hand madly in the air*)


Not today though :)
Congrats on the job, Yoyo! Xx

Start weight: 18.7
Prep week: 17.13 (-8lbs)
Week 1.1: STS, ill, off plan
Week 1.2: 17.9 (-4lbs) only on plan for 3 days
Week 2: