not sure where i belong!!!

I'm not sure whether i should be here, or whether i should be using the Atkins part of the forums.

I also didn't realise how difficult it would be taking the naughty carbs out of my diet.

Yesterday was my first day and i did really well, but in the evening felt very nauseous and had a bit of a headache.

Today I have felt better, but kinda depressed wandering down the rows and rows of products in Tescos I can now no longer have.

I'm in a catch 22, I love food - it's my vice and my comfort. But I'm about 40 pound overweight, and on a 5ft frame i don't carry it well.
I do want to lose weight... but i'm worried that if i do start to lose weight that I'm just going to be slimmer and miserable. yet can't live with being heavier and miserable!!! lol
Which is the lesser of two evils?
Hey Tuffy!

I love food too. I love cooking, I love thinking about it, I love baking, I love planning dinner parties, I love going to the supermarket and stocking up my cupboard, I love the textures and the flavours...I think you get my point!

I'm not following a particular plan. I'm just trying to cut back on carbs a little, go for wholegrains where possible (but not exclusively) and try to keep my portion size down. I also exercise. I've lost quite a bit of weight doing this.

And I'm not even slightly miserable! I still love cooking and shopping, and it's a fun challenge to think of new, healthy meals.

Maybe you should go for something a little less strict? Something that will allow you to eat a bit of everything, so you don't feel deprived and give up? I can think of SW, WW, calorie counting or (my personal favourite, and I follow it loosely): the Abs Diet (google it).

You can still enjoy food even while you're losing weight.

But it's important to remember that losing weight is only going to make you thinner, it's not going to deal with your issues for you. What I mean is, that if you are miserable for other reasons as well as weight, then you will need to address those issues separately.

I am sure you will find the right path for you.

SL x