Not very satisfied

I have just got done with getting weighed and I have only list 1.albs. Last week I lost 2.4 so in 2 weeks of being on the cd I have lost 5.3lbs so collectively 7.7lbs in 2 weeks. I am getting discouraged since I am seeing everyone losing faster than me. In January I did my own diet for a month and lost 13.2 so should I just go back to that diet? I have just gotten my period after nit having one since dec 30 so can that have anything to do with why my body is not losing fast?
Hey are you drinking enough water ?? Everyone is different, but due to a late period it can be water retention !! I'd defiantly give it four weeks !! X

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Big hug :bighug: You must be pretty frustrated.

But I think the key to why this seems slow is because of what you were doing before Cambridge. I think I read in a previous post of yours that you lost 13lbs in January by basically starving yourself (I don't know what you mean by that but it doesn't sound fun :()

If you really mean starved yourself, then your glycogen and water stocks would already have been emptied, so you wouldn't get the same big loss that most of us get in weeks 1 and 2. On the plus side, what that means is that what you've lost since starting Cambridge isn't mainly water weight - it's actually mostly fat. And when you look at it like that, it doesn't seem so bad.

I lose, on average, 3 pounds a week on Cambridge. Some folks seem to get much bigger losses, but 3 pounds is about my lot (with the occasional 2 pounds a week and 4 pounds a week thrown in for good measure).

Week 3s (and sometimes week 4s) are notorious for slower losses - it's quite common to 'only' lose a pound, which causes much angst because it seems so unfair when you're eating practically nothing! But it's just the way the body works. Best guess is that you're retaining water while your body is getting used to the fast fat loss.

Hang in there. You could go back to your previous way of eating - but was it healthy? Were you getting the right proportions of protein, carb, fat and fibre and all your vitamins and minerals? Cambridge has been designed to be a complete source of nutrition for the lowest amount of calories possible - it's practically impossible to do the same using real food for less than 1,000 calories.
Thats some great advice from Lily there. Its very easy with CD to get carried away with the thought of huge weight losses, but the average monthly loss is around a stone(according to Cambridge) and you are on track to achieve that. LAst year when I was doing it I worked out where I would be if i lost albs a week (just about the stone a month) and took anything else as a bonus - I knew if I allowed myself to hope for more then I would be disappointed if I had a bad few weeks and then I would give up.

Stick with it - it does work and you will see some great results. Good luck
Girls thank you so much for the encouragement :) I think I will give it another 2 weeks and see how it goes. Before starting this diet I basically lived on fruits and yogurt for a month with one free meal a week where I can have what I craved.
I agree that if someone has been dieting on-and-off - or steadily - just prior to starting Cambridge, then their losses will naturally be slower than if they had gone straight from 'normal' eating to SS or whatever.

Many of us are longtime yo-yo dieters, often jumping from bingeing to starving and back again week in-week out. If we start Cambridge immediately after a 'starving' phase then our glycogen stores will be empty and our bodies not 'shocked', so to speak, by the low carb and calorie content of the diet.

Starving is absolutely not safe and regular periods of starvation may well screw-up the metabolism in a lasting way. Please take good care of your health x
I am going on a 6 day holiday in 35 days where I am hoping to eat sensibly ( hope that goes well lol) so do you think once I am back and start the cd diet again will get better results cuz will go from normal eating of 6 days to cd?
As a fairly slow loser myself I realise it can be really frustrating! All I would say is hang on in there and give it another 3 weeks. You have to let your body adapt to the diet and provided you follow it 100% then you will lose weight.

A lot of the people posting big losses will have more to lose than you or will have bodies that adapt very quickly to the diet. It is very rare to find a diet where you can consistently lose a stone per month. With 'normal' diets people tend to slack off after a month or so and so their losses slow down. Because Cambridge is so prescriptive about what you eat then you are more likely to stick to it and carry on losing rather than give up.

Keep going - it will all be worth it and you'll be so glad that you didn't give up when you look back in 3 months time!
not sure about the answer to your holiday question - some of the very clever members of the forum like Lily and Spangles may know.

I'm going on holiday in 10 days for a week where I am staying in a catered chalet so will have to eat. I'm skiing so will also need to eat more for the energy. I'll let you know how I get on and whether my losses on return are bigger.
I weighed myself this morning and I have lost a pound since yesterday so I am pleased. I am 101kgs at the moment and I can't wait to weigh in the 2 digit numbers lol. I had a vanilla shake for breakfast and the tomato soup for lunch. I am going to an engagement party tonight so will I be ok if I eat sensibly? What is allowed? I am a vegetarian.
To be honest, you'd be better off not eating at all. About the only things you could pick at are salad leaves and cucumber and, depending on what kind of do it is, those things might not be available.

No one will notice if you don't eat, especially if it's a buffet type thing. You just say, "oh I'll go and get something in a minute" and never go! :)

If it's a sit-down thing, that's trickier, but it doesn't sound like it is?
Incidentally - it's always a good idea to discuss this sort of thing with your Cambridge Counsellor to talk through your options. That's one of the things they're there to help you with!
Lily I didn't have anything and I am heading home now to have a shake. I have been really bad with my water intake today. Don't think I have even reached a liter today.
Well done for not having anything! :clap:

And the water thing - not great, but it could be a lot worse. See if you can squeeze in a pint or so before bed.
if you don't drink enough on this diet our body's will hold on to the water. you must drink the water and not all in one lump. 2 litres minimum as this is what we would be eating (water in the food) and drinking normally!

you can retain water when you're due on too. could be 7lbs could be less. also you body needs time to catch up with what's happening so might have decided to retain that way too!

here's hoping for 7lbs or so next week. starving yourself will make you ill, you'll not have the right vits and mins in you and your body will shut itself down making daily tasks exhausting!