November Mini Challenge...5th-5th

yay Pretika, that's fab!! well done you! so pleased for you! How are you doing?

November mini challenge

Lellycd - 10lbs lost 3lbs so far
Pretika - 12lbs lost 3lbs so far
Hypa2008 - 18lbs
Madameruthybaby - 8lbs
soontobelittlegem - 14lbs
Suesurrey - 14lbs lost 5lbs so far
Smurf - 16lbs - lost 4lbs so far
Louise - 8lb
Hur575 - 16lbs lost 8lbs so far
Soolaboola - 16lbs
Nibbles - 10lbs

we're all doing so well!!

Hi Lelly - Yeah doing well.. about half way there now... But what is a mazing for me is that people are really noticing my weight loss and i can now get in size 12'ss - for the first time since i had my kids 10 years ago!!

How are you - from memory i think that you have moved up plans?? how is that going??

Thanks for the support
Hi pretika, isn't that fab when people start commenting, i've had so many comments i've starting getting a bit embarrassed especially when one of the school mums i usually speak to mentioned it today!! Feels strange! but i like it!
well done on getting into the 12's, feels so great doesn't it, i love the idea that if I wanted i could go in any shop in town and buy something and not have to look for the 16/18's.
Yes I am on my 2nd week of SS+ now and love it! it's feel so nice to have a bit of food and I was nervous that the weight loss would stop but it didn't thankfully! I've only got 7lbs to my target of 10st but now i'm wondering whether i should go a bit lower not sure yet, will see i feel when i get there.
How long before you start moving up the plans?

Hiya - I have a while to go yet. for me to hit a bmi of 25 i need to get to exactly 10 st - 1st 4lbs to go.... so probably another 6 weeks or so... I am only 5ft2. I must admit it is getting more difficult as I am starting to get bored of the packs and with the festive season approaching and it getting colder I am wanting wholesome food..... BUT I will keep going as there is nothing compared to getting slimmer and healthier and feeling good..

You must be really pleased that you are nearly at goal... wow you have done soo well... hopefully I will get there soon.
You will hun!! keep at it!
Oh well done LellyCD - I am really pleased for you! I am nervous about my weigh in on Sunday because I am doing SS+ this week also, although I ate a tiny portion of carbs last night as I had a bit of a funny turn when I felt dizzy and my vision went dark with little grey spots and I paniked!

But heh! I am really, really enjoying SS+ and am hoping for a 3lb loss like yours!

Lellycd - 10lbs lost 3lbs so far
Pretika - 12lbs lost 3lbs so far
Hypa2008 - 18lbs
Madameruthybaby - 8lbs
soontobelittlegem - 14lbs
Suesurrey - 14lbs lost 5lbs so far
Smurf - 16lbs - lost 4lbs so far
Louise - 8lb
Hur575 - 16lbs lost 8lbs so far
Soolaboola - 16lbs LOST 5LB SO FAR
Nibbles - 10lbs

Lellycd - 10lbs Lost 3lbs so far
Pretika - 12lbs Lost 3lbs so far
Hypa2008 - 18lbs
Madameruthybaby - 8lbs
soontobelittlegem - 14lbs
Suesurrey - 14lbs Lost 5lbs so far
Smurf - 16lbs - Lost 4lbs so far
Louise - 8lb
Hur575 - 16lbs Lost 8lbs so far
Soolaboola - 16lbs Lost 5lbs so far
Nibbles - 10lbs No loss in 1st week

Updating mine too.
Soolaboo, your the first one on this thread today, where is everyone.???
9 days into this challenge and a few still need to post their losses or gains..:missing:

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hey everyone!! i'm here!! been busy busy today in the office, shopping for wedding presents in my lunch hour and meet my mum for coffee (skinny of course!!), dropped mum home after work, finally back home, just about to make my meal for the evening i'm having quorn mince n sprouts...mmm! should be interesting anyway.

How's is everyone doing?

well done on your 5lb soolaboola! that's brilliant!!
just about to make my meal for the evening i'm having quorn mince n sprouts...mmm! should be interesting anyway.
How's is everyone doing?

Oh Lelly, so glad i am not at yours for dinner tonight. Shall stay with my white fish and brocolli or savoy cabbage. Spoilt for choice.;)

Thought everyone had disappeared from this thread today.

i know it's too quiet isn't it!! come on lovely people, let's have more chat!! let's support each other....!! are doing nibbles? what's new?

I'm with you this week. I'm doing well. Have SSd since Monday but had one turkey breast slice last night and tonight when making salad for tea for DD. Have just had my third pack which was a bar just so i could feel as tho i was eating something. Scales moved down this morning and i'm feeling good!
Hi mollydog, well done on getting to day 4! Good luck for those scales, when is your WI?
I just had big plate of quorn mince n sprouts with a little curry paste mixed...suprisingly a lot 200g of quorn!! and it was bl**dy gorgeous!! never thought i'd say that about sprouts...ha ha!! still have another pack to go not sure how i'll fit in in!! i love SS+ it's the best!!

I'm with you this week. I'm doing well. Scales moved down this morning and i'm feeling good!

Hello Mollydog, didn't see your name on the list for this 5th Nov-5th Dec Challenge. Shall we add you. ??? If yes, just name your target loss for this month on this thread and come back soon. The more the merrier.

Evening LellyCD. What's new??? Well, this morning on school run someone said " Nibbles, are you losing weight???" I took great delight ( having waited ages for her, or her clique to say something ), turning around and in a very casual way i informed her "Yes, 2 & a half stone so far ".
I bet she wished that she hadn't asked. It was such a satisfying moment for me. Now i shall brace myself for the questions of how i have lost the weight and their negative opinions.
I am off work for 11 days at the moment ( the joys of being part-time) and do not return 'til Tuesday, wonder if my skirt will stay up. Looks rather like a paper bag at the moment on my hips. Will have to get a new one very soon, but such a hassle getting new items. Three of my work colleagues have also started CD in the last couple of weeks, after i posted my diary on a work forum. Wonder how they will get on???. One is a Returner and actually recommended this Minimins site to me.

I notice that quite a few listed here have not updated or been posting much, so i hope they are still doing OK. Not hearing so much from Smurf or Ruth these days. Even Littlegem seems to have been absent too. Hope all is fine with them and all the others on this thread list.:wave_cry:
That's so lovely Nibbles, it's great when you can show off your new size to people isn't it!! i bumped into my mates mother in morrisons the other night, she had a proper conversation with me and then i get a text from my mate the next day to say 'was that you my mother talking to last night, she wasn't sure', she hadn't recognised me and was too embarrassed to say!! ha ha...i don't see her that often but i haven't changed that i thought!!
yeah it seems to go very quiet on here sometimes and people only post when they have some news on their loss, i like to post on here l it's like a lttle gang, i like to see how everyones doing, i usually join in the hour by hour daily one too for a bit of a chat. Some of the original joiners of this thread haven't posted since so presume they are missing...shame. Also could be that people have joined teams and post on their thread instead. hey ho, i just roam about and post randomly here and there depending on how i feel.
Am sooo full now after my mince n sprouts! how was the fish?
Guess what i'm doing tomorrow, sooo excited, hubby bought me a present of the brand new Sterophonics (best of) CD and it seems they were giving a passes to go back to the shop to meet the band and have them sign it!!! me and my sis are going (might wear
big coat and not much else....sign these boys...hee hee!)
i'm a big fan always have been, being Welsh n all! Already have tickets to see them when they play in Cardiff on 6th Dec, can't wait for that too!
Were they singing about you>>>taking your clothes off?????
You behave yourselves and have fun.
I love meeting famous people, when i get the chance.;)

Only eating in 20 mins. Hubby out with the lads, so on my own tonight, kids asleep i hope.
Really hope that i do shift some lbs this week, although i knew that last week would be NIL, i have to admit it is still a real disappointment. You sort of look forward to the WIs.
Who only knows what i would have felt:eek:, if i would have gained anything.????:confused:
oh i suppose i'll be good if I must i'll probably get trampled by hundreds of screaming girlies anyway!!

My hubbys gone out with the lads tonight too, and on a school night ..tut tut naughty boys! he's got work in the morning.
I'm crossing fingers n toes for you for weigh-in, I know it's disappointing to STS i was disappointed with my 1 last week even though i knew i hadn't been 100%. I'm sure you'll do great!

Not long to go for you, i'm pondering the idea of going lower now too, just to see if i can really, would be nice to see a 9 something on the scale, haven't been there since i was 25 (13 yrs ago). and i'm still enjoying doing it, it doesn't sem like a hardship as much SS was, we'll see, i'll decide when i get there i suppose.

I also have a few colleagues who are dieting one on CD and one on WW, they seem to be fascinated with my progress, it's all they talk about when i go into the office on Thurs/Fri's. The on CD has stopped and gone on holiday hope she'll get back to it, she was doing well.

Right off to make my other half a shake now before bed, need to get my beauty sleep for Kelly n the boys tomorrow!!

Hi everyone, had a fab day today, managed to take an impromptu half day so that i could queue longer if necessary, it was great, got to have a little chat and they all signed my cd, sis and I mentioned we were going to get them to sign our boobs but that it was probably too cold for that and they said 'they'd probably look better in the cold'..!! ha ha!! was lovely to see them up close, hubby was worried he'd find a note to say i'd run off with Kelly but i managed to make it home again.
Had my 1 soup and 1 choc tetra, just had a little meal of salad but had a couple of bits i shouldn't have, a potato an egg and some coleslaw...oh dear! never mind will not fret about it. Just keep on with the allowed stuff from now on.
Have a planned meal out with friends tomorrow to celebrate their wedding, have chosen me menu in advance...prawns to start and a beef n veg main, am driving so no alcohol and then back to SS+ as normal on Sunday. I think maybe the thought of eating tomorrow has made me not stick to the straight and narrow today...silly me!

Hope everyone had a good day!

glad you had a good time Lelly!

my day was mediocre but now it's the weekend woohooo!!!!

moving house next weekend and i can't wait!!! instead of packing i have spent the past few hours looking at sofas on the DFS website lol!!! procrastination is my middle name!!! x