

Gold Member
Please can I have the opinion on instead of having oatbran having porridge?
I know technically it isn't allowed but I went off oatbran ages ago and I've tried to have it this morning and failed,,
Would it be better to have some rough porridge or just not bother at all?
Tar very much my faithful chums!
Such fun!
I'd say not, as it's the wrong part of the husk so doesn't do the "clearing out" job that dr dukan wants the bean to do. Not an expert but it's so specific.

Could you tolerate it in another form? Bread/muffins/yoghurt instead of porridge? X
I have to say I love oatbran. I have even been know to have it when not following dukan. My favourite ways to eat it are as porridge, stirred into yogurt and top of the list is probably as muffins. When I first started Dukan I tried making bread with it but I didn't have much luck there. Good luck finding a way of eating oatbran than you can cope with.