Oh, can I join in with this challenge please. I have just re-started and have lost 7lbs this week. (Half a stone, whoooo!) x x x
Awwww thanks Amybonbon! Had a sneaky weigh in today after a few days of not checking and I'm down that pesky 1/2 a pound! :-D
Not going to put it on the chart officially until Wednesday though so that I know its real lol and not some weird fluctuation!!! X
I think it's safe to say I won't make the 10stone target I set.... 1lb off this week. Will do my finally weigh in on Saturday 1st. And probably be ready for a fresh challenge... Hopefully one that I will actually beat!

Nefertari - 8lbs lost, 6lbs to go
Lara1986 - to get to 10st, 5lbs to go MandyLupton - 0lbs lost, 14lbs to go Louloubelle1978 - 13.5lbs lost, 0.5lbs to go lottiebird - 3.5lbs lost, 10.5lbs to go
Lady73 - 0lbs lost, 14lbs to go
LucyNewMum - 8.5lbs lost, 8.5lbs to go amybonbon - 12lbs lost, 5lbs to go
Clinquant - 11lbs lost, 7lbs to go
Lara you will smash it!
Total loss for the week 3lbs, giving me a total loss of 16.5lbs! Well pleased!
Well done everyone - it's hard work and we all deserve a massive pat on the back!
Lara1986 - to get to 10st, 6lbs to go
MandyLupton - 0lbs lost, 14lbs to go
Louloubelle1978 - 16.5lbs lost, 0lbs to go
lottiebird - 3.5lbs lost, 10.5lbs to go
Lady73 - 0lbs lost, 14lbs to go
LucyNewMum - 8.5lbs lost, 8.5lbs to go
amybonbon - 12lbs lost, 5lbs to go
Clinquant - 11lbs lost, 7lbs to go​
well done. I missed my monday weigh in due to an awful weekend, to much drama. Im back on track and will weigh friday- no chance of hitting my goal but i am so happy at how much ive lost in just over three weeks. I will definately do a november challenge if anyone is interested? x x x girlsbig98 you are so welcome to join!
Well I weighed this morning! Another 4lbs even with the worst weekend! Im so happy lol. I was 1lb short of my target but im so pleased. Welldone everyone. My goal in November is to get to target and actually stay there!

Nefertari - 8lbs lost, 6lbs to go
Lara1986 - to get to 10st, 5lbs to go MandyLupton - 0lbs lost, 14lbs to go Louloubelle1978 - 13.5lbs lost, 0.5lbs to go
lottiebird - 3.5lbs lost, 10.5lbs to go
Lady73 - 0lbs lost, 14lbs to go
LucyNewMum - 8.5lbs lost, 8.5lbs to go
amybonbon - 16lbs lost, 1lbs to go
Clinquant - 11lbs lost, 7lbs to go
Well done. 1lb short is pretty good!

I didn't make my goal of 10stone but I think on 1 oct I was about 11st3 so I've lost a stone still!

Nefertari - 8lbs lost, 6lbs to go
Lara1986 - to get to 10st, 3lbs to go MandyLupton - 0lbs lost, 14lbs to go Louloubelle1978 - 13.5lbs lost, 0.5lbs to go lottiebird - 3.5lbs lost, 10.5lbs to go
Lady73 - 0lbs lost, 14lbs to go
LucyNewMum - 8.5lbs lost, 8.5lbs to go amybonbon - 16lbs lost, 1lbs to go
Clinquant - 11lbs lost, 7lbs to go
Lara1986 were almost the same weight! We can both hit target in novemeber! And be maintaining by Christmas. Welldone everyone that took part. X
Lara1986 were almost the same weight! We can both hit target in novemeber! And be maintaining by Christmas. Welldone everyone that took part. X

Ahhhhh that's so exciting !!! So close!

Do you have a diary?