~*Official Team 3 Thread*~

Happy New Year team. Next year Is the year we all reach our target weight. xx
Happy new year to all!!!!!!
Are you all back on CD? I keep putting it off because of loads of parties keep happening! Looks like it will be Monday now!

Hope you all had a good night last night - the fireworks round here were fab.
I will be back on on the 12th after Disney :D
So that's a week on Monday. Be good to get back on it and lose this weight. I haven't dared weigh myself because I just don't want to know how much I have put on! Talk about head in the sand!!
i went back on it for mon and tues of this week, off yesterday and today, back on till the end as of tomorrow!
got my cdc forms to fill in now too!
Well done Claire - you are nearly there!

Good Luck applying for CDC you would make an inspiring one.

I need to set myself some goals! The thought of being at goal by the end of January makes me mad with myself - I could have done that if I had kept to the diet instead of having days off leading to weeks!

Too late to worry about that though - just need to kick my own backside and get on with it!
I am back on on 12th Jan. Hope to be under 18stone by 28th Feb - thats my first mini goal! Fingers crossed...
hey there guys. i have eaten ridiculous amounts, am desperate to get back on track but am celebrating chrimbo with my dad this weekend. i have managed to arrange going there after dinner tonight to minimise huge dinners. bleurgh. can't wait to get back on track on monday!! i daren't get on the scales!!

abz xx
Hi Abz - nice to 'see' you. There is a thread going on the main boards about weight gain over Christmas - It's scary stuff!

Yes it is you there Tricia - I just popped back onto team 3 to check!

I bet that you are holding at least 10 pounds of water!! When are you restarting? Lets do a mini challenge for 1 week. The losses should be fantastic for the first week back on CD. What do you say ladies?
Sorry Caryl (not really cause you will be with Mickey Mouse) - you will have to do your challenge a week later but you will be able to look at what you have to beat to win! LOL
oops. i seem to have missed a page before i posted...

good luck on your cdc applications claire :D

a mini goal sounds like a good idea. hopefully i'll be back on from monday.

abz xx
Ha Ha Tricia - I misread your post on the main boards and read it as ONE STONE ON!!!! ' I sts' it actually said - that's why I cam back on here to check. Can you imagine!!!!!!!
thank god I didn't put on a stone!!! I could do with a mini challenge though it will help me to stay focused
I am restarting on Monday and will weigh myself at home.
Lets see who can lose the most in one week. I would love to be able to lose the 8 pounds I have put on.
It should be a good loss after the piggin' out over Christmas.
Could you do me a favour and PM me your weigh in results next week (if anyone has started again already) as am away until the 10th and will take me ages to find them on the thread! ty xxx
I am not having an official WI till Tuesday 13th. That means nothing to report while you are away. Have a good time. xx