~*Official Team 3 Thread*~

dont worry abz, whats done is done lol
i'm thinking of my restart as a fresh start. we all need to enjoy and spoil ourselves sometimes, at least we are already "in the know" as to how to deal with it.
we are ready to downsize all the way now!!!!!!
i hopped on the scales this morning and i'm nigh on a stone heavier... although i have been crap with drinking water, it's totm and i've been rather constipated, but even so. not good. have just evicted thomas's shortbread collection from our computer desk as it was looking at me when i got up this morning, ha. have loads to do today but it involves office hours so i might have to go and watch some csi for a bit and have a coffee :)

abz xx
sounds like my kind of plan abz lol
had my weigh in for today..... gained 2lbs in 2 weeks lol. not as bad as i thought!
and filled in my cdc forms today too, so fingers crossed!
well done claire 2 lbs over christmas isn't bad. good lick with the cdc application.
I've lost 1 lb this week , a bit disappointed but can only blame myself I have been picking nothing major - it never is - but oat cakes and crackers are my downfall at the moment, I suppose they are better than chocolate, which is what I would normally go for when not doing cd. Back to work tomorrow so less chance to pick during the day, but its the evenings that will be hard!!
try swapping your picking food for wafer thin chicken or turkey. never affects my loses if i pick on that hun
Ah I would claire but I'm a virtually a veggie and don't really eat meat, don't like the texture or taste.
ah ha... chicken aint gonna help then lol..
i'll keep thinking!
get some quorn pieces and cook and nibble on them?

i gained 8.5lbs over the season on my cdc's scales. mine give a more horrid number, ha. but her's are the ones that count. onwards and downwards!!

abz xx
I don't like quorn either- I'm very fussy I know- I'm not a veggie cause of the animals, its the texture of meat I don't like, so quorn etc is just as bad to me, I'm just going to have to be strong and stop picking altogether. When I first started cd in August I didn't cheat at all, its only since I had 2 breaks for holidays I've been unable to get back into it 100%. if I could just manage 1 week I'm sure I'd be okay. I'm going to do a couple of days ss then I'll be doing 810 so in theory it should be easier.
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if it's only a few weeks i'm sure you'll manage hon.

i feel wretched today. it's my first true ss day. i've had two litres of water, two cups of coffee and a tetra so far. and i feel bleurgh. not hungry. more sick than hungry. and really tired and lethargic. can't wait to get home and collapse in front of csi...

abz xx
Are you back on cd again Abz?

its was my first day back at work after christmas but only had to stay until lunch (training day) but since I've been home I've been picking, I know I've got to stop, I'm so bored and fed up at the moment, I just can't seem to stop myself. I really want a new job but theres nothing about at the moment I keep looking, I'm going to have to find something to keep me occupied and stop me from wandering into the kitchen and mindlessly pick at things.
i did it for most of yesterday to lull myself in but it's my first true day today and i'm feeling rather floaty light and naff to be honest. and i've chosen to start when i have four 10 hour shifts in a row. clever abi *sigh*. ah well. it must be done. not hungry. just feel naff. am drinking shedloads of fizzy water though. it goes down much easier. have had 2.5 litres without thinking. and only because i ran out after the first 2l bottle and had to wait to get more from the shop. am going to have to stock up i think!!

abz xx
Hi - seems we are all finding it hard to start back! I started yesterday and lasted perfectly till about 8pm - then the demon took over and I had everything! I feel really fat and bloated today. So far I have had 1 bar and a low cal meal (200 cals). I am STARVING though! I want hot buttery toast and cheese. :(
Still going strong here! Got my last CD meal to have yet as well. Now I need to avoid the wine!!!
sorry to hear you are struggling girls.
i'm back on plan, but been a bit grumpy today...
one of my best friends started CD today too.... had 3 calls. 6 texts and 1 visit so far! lol
well i made it through yesterday. i was going to do ss+ but tried a slice of ham and it was rank. so did ss and a bit rather than ss+? ha. i could have eaten my own feet, the boiler broke and i spent ages trying to fix it (again. we have someone coming on tuesday) and then on the 'hotline' to get a plumber out that wasn't so hot. by the time i ended up in front of csi a pizza would have been more than welcome. NOT the best of moods. roll on today!! sitting here with masses of fizzy water!!

abz xx
well i gotta tell you girls, i feel like crap today.....
all i wanna do is close the door on the world, and curl up in bed and talk to no-one....
reality is i have to pick someone up, drive for an hour and half to a meeting, making small talk all the way, do a talk at the meeting to approx 100 people, and drive all the way back making more small talk. so it will be about midnight by the time i get back and will be able to hide in bed. not really gonna be a good day!
hope yours is better