~*Official Team 3 Thread*~

Morning Abz, hows it going? I reckon you can get that lb off before weigh in :D gotta love this diet hehe. I am still being really rubbish. Need need NEED to pull myself together
well caryl. this is the first time i've pulled myself together properly in a long time. and i feel rather naff. but i really really need to get rid of another couple of stone before chrimbo so i can go shopping for a wedding dress... i'm getting married next july and don't really want to leave it any longer than that...

am trying to get plenty of water down me today. still feeling rather light headed and a bit wofty but am sure i will get there :) not sure i'll be able to stick at ss for more than this week before moving onto ss+ and staying at that for a while. but if i can get another stone off before i go totally mad and move back up to 810, well at least it's another stone off, ha.

what do you mean you're being rubbish? what have you been up to?? :p

abz xx
good morning guys. is everyone still around? we seem to be a couple of people short?

it's my weigh in tonight and i think i've lost rather a whopping amount in the last week but since i was messing around a bit before that i'll be lucky to have lost anything according to my cdc's scales i think. so wish me luck. but i am now .75lbs below my pre-holiday weight. so it's official. i have done it, ha. i am going to have an ss+ night tonight i think. will see how i go. sticking just to ss for the week has been a bit of a nightmare. i think i'm going to stick to ss on the main and then intersperse ss+ days here and there so that i have a shorter time period to go... does that make sense? weird psychologically i know, but if i can think 'i only need to ss for 5 days and then i can have some chicken' then i find it easier to stick to than 'i need to ss for 14 days before i next see my cdc' as i then tell myself i have two weeks to make up for any damage i may cause....

maybe it's just me :) anyhoo. weigh in at 6.30 tonight. keep your fingers (and toes) crossed for me :)

abz xx
Good luck tonight Abz!!!! I am feeling shiz today, just for a change! Today I mostly have tonsilitis and a possible ear infection - gah. Its never ending I tells ya!

Anyway, I am doing prep this week with the aim of starting back SS on thursday. I have to get it together - Im desperate to get another couple of stone off before christmas...
yeah, now that i am a whole .75lbs lighter than i was mid-september (*sigh*) i need to make sure i keep on going. even though those little self-destructive voices have crept back in... i want to lose a couple of stone before christmas. or at least be a size 16. 14 preferably, but 16 would be good too :)

i'm becoming very saggy all over though. i seem to wobble more these days... suppose that's a good sign but i hate lying in the bath these days...

abz xx
How did it go at weigh in Abz??? at least you are lighter than you were mid september - I am about 10lb heavier :( I just keep telling myself I can get that off in just a couple of weeks of SS - yet I just cant motivate myself to start...grrrrrr. I am going to start at the end of the week and win the team 3 november challenge...oh yes I will!!!!

Can we have a team 3 role call please? Who is still around?
i lost 2.75lbs, ha. although i don't know what i weighed when i started on the team.... i was hoping that frizz would tell me?

anyhoo. i have finally crashed through the 2 stone barrier :D :D it's been eluding me for some time. so i'm 30lbs down. want to get off at least another stone before crimbo!!

abz xx
hello? is anybody around today?

i still have 3.5 hours of work left to go :( and i'm very bored.

and hungry, ha. people are cooking their dinner and i can smell it from a mile off!!

abz xx
Hey Abz - well done on your loss and for breaking the elusive 2stone barrier!!!! you must be feeling very pleased!!!!

Sorry have had a manic few days - went to Bluewater on tuesday for the day (200mile round trip) to meet up with some babycentre friends, yesterday I joined the gym (!) - yes really!!!!!!, and today I took my daughter to Banbury (another 200 mile round trip) to see meet up with my old Birmingham friends and their kids - our 3 kids were born within 3 days of each other!

Anyway...tomorrow is THE big restart day. I am going to get my backside in to gear and get back to SS and lose some weight!!!! Have decided I would really like to get my 100lb off for christmas - so thats about 3 stone I need to lose (ticker not up to date - lol)
good luck with the big restart bish. are we going to try and keep the team ticking over or are we giving it up? love talking to you but two of us doesn't make a team really. more a duet :D

abz xx
Hi Abz & Bish Bosh

Just got back from hols and read the posts while I have been away. You seem to feel the same as I do Abz. I did say more or less the same as you before I went.
I love the support on this board and would like to be in a supportive, challenging team. Can we do this as a threesome??????

PS - I feel so bloated after my week away!!!!!! I can't face the scales at home but have official WI on Tuesday. Hope to lose about 18 pounds by Christmas.
Yes I did have a good holiday. A week in Tenerife - all inclusive, has left me feeling a little bloated to say the least. I fully intended getting right back into CD today but have found it soooooo difficult.
How are you getting on?
Are we keeping team 3 going????

it is hard to get back into it. but try and do it as fast as possible!! i messed around for a month after getting back from denmark (and all that danish pastry!!) and was really angry with myself for not having lost anything at the end of it!! you can do it wilma :D

i don't know what's happening with team 3. fizzy seems to have vanished all together.

abz xx
Morning girls

I am just back from the gym (?!?) and exhausted!!!! Have decided I am going to count myself down back into it this week - try and do 1200 today, 1000 tomorrow, 810 wed, ss+ thursday and SS from friday! I MUST DO THIS
you can do it bish!!

i got into the 13s on my scales this morning... well. 13st13.75lbs... but there's a 13 at the front so it counts!! ha. now i just have to get into them on my cdc's scales so it's official which will be another 5lbs or so...

abz xx