Oh oh Pasta!!


Full Member
Hi, was my birthday yesterday and i was soooooo good - am on ss+ and wanted one meal for the day and was in a wetherspoons, ordered a pasta dish which was gorgeous. Couldn't finish it which was a first!!!
Anyway to my point - have a chosen the wrong thing ketosis wise? Have been reading through the threads and it seems that its carbs that stop ketosis? Is that wrong? I am weighing in on tuesday and would be gutted if i didnt lose or put on, I may as well have scoffed through my birtday ha ha x
pasta plus any refined carbs are a no-no on ss+, sweetheart and will knock you out of ketosis. Oh hun, im feeling it for you. Im on SS+ and chump my way through chicken or fish (even then it feels like im starving).
If you are feeling energetic and still want good results for your weigh in, can you not go for a run or a mega long walk to burn off the carbs?
Hi hon,

As Chunka Malunka above me I'd have to say pasta is a big no-no. Has your CDC not informed you about what you can / cannot have and what can kick you out of ketosis?

It might affect your weightloss but please don't think that if you've gained 5lbs the next day that you've gained 5lbs of fat. Most of it will be water retention / filled tummy so try not to panic, drink lots and lots of water, excersize a bit more to burn it off and stick to the diet.

You might feel more hungry than usual because you ate carbs, if you feel hungry try not to eat but to drink water. It helps you feel more full.

The next time you choose to have a meal and want to stay in ketosis try staying away from things with a lot of carbs and have something like a chicken salad or fish and veg... something low-carb :)

Good luck hon!!

Thank you for your advice!! Luckily i didnt feel hungry yesterday and i had 1 less shake to try and recoup some calories ha ha. Completlely back to normal today - just wanted to lose 4lbs to get my stone and half off - we'll see. Can't believe how quickly it shows, it really gives you that boost! Hope you are all doing well?
week 1 -13
week 2 -4

It's very important to still have all the shakes! They contain vitamins and minerals that are very important for you to have in a day ;-) So even if you slip up or have something with carbs etc please do have all 3 shakes as you need it for its nurtritional value. :)

I'm glad you're not hungry!! At least that'll help you feel better; no ''need'' for carbs. :)

It does really show fast, I agree! I love this diet :)

I'm doing well thank you very much and I see you're doing good too! Go you :)

good luck with WI
fingers crossed, chick xx