ohhhh what a night... AGAIN!!


Bears dont dig on dancin'
My gorgeous little great sleeping 20month old boy came down with a temperature the day before yesterday. The night before last he slept really well. Then came last night...

I should have taken this as a sign of things to come. We use a babymonitor as our room is on the floor above T's so we wouldn't hear him without it. Turned it on "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-SSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH-EEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

It screeched so loud I couldn't turn it off, and had to hack at it with scissors to get the battery unit off. So, now no baby monitor...

Then he woke up... again and again and again until 9pm when I set up camp on his bedroom floor and he slept there with me... he was awake every 20mins!! He finally went into deep sleep at 4am!!!!! :eek: so i've had about 3hrs sleep and I'm shattered... looking for some sympathy! OH got in at 5 and went straight to bed :( I can't wait for nap time!!! Had to vent somewhere thanks for reading!

Oh, and I WI in about 30mins arrrrgh!!! Xx
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Oh you poor thing? We've all been there. why didn't you take him to bed with you? I really hope it's better tonight.

well done on your weight loss. It will be all too easy to binge today, tired and lethargic.

Sounds like you're doing a great job as slimmer and as Mum.

Yes, I remember those night well! I hope that you manage to get a rest today and hope he's better too.
Well done on your weight loss xx
Thanks you two. Our house has 3 floors. LO's room is in the middle and ours is the top, but we can't put a stair gate at the top of our stairs so that's why he couldn't sleep in my bed. But saying that, even in our old house he wouldn't sleep in ours, he likes his own!! :)

I've got one of those "not enough sleep" headaches. Meh. T has got all the energy in the world today, it seems despite him waking up he slept well! Seems a lot better lol... and wants to run everywhere... oh help me!! He'd better sleep tonight, got to visit a potential nursery for T tomorrow! :eek: xx
This is totally off topic, but I think your food diary is so well presented. As a newbie, it is great to see all your diaries without trawling through masses of pages. I also like your weekly review. Totally unrelated to this topic but I didn't want to spoil your food diary. :).
Ahhh thankyou!! I'm just very organised and artistic and it HAS to be just right lol.

I often don't read other peoples for the same reason as you, its a pain trawling through posts. :) xx
Oh the joys of motherhood! Just wait till you hit the menopause :eek: (sorry)
I do no know how you feel. When my eldest was 20 months, my hubbie worked awy, I was pregnant, and worked full time. HELL!!!
It will get better, I promise.

Blimey Lynda, supermum!!

For my own sanity he had better sleep well tonight :eek: :(

Judi, cheers for that... :D make me feel old :) I'm only 25!! Chill with the menopause jokes for atleast another 20!! ;) :D Lol.xx