On the last leg of my journey

Thanks Liza I didn't think of that! I had my day off yesterday to celebrate my 5th wedding anniversary. Back on track today and even went to the gym. I was due to have my day off today but I decided to do it yesterday so that I might show a sts or loss on weigh in day which is Friday. I'll be busy painting tomorrow so won't have time to think of food all going well.
Thanks Lass I'll need it! I am super stressed today, my shop is opening in 12 days and there is so much to do. And some many crafters are not getting back to me and it's their stuff I'm selling but I'd imaging I'll have a mad rush the day before I open (I hope). Nearly fell off the wagon yesterday and gave into my stress but instead I just cleaned the footpath outside!! Odd but it worked. So more painting for me today and somehow I must try not to PANIC !!!
Thanks Illa and congrats on your huge losses!
Today went ok except my tummy has slowed down compleatly!! Got some painting done but generally feel a bit dozy today can't think straight but I guess thats because I'm getting back into ketosis. I tried the mint choc bar today and don't like it that much, it's like a rice crispy bun gone wrong!!!
Poor you feeling woozy, and hating the food - I hope you enjoy the other bars/shakes better. You must be using lots of energy getting the shop up and running. I hope it all goes well for you.
Week 3 weigh in

Thanks Lass, it certainly keeps my mind off food but have to climb stairs to get to the loo and I go a lot! I'm on the first floor and the loo is on the third so thats plenty excercise right there lol.

So it's my week 3 weigh in and I have stayed the same :D I'm sure if my weigh in was tomorrow I'd be lighter becasue my bowels have started working again :eek:

I'm freaking out that I'll have an empty shop. I'm renting out spaces to crafts people and they are slow to commit to the idea. They prefer a commission but I'm trying to keep the prices low and cover my bills. Fingers crosses it'll all work out :eek:
As expected the scales was down 2lbs this morning. But I don't feel well today, I'm very tired and have a sore throat. Hope it leaves soon, I have a lot to do and my poor brain is foggy. Had a blip today too and ate a crepe with ham,cheese,mushroom & onion. I was at a market and there was food everywhere and it was hard not to eat anything. Then I think I'm so close to goal, why am I messing around. I can see changes now, my collar bone had a dent under it!! My knees are sticking out and I can see my leg bone on the front. I just wish my jelly belly would hurry up and shrink. Sorry for the rant and feeling sorry for myself......
Hi Lass and well done on your losses as well :)
I feel better today and got a lot done. Had a big gap between breakfast and dinner but I didn't break the diet or go mad. I'm quiet surprised at how well I've done, however due to my blip yesterday my stomach has slowed down again.

I was so grumpy this morning thou and had a stupid argument with my husband about a step on the stair case lol it needs fixing and he thought it didnt. But he realised in the end I was right and we went on to have a good day. Hopefully I'll get to the gym tomorrow and tone up this saggy body of mine....
I didn't get to the gym today but It was another clean day :) Woke up with a headache but some water fixed that. Did some cleaning in the shop and I get hot really quick yuk and climbing 2 sets of stairs in one go is impossible for me I'm too weak. On a different note I'm getting my driving licence tomorrow!!! I'm looking forward to driving but also a bit terrified!!
Thanks and it's working, the scales dropped another lb today that was 1lb in a day!!! However I ate a wrap today and I know I shouldn't have :-( I'm drinking lots of water now but I have my weigh in tomorrow so we'll see how it goes. Everything else is going well and I'm looking forward to opening my little shop on Monday:)
Well all in all I dropped off 4lbs in the last week. I'm surprised but delighted with that, it's a whole stone (14lbs) off!!! I bought one of those whisks from my cdc so when I'm working I can make my soup for lunch and I'm thinking I might do ss+ a few days if I feel very hungry. I went to McDonald's today and ate a grilled chicken salad with no croutons of course.

Today was the first day I felt thinner and didn't feel the need to constantly pull in my stomach. It seems to be shrinking from the sides inwards which is odd. I also bought a body brush today to help with the cellulite and stretch marks :) I'm actually really nervous about being alone in the shop and I will be there alone from Wednesday onwards. My life is changing so fast and I'm glad my body is changing too because it was always a confidence killer, I just felt fat!
You have done so well - you must be very proud of what you achieved so far. Let me know if the body brush works - never heard of it but if it gets rid of cellulite what a result!
Hi Lass

From what I know it stimulates blood flow and helps fat to break down. I remember having some special body scrub before and it was more the motion on the area that helps it stay smooth. You have to use the brush starting at your feet and scrub circular motion upwards. I got it in Boots :) I hope it works, especially on my thighs!!