One SS day at a time...


Gold Member
I already have a diary thread on this part of the forum but I'm going to let it sink. There's at least a couple of others languishing in the depths. :4633:

Why a new diary thread? We-ell…

See, the thing is, I'm back to do Cambridge for the gazillionth time and I don't want the ghosts of my previous attempts cluttering up the place. Because they make me feel a bit silly, really. I mean, if I could bottle up all the hard work that I've put into trying to stay on the diet and shed pounds over the last 4 and a bit years, I'd have an awful lot of bottles, each holding a different amount. I could probably get quite a tune out of them if I banged them with a spoon.

So it's about time I actually went somewhere with this, rather than keep filling bottles then kicking them over (I'm not sure how long I can keep going with this analogy - I think I might have to stop now :D).

The longest I have managed to keep to SS on a restart is 4 weeks. :( Why only 4 weeks, I have no idea. I can be getting well into a winning streak and then, in the space of a few minutes, blow the whole damn thing. It then takes me weeks (often 3-4) to get back in the swing of things, by which time any progress I made during the successful weeks disappears.

It's a nasty pattern. A very frustrating one. So I was thinking. How about I challenge myself to keep going for 5 weeks? Do you think there's the slightest chance that I might break the pattern? Can I even do it?

Do I want to do it?

Urrgh. Ask me on any given day and I'll tell you that I do. And yet the evidence would rather suggest the opposite. Tonight, for example, having troughed my way through some very naughty food, I'm feeling completely ambivalent about it.

Except I'm not, am I? Because I'm writing this post. :busted:

Okay. Tomorrow, I shall be doing SS. Let's plan as far ahead as that. I'll worry about Saturday tomorrow...
right petal - i know you know this with your eyes closed, but take some advice. articulate what getting to your target means to you. why it's better than staying as you are. what would it mean if you had to stay your current weight.

detail, examples... get in touch with your motivation - forget the process for now.

If anyone can do this, then someone as clever and wise and aware as you must succeed. it's just that deceptively simple thing of taking your own advice.