One step at a time


I am not doing any diet really:) I am just eating everything but in small portion( 3 meals ) and 3 snacks and lots of veggie and fruits......I avoid white bread ....if I really miss it I eat two bites that's it addition I work out 6 times a week at least 20 min a don't wanna work hard and end up feeling so hungry and eat all the calories Deficit I created far so good......third week , 4 kilos gone...... And the past few weeks has been hard coz I have to sit in the meeting for a whole day and they serve very delicious cookies......but my eyes was on the prize ....I ate most of the food they bring but a little bit of everything .......I don't want deprive myself and end up giving up altogether.........I am taking one step at a time I short term goal is to reach 60 kg by next month and 54 by August........fingers crossed:)
traveling back home , managed to squeeze in some few ab workout this morning and a good breakfast:)......I had a cup of pineaples , 1 pancake, a cup of chicken soup and two oranges right after I woke up...... feeling good...... I am carrying two apples to eat on the way later
so we stopped for 10 min break..... people are going to eat .....but do I feel really hungry , No ! am I bored ? yes, do I want to eat because I am bored ,? definitely ! is it worth it? No..... so I wait till I reach home:)
home sweet home and I am starving..... I am having a 1.5 cup grapes, 1 green apple , 1/4 piece of ovacado and 170g low fat plain yogurt for lunch!