oof plan for a month, attack or restart with cruise


Silver Member
I've been off the plan for a month. Should I do attack or restart on cruise? Any advice please?
People say attack doesn't work so well second time round - I think personally I would go back onto cruise - it's only a month you've been off plan and I think going onto cruise would be easier for you xx good luck :)
What Scoot said said xxx straight back onto cruise xxx
Ive restarted with Attack 2 or 3 times and have been equally successful
I'm doing a few pp soon as I've had a weekend of junk! X
lots of replies there, so it really comes down to how you feel. I have read a few times though that attack doesn't always work as well after the first time. You might be better off doing a few PP days, or maybe the PV days only have veg at one meal just to keep the vitamins going in to your system.
Hi Chine what have you decided??? good luck xxx
Day one done, going to do a few pp days, then back onto cruise.
sounds like you have a plan. well done on day one, keep going x
I agree I would start with pp too. I do the dukan diet slightly differently from others and do a rotation of cruise and then consolidate. Then back to cruise for more weight loss and consolidate again. I fin d that this works well for me and when I go back to cruise I always start with PP for a day or 2. Hope it goes well for you. x