Oooh how fab! I'm so excited!

Ooh Bea good plan! No Rach, no spa, bless them, that would hve been rather nice!
I use the body shop shea one - its really brilliant!! Although as Rach said have it done for you is even more enjoyable!!!
Good idea...use something on your face to protect it....need to avoid any future wrinkles!!!!
i love ur pic. u do look really different, well done xxxx
Thanks guys :)
Also wearing pink, not a shred of black! After 6 years of wearing nothing but black to make me look smaller I have decided to be all the colours of the rainbow lol!
Thanks guys :)
Also wearing pink, not a shred of black! After 6 years of wearing nothing but black to make me look smaller I have decided to be all the colours of the rainbow lol!

oh im sitting here shame-faced now as im sporting a black top, black combats and black trainers for the gym tonight... :eek: :rolleyes:
Aaaw Amanda, how lovely, its a very romantic place isnt it!! Most of the Hall is covered up with scaffolding and plastic atm, following the fire, I can wait for it to all be finished!
28" is scary slim!!! isnt it!!!! Oh cant wait to be 30".... (high five to Elllllleeee)
LOL yes but Bea, remember that is the corset size, so its a good few inches smaller than meeeeeee!!!!!!! Tee hee!

Ooh and Map, wearing a corset every day actually does make your waist smaller!!! But if you stop wearing it it goes back to its original shape and size.... so you have to keep going!