

Silver Member
Don't know wat happened, I ate half an egg mayo sarin.....I've been 100% I don't know wat came over me when I'm so dedicated! Well my advice is not do, about an hour after had bad stomach pains and...erm....had to run home from the shops to go to the toilet it was that bad. Sorry I know too much info, but I'm not doing that again. I suppose on the plus side it won't be going on as weight lol
Listen, I've done it myself. Don't beat yourself up. Just move on and forget about it. The worst thing u can do is binge/keep thinking about it. Start afresh and know its really not worth it! NOTHING tastes as good as slim feels!!xx
At least you had to run so burned off some calories, and as it went straight thru you it won't have done too much damage. It was the diet getting you back by the way :)
I find that too if I have eaten something off plan then its get me to a toilet very quickly, it goes to show that are bodies are temples and not meant for crap lol
Well I must have cast iron guts then as nothing makes me dash to the loo much as I might like it to sometimes! :) Well apart from Dulcolax that is!