Operation Confidence


Full Member
So this is my second time around.

I attended a sw group near my work place for about 3 months. At first it was great but then I started struggling. Started feeling quite tired and hungry all the time and really unmotivated with the group. At first I put it down to everyone in my group being in a completely different situation to me (I'm 26): They where all either a lot older or had children in school. It became apparently to me that it wasn't just that, there were things with my group that I didn't like such as endless discussions on Smash, let alone my consultant constantly forgetting I am a veggie.

When it came to my partner and I finally finding our own place, I was so down with slimming I decided not to find a new group.

Over a drink I explained to a friend (really sucessful sw member) why I wasn't returning. She said her group was completely different and I should try again.

So things have settled down and I went along to a group last night. Tbh, I didn't think anything would change my mind but given a rather epic 'I hate my body' melt down my boyfriend convinced me to try again, to get a bit more confidence.

One of the first things the new consulant asked was if I was a veggie. She recommended the Green plan, something I'd heard of but thought sw didn't do anymore because extra easy was better. She didn't have chance to go over it completely but asked me to call her if there are any issues. AND she didn't mention Smash once!

I'm already feeling so much more positive. Turns out my friend has been on green the whole time AND it's great for veggies.

Proper excited to get on plan and start feeling slimmer. I know from last time that my confidence shoots through the roof after a loss so I'm super excited.

As always, it never rains it pours.

I've been tested since waking up.

Firstly the boyfriend comes in drunk and loud at 1am so I'm shattered this morning and wanted a latte. I could have easily had one however it would use up my milk allowance. When it comes down to it, I'd rather have a couple of cups of tea rather than one latte.

THEN I've had to put in a formal complaint in against a manager as he is bullying me. Blatantly bullying me. Thing is, I feel so positive about sw that running to the snack machine hasn't even crossed my mind.

Guess I'm super excited about the new plan and that last night I found out that in 2 months of not going sw I've maintained my weight. Impressive given the amount I've munched tbh.

Bring on weight in next week!
Thank you!

Yesterday I was off plan as I went to a funeral although I'm having no issue jumping back on it today. If I'm honest I'm happy with small losses, 1 -2 pounds a week and I'm a happy camper, so if I have a day off plan I'm not going to worry about it. Let's face it, everyone has naughty days. Saying that, I didn't really eat as much as I thought I would :)
Bit of a terribly off plan weekend.
Spent most of it stressed out about work as the issue with the assistant manager should be raised today and, for me, stress = noms.
Have allowed myself some extra syns for today just in case I need them. Having eggs chips and beans when I get home though, think comfort food is needed :)
Hi Sasbot!

I'm a fellow veggie doing green plan :)

I stopped going to my group for different reasons but I think the dynamics of the group can be so important on your weight loss. Stick with the green plan - it's great!

Hope things are ok with your manager :( I was in a job I hated last year with a manager who was horrible to me and that's when I piled on the pounds so stay strong!! x
Hey Jessie!

The green plan feels like i'm eating too much stodge tbh. May just be because I trusted EE, will speak to my consultant at group later.

The manager actually apologised today so I'm feeling surprisingly good.

Still prepared for a gain though :p
Put one on last night. Not really surprised but still not great.
My friend managed to put 4 on so we are going to kick each others butts this week.

If I 100% it for one week it will be enough to make me go for it.

Breakfast - toast (syned)
Lunch - co-op carrot and coriander soup and wholemeal role (B choice)
Tea- pasta with my home made spicy tomato sauce and tones of veg.

Loads of fruity snacks.


.......Might have a yogurt as I'm proper hungry despite the toast.
We all have good and bad weeks! i think the group is a big part of helping you lose weight! unfortunatly the group im at now the consultant has changed and i found her a bit rude last night at group. I love the people tho that are in the group! im just afraid of this consultant putting me off staying for image therapy!
I don't think I could do it without group but I can't go tonight- again! Silly me has gone and had an accident and I need to stay at home and rest.

How did you find your consultant rude? I hope she wasn't making comments about peoples weight, thats a massive no no. My old consultant seemed nice and supportive, it just turns out she didn't really know what she was talking about. The days I've stuck to green I've been so full and happy. Shame I've let life get in the way a bit.

Oh well, next week will be a loss!!!
Today is so hard. Lost 1 and half last week but petrified I've put it back on (been a bit naughty, stupid tempting halloween).

I've tried crunching on iceberg lettuce trying to pretend its crisps and have resorted to giving my purse to a work mate so I can't go the crisps machine. This is hell but I know if I eat crisps I will feel worse. Have got the SW website open as my old log in has all my weight loss stored and I'm glaring at it whenever I feel dizzy.

Urgh, this will all be worth it later. Have saved my syns so I can have a bonfire night treat