Operation shrink......... let's go!!!

Ok so it's the start of day 3, I've had my 1st pack and 2 pints of water already.
Since embarking on my weight loss journey
In December with doing just eating healthy my starting weight was
227.8 lb and on Friday when I started s&s I was 217.8 lb and on day 3 I weigh 215.6lb that's amazing whoop whoop that was a nice little boost for me this morning :)

So results are in
90.6lb to go :)

Well done-it keeps me motivated too :)

9lbs down 35.5lbs to go to first goal
Well here we are on day 4 :) I’m feeling ok but a little disappointed at the fact I have gone from 215.6lb to 217.8lb over night although I didn’t drink and awful lot of water yesterday because I was made busy doing job and the usual bit and pieces :-( but I’m not going to dwell on it and I will drink tons of the bloody stuff today lol.

Off out later for dinner but I’m going to stick to as much protein or salad as I can, I don’t know where I’m going yet as nobody can agree on a place so I’m going to try and be as good as I possibly can with what foods/options I am presented with. I will however only have breakfast pack and mid-day snack just in case I hit a brick wall.

Thanks for subscribing to my diary and for your comment of encouragement they mean a lot to me. xxx
Well here we are on day 4 :) I’m feeling ok but a little disappointed at the fact I have gone from 215.6lb to 217.8lb over night although I didn’t drink and awful lot of water yesterday because I was made busy doing job and the usual bit and pieces :-( but I’m not going to dwell on it and I will drink tons of the bloody stuff today lol.

Off out later for dinner but I’m going to stick to as much protein or salad as I can, I don’t know where I’m going yet as nobody can agree on a place so I’m going to try and be as good as I possibly can with what foods/options I am presented with. I will however only have breakfast pack and mid-day snack just in case I hit a brick wall.

Thanks for subscribing to my diary and for your comment of encouragement they mean a lot to me. xxx

Don't worry about the blip on the scales-we all get them! In reality, there is no way you could have gained 2lbs over night, it'll probably just be water retention! Keep drinking and you'll undoubtably get a woooosh before weigh in x good luck x

9lbs down 35.5lbs to go to first goal
Day 6
I haven't been around for a few days because i have been trying to get my head in the right place.........i had a sneaky weigh in ( wish i didn't) and i have only lost 2lb so far :cry:but i haven't let that result push me off my train lol. It is TOTM for me so that probably doesn't help the matter either.
I'm really enjoying the pack so all is good there.
I'm going to not get on the scales now till weigh in day on Sunday fingers crossed i loose some more by then.
I have been very good with my water which i am completely surprised at,each day i have had between 3 and 4 ltrs of the stuff lol.
OK onwards and downwards. Take care and i will keep you posted.
Thanks huni i am sticking to it 100% i even went for dinner the other night at pizza hut and only had salad :) with no dressing or extra bits. I'm staying positive.
Like I was saying on a different thread. Step awaaaay from the scales! Look how disheartened the number made you feel! Weighing in so often will not do you any good as the slow progress (according to the scales) doesn't reflect the true level of your progress.
Stick to weekly weigh ins Hun.
Ok thanks god today is over and it's bed time. I have had the day from hell.... I feel so down in the dumps toady and I can't snap out of it the lack of loss hasn't helped plus I tried the dress on and there is no improvement I have 3 weeks to get I to it...... No chance we'll 2 really because if it doesn't fit I will need to get It made bigger grrrr...... Not a happy bunny at all.
Tomorrow will be a better day although I'm going out for a meal and drinks tomorrow evening it's a kind of a hen party but nit cos everyone is poorly...... I will have me packs but only 3 then I will eat a salad or protein and drink water all night.
I hope I have a decent loss on the scales on Sunday I don't think starting on week with totm visiting :-(. After having a sneaky peak I have only lost 2lbs so fingers crossed, although I feel really bloated and huge today I'm hoping it will disappear before I do all my measurements. Sorry for the moan xx
Things are going well I have now lost another 3.6lb this week and when I did my measurements I lost 36cm from all over my body after I added them all together, I have another 2 week left to get into the dress which might I say is going very well :) xxx
Wow 36cm thats some fab losses well done
I know I was pretty shocked myself as the loss on the scales wasn't great, I had to measure myself 4 time till it sunk in lol xxx
Have you drank enough water? Thats usually the problem with the scales not moving as fast as the inches
Not for a few days I didn't no :-( this week I will do better though... I'm in panic mode now with only 2 week to go till the wedding :-/xx
Just drink lots of water all the time thats the key. And think how much slimmer you will be come the wedding.
Aaaaahhhhhhhhh cry cry cry sob sob look I fit into the dress xxx








I couldn't be happier xxxxx