Out of Order CD Counsellor

I travel an hour to get to my CDC. If the one closest to you is no good - change! It's as simple as that really.
Once you have had an initial consultation i'm pretty sure CDCs can post things out to you.
Find a different CDC - you'll see from reading on here there are loads of fantastic ones out there!
Hello all,

My CDC is not great (but I'm not going to go on to slate her on here) She supplies the full range of product (for £1.60 an item!) - however no counselling! When I need advice, I come to this site and the pink one. I prefer to get a range of experiences anyhow, then make my decision.

My point is, and this may seem harsh....

We all need to learn to take responsibilities for our actions.

It is not the fault of your CDC if you go off and binge, even if you think that her comments made you feel bad, that is your interpretation of the events, she did not pin you to the sofa and force food down your throat!

I'm not disputing that some good advice and encouragement won't spur you on. But ultimately it is only you who can control your body.

If you really feel that some hurtful words can send you off on a binge (or other destructive behaviour) then you should look into some cognitive behavioural therapy whilst on SS, or you will still face this danger when you come off the diet and risk undoing all your hard work. As far as I am aware CD does not promise you this kind of counselling? Though a CDC may correct me?

I truly hope that nobody takes offence at this post. It is not directed at any individual post but just my opinion on where your head needs to be whilst on this kind of diet.

Actually I have taken offence at this. I've taken offence because I don't like the black and white nature of your response - although I do respect your point - so don't think I hate you or have fallen out with you! :)

By virtue of the fact that those people from which
one buys shakes from are defined as "Counsellors" then one expects a level of 'support' or at the very least descretion and tact by way of how the "Counsellor" behaves. CDC's are dealing (sometimes) with people who have had a lifetime's worth of ridicule, prejudice and anguish. They come and undertake this extreme diet as a way passed that. If a CDC (whether a counsellor, agent or whatever) cannot even see fit to empathise with this then they should be struck off - forthwith.

I think the suggest that "we all need to take responsibilities (sic) for our actions." is kinda teaching us how to suck eggs - we're adults and I think we know this already.

HOWEVER I would put forward suggestion that Cambridge Diet is misselling part of the service IF part of said service is delivered by 'counsellors', because they aren't, if what you say is the belief of Cmabridge HQ and is uniform across the board - they are "agents" acting as franshisees of the Cambridge Diet, akin to leaders of Rosemary Conley, Weight Watchers et al. I You'll note I do not include those people who run Lighter Life, because I am of the impression they ARE trained NVQ level counsellors(?).

My post is no way a slight or black mark against the good people/ CDC's who come here and really do offer advice ... but I'm sure I am not the only one who wonders why CDC's have the "Counsellor" moniker.

FWIW I am happy to continue with my CDC, she gets results, works with local hospitals and I believe the way to please her is to gt on and succeed with the Crazy Diet. Her tone, manner may not be to my liking, sometimes, but I regard that as part of the rich tapestry of life! :)

Just my 2p.:)

I still love you all ......