Out of routine and feeling the urge already!


Gold Member
Well I have been in London for approximately 4 hrs with my parents and I want to cheat already damn was so positive at home!!

Just sat down to a bigger than allowed chicken salad whilst my family ate a stunning looking pasta!! I'm still seeing that as a victory though!

I 100% won't drink but I really don't want to cheat at all! Not even with an extra bit of protein although if I do cheat it will 100% not be carbs or junk!

Had anyone cheated by having extra protein and not have it ruin their week?

This weekend is gonna be harder than I thought to get through! :(

I'm not gonna torture myself or I'll be snappy and I don't spend time with my family much. I'll try and stick to ss+ as best I can but if I need to eat a little more protein I will and do ss wen I get home for the other 2 days until wi.

They are drinking now and eating chocolate- that's just cruel! Lol but does make me realise just how much I would have stuffed already!

Need to stop beating myself up, this is a lifestyle change afterall!