OzzieMoz's Upside Down Diary!

Lol - I think we should aim for the kindly support. Predominantly. :D

Hope your dickie tummy gets better soon. I could do with one of those actually. Not a lot happening movement-wise in the bottom department here. And it's weigh day for me tomorrow. I need things to happen!

Okeydokes... kindly support it is then - for now anyway ;) :p My "happening" food tends to be pineapple and broccoli - but not together, well it probably would work together, just I don't fancy that particular combo! I hope you have a "happen" before WI - good luck with that! the weigh-in that is... that by the way is my new word - I need to go for a "happen" :D

Congrats on your 1/2 stone award!! I got so excited when I received mine! It's like being in Primary School again and it feels sooo good!! It's amazing how motivating a simple sticker can be!! I've got 4lb to go until I get my stone award and can't wait!!

:D @ being at primary school! I so know what you mean. I'm really looking forward to the 1 stone sticker as it's blue, my favourite colour! Now how childish is that?! :D The weight loss would be good too, but I want the blue sticker!

Have to agree with you on products called sanitarium or whatever they were lol...I'd definitely give them a wide berth! I guess I feel the same about physalis - even if it was the tastiest fruit around (which it isn't....it resembles a kangaroo's testicle..not that I've ever seen one other than on the tv lol..!

Oh dear, you made me giggle... I had never even heard of a physalis, so I had to look it up, and now when I go up to our local zoo I have a nasty feeling that I'm going to be looking at a kangaroos unmentionables to compare and it's all your fault! :p

hey ozzie, it sounds to me like you need a treat and a day off from cooking for being so angelic :D

I think you should go along to the raw prawn on the esplanade and have a lunch special and order the steak, its the best steak i've ever had they aren't massive portions for the special so it would be perfect.

Then have a ride up to PD and have a roasted coconut icecream for me lol


I've never been to the raw prawn, in fact considering I've been here nearly 3 years I've hardly eaten out at all :cry: The roasted coconut ice-cream at Port Douglas sounds yummy, are you talking about from that ice-cream shop which seems to have 100s of different flavours? I've been there a few times, but I'm a sucker for mint choc chip - always my favourite!

I'm just off to cook an early lunch for my girly and me - baked beans/mushrooms/bacon and maybe egg if I can be bothered! I haven't mentioned the egg to her so she can't feel deprived if I have a last minute bout of laziness!

Hope all of you are tucked up in bed having a good nights sleep! Onwards with my day! :D
Well my plan not to cook eggs with lunch yesterday failed dismally as my daughter insisted that I had promised her egg, I insisted I hadn't, and she came up with the rather eerie line "well you thought about it" ... :eek: she reads my mind!! Anyway, we had eggs with it, and it was delicious. It's lovely being able to cook ordinary food and know that I'm staying on plan. :)

Made a HUGE and by HUGE I mean GINORMOUS pot of vegetable pasta sauce last night - going to split it up and freeze it this morning, just for those days where I can't be bothered to cook. Mind you, not much room in the freezer, all full of fish from my OH fishing trips. We all love fish, but for some reason, whenever he goes fishing, he catches it, freezes it, then we get rid of it a few months later! A strange aussie tradition I think ;)

Beautiful weather seems to be back, lovely blue skies and bright sunshine, 25C at 7.30 in the morning. If it would stay like this all day, it would be perfect, but it's inevitably going to get hotter. I've got ironing to do as well :cry: If you hear a strange noise in the night, it's me doing my impression of the wicked witch of the west from the Wizard of Oz ... "I'm meltinggggg....."

Today will be a test of character, my m-i-l works in a local cafe and my little girl wants to go in and have lunch there to see her. The food is beautiful but not sure how SW friendly it is. Will do my best though!

Hope everyone is doing well and keeping focussed! :)
I hope your lunch goes ok today Ozzie! Golly we could do with a bit of your weather here. Hasn't stopped raining since 1983.

I did have a happening before my weigh in. Hooray!

I love eggs - I seem to have got into the habit of having 2 boiled eggs at 9pm. Never used to eat boiled eggs. Not sure why! I don't even miss the soldiers though I could probably have some occasionally as a HexB. I remember from low carbing days that the more eggs I ate, the more weight I lost. Weird but true.
Btw - the 'Sanitarium' products really made me laugh. What a name!
I don't like boiled eggs. There, I've admitted it at last. Now I've faced the truth, I can deal with it and move on. I can forgive myself, draw a line under the whole affair, move forward. I don't like them. I'm almost launching into a Dr Seuss babble now ... "I do not like boiled eggs and ham, I do not like them Sorus-I-Am"

I think the thought of lunch out is making me hysterical, I better go and lie down. :eek:

PS I do like ham.
I think the thought of lunch out is making me hysterical, I better go and lie down. :eek:

PS I do like ham.

oooo where you going for lunch, I do miss lunch at the marina, I do miss Cairns :cry: the icecream shop sounds the same, its the one with all the circles on the back wall with photos of the icecream in them :D

Have a nice lunch out
Not going anywhere at all fancy, just a greasy spoon style cafe where my m-i-l works. My little girl likes to go in and see her at work during school holidays.

I see you've had a great loss again this week soccermom - you're doing so well! :worthy: I'm not only in Cairns, I'm also in awe!! :D
Ha! It's the boiled egg confession thread! Perhaps you could be the founder member of BEHA - Boiled Egg Haters Anonymous. Just think of all the people round the world who have been too afraid to speak up and admit the truth up till now. The unnecessary emotional suffering etc.

Great excitement here today. It's NOT RAINING. There are even patches of blue sky. Blimey. It has rained non stop for 50 days. So I think of you sitting having your lunch in the beautiful Cairns weather and weep. Hope it went well.
Meh! I know where your rain went Sorus, it journeyed south - it's raining this morning! Actually I don't really mind the rain first thing in the morning, because it's (a) strangely warm and (b) I don't have to go out in it as it's school holidays!

Lunch out, wasn't terribly grand, had a bacon and egg roll, which was absolutely delicious and girly just had a plate of chips and a good few bites out of my roll - bless her, she is learning that what everyone else orders always seems nicer than what you ask for yourself! Managed to have a natter with my m-i-l as it was a quiet time at the cafe, so that was good. It was quite a pleasant day overall.

Apart from that slight bit of naughtiness, which wasn't terrible in the scheme of things, I was good all day again.

Just realised I have to go wake the lads up for work. Will be back later to read some diaries!

Hope everyone is having a good day!
Plan-wise I had another excellent day, but having had a sneaky-peek at the scales this morning I see that my weight is still just not shifting and has gone up in fact another pound - this is having put one on last week. It is that week so that might account for it, I'm hoping so, as I know I'm doing things right. I'm just going to keep on going, not get down-hearted and see what WI brings on Sunday morning.

Dead tired this morning, I wouldn't have got up if it hadn't of been for the cat, he is my unofficial alarm-clock which is set for random ungodly hours in the morning when he decides it's time someone was up! He actually pesters my OH who manages to ignore him and carry on sleeping, but I can't, so it's invariably me who gets up. Tomorrow morning, I'm having a lie-in, no matter what! I'm shattered.

Hmmmmm, anything else I can whinge about? I seem to be in a whingey mood, although I thought I was feeling quite cheery underneath the outer layer of yawning, it seems that the outer layer of yawning is wrapped round a layer of cheeriness, in which lies at the centre a moaning minnie!! :D

Hope everyone is having a good day, I'm going to sit back with my first cup of tea of the day and read some diaries :)
Stuck on-plan quite happily again yesterday. Extra easy really is easy ... except I don't seem to be losing weight any more, so maybe it's so easy because I'm doing it all wrong :eek: I'll have a bit of a read of the plan again, make sure I'm not forgetting anything and I'll give it another week and if nothing starts going then I may have to start posting a food diary so others can show where I may be going wrong, if I am.

OH and stepson are out laying a friend's lawn so that means the house is lovely and peaceful - well as peaceful as a house can be with a 7yo who is getting very excited about Christmas! She's busy sorting out a home-made xmas present for the cat and dog at the moment. I'm sure they'll be thrilled ;)

Today is my last day to shift some of this weight before WI tomorrow. Last 2 weeks have been disappointing, a sts and then a pound on last week and this is that week so I'm not hopeful, but would find a sts depressing, but at the moment, I think that would be the best I can achieve! I've been watching the Biggest Loser UK the last few weeks, shhhhh don't tell me who wins, and think maybe I will do some "last chance training" and run up and down the garden. Interestingly enough, I miss stairs, alot of the houses here are what they call "low sets" or bungalows as we know them, so I rarely climb stairs. I think I'm going to blame my weight-gain since I got here on the absence of stairs :D

Anyway, I'm wittering again, so I better stop now! Hope everyone had a good week and has a great weekend ahead :)
So today is WI day, well it will be in a couple of hours - I have to wait til it's gone midnight in the UK before I can enter my weight online. In spite of it being that week I've lost half a pound, but that still overall means half pound on over the last 3 weeks where I have actually stuck to plan, so it is a tad disappointing. However, as per yesterday's babble I'm going to give it one more week doing what I'm doing, and if it doesn't start to come off again, then I'll start posting over in food diaries to see where I might be going wrong. I'm remaining positive though and am sticking to it!

Still haven't started my Christmas shopping, was going to yesterday but problem with the bank and couldn't get any money out. Need to sort it or not only will there be no Christmas, we'll have no food! Hmmmm might lose weight though!! :rotflmao:

Tomorrow we're going to put the Christmas tree up and see if that gets me feeling more festive. I think it's all the heat and sunshine it just doesn't feel like Christmas here. This will be my 3rd Christmas in Australia, hopefully I'll get used to it in time. Although secretly, shhhhh don't tell anyone, I'm thinking of nipping back to the UK for Christmas next year, subject to finance of course!

Today, is going to be a fun-filled day of ironing and cleaning out my daughter's room. My goodness I really lead the high-life! Oh and just looked over my shoulder and realised I didn't do the dishes last night, so they're still to do and flyingfoxes crapped on the washing line yesterday afternoon so I have some washing to re-do. Yayyy, go me!

But for now, I'm going to sit with my first cup of tea of the day, eat some fruit and yoghurt and read diaries! Hope to see some cheery posts! :D
Hiya Ozzie - well done on your half a pound! That probably means 2 pounds in real money cos it's THAT week. I know what you mean about Extra Easy. I seem to be eating a huge quantity of food. I also haven't been on the treadmill at all this week. So it'll be interesting to see if I lose any weight on my next WI which is next Tuesday. If I haven't I'll have to go back to red and green days and up the treadmill. Which won't be difficult from a base point of zero...

So - keep the faith. If you're sticking to the plan and you don't lose weight then you can always sue SW. :D
So - keep the faith. If you're sticking to the plan and you don't lose weight then you can always sue SW. :D

You're right and I'm keeping the faith - hallelujah, praise the plan! ;) :p :D

My target for the week before last was to go to the gym.... I've still not been. I know I'll quite enjoy it in an I'm-a-martyr sort of way, I just can't quite make myself go. I'll try again this week! I think it's the thought of having to ask them again how to make the silly machines work - too many flashing lights and buttons and I go into techno-phobe mode. I'm a daft old bag at times :D
Christmas tree goes up today. I have a very excited 7yo who just got up and first words were, "can we put the tree up now!". Have persuaded her to wait half an hour or so and warned her that putting the tree up makes me grumpy - she remembered that last year we squabbled over tinsel - good memory she has! I remembered growling, but not why! You can't get real Xmas trees up here, it's too hot apparently - so it's an artificial tree and I got a bit carried away when I bought it, so it's HUGE! hence the grumpiness, as I get fed up unfolding and fluffing up the branches before I'm half way done! Grrrr - I'm full of the xmas spirit already! :D

Anyway, enough about Christmas! Stuck to plan yesterday, had a green day for a bit of a change yesterday from ExtraEasy. Really enjoyed it in all honesty, when I did SW a few years back it was mainly green days, but it's just so much harder without quorn. Back to EE today I think. Just sitting quietly having my usual fruit and yoghurt for brekkies while I read diaries, but today surprise surprise there's not much to read! Guess everyone is busy with xmas do's and stuff.

Just read my plan for yesterday, well I only ironed the bare minimum that was needed for today and didn't do my daughter's room. Managed to get her to tidy up her soft-toy heap in the corner under threat of no xmas tree today - so at least her room is started. I think the rest I'll have to do, as she said she doesn't know where to start, and looking at it, neither do I !!

Sure tidying rooms and ironing should burn calories so maybe that should be my incentive!

Anyway, must stop wittering or I'll bore myself to tears some day when I read back .... ;) :p
Hi Ozzie

If you're allowed to pm me your address (not sure how this privileges malarky works) I'll send you the Extra Easy book. Call it a random act of kindness! Seriously - it's very cheap and I'm quite happy to send you a copy. It really is good.

Well done with the Christmas tree! I remember the kids used to love doing the tree with me - now they're ancient (well, 18 and 15) they're not interested. It all seems very weird. But it is the first Christmas in ages that the tree has been decorated in a moderately tasteful fashion. And of course - I hate it. :)
Awwwww that's very kind of you! I feel special now! ... and I'm not joking or being a smartypants, I do! :cry: :D

I know what you mean about the Christmas tree, in my mind I aspire vaguely to a tasteful tree but then it all goes horribly wrong - I see brightly coloured things - cute childlike bauble things and I get them! My tree always looks like a wreck! But a glorious wreck! Actually, didn't bring my old Xmas decorations with me, so am gradually buying them, so it should get less and less tasteful as the years go by! Will post a picture when it's done, and then you can imagine how bad it's going to be in years to come!
Sorus, just tried to pm you, but apparently you have chosen not to receive private messages or you can't yet, or something! You are lovely though! :D
God I'm such a muppet! Sorry - hadn't realised. You can now email me. Hopefully! Unless it's because I haven't posted enough in which case I'll ring my daughter and tell her Christmas shopping in Truro is off cos I have to spend the day posting bon mots on a slimming website.

She already thinks I'm bonkers so I should get away with it. :D
Hellooooooo Sorus, I have emailed you now, or at least I think I have - never emailed on a forum, so I'm just guessing that I have! You're lovely! Thankfully you don't have to write a lot of "bon mots" although you generally do! I'm incapable of writing short posts, as you can probably tell, so if I had to write a lot of posts I would be here all day! Hope you enjoyed your shopping trip - I'm going Xmas shopping tomorrow subject to sorting out money with the bank. Daughter is off having a play day.

Ooooh the christmas tree is up and looking beautiful! It's actually a bit more tasteful than usual - I seem to have lost the gaudier tinsel, I think we may have played with it during the year. I'll take a picture later!

I was reluctantaly good plan-wise yesterday. I so wanted to eat 101 million different things that I shouldn't but I didn't and was once again a very good girl - *buffs up halo* :D First day I've had like that really, hopefully the last! for a while anyway!

Today, I'll mostly be driving round in circles. Husband and stepson work at the same place but are doing different shifts today, so I'll end up going to and fro - 8 times in each direction. My life is just so action-packed!

I thought I didn't have to worry about Xmas do's etc, but it seems I'm going to a xmas bbq on Saturday night, husband's work do includes family. Last year it was totally tedious, so I was hoping they wouldn't bother, but this year they're having a less formal do and including children so hopefully it might be a bit more entertaining. I don't drink these days so it's only the food I need worry about, and as it's bbq I hopefully should get away with behaving myself.

I started writing this post an hour ago - can't believe the number of interruptions. Now it's time for me to relax with another cup of tea and read what everyone else is up to! I'm so nosey! :D