OzzieMoz's Upside Down Diary!

Hi Ozzie - glad you got the book. I made the burgers out of it tonight. But with lean pork mince rather than beef mince and they were yummy.

Just realised we're now level pegging again! By joggling the scales for about 20 mins this morning I could just say that I've lost half a pound taking me to my first stone. So we're more or less running in tandem again. That's nice!
Your tandem comment put me in mind of the PG Tips chimps and the "can you ride tandem?" YouTube - PG Tips Commercial UK (c.1971)B

Happy Days!

Re the book, I haven't had a chance to experiment yet as life has been haphazard this last few days. Actually in all honesty, life is nearly always haphazard - I would blame everyone else but I have a nasty suspicion that it's all down to me! Chaos is my middle name! Never used to be, I think after LittleOzMoz was born my good sense and organisational skills went - probably along with the placenta, maybe that is what the placenta is. Ewwwww maybe that's why some people eat it, to get their good sense back... because surely the fact that they are eating it, shows that at that moment in time, they have none!! It's a theory! :rotflmao: but once again, probably not a good one!

I think I'm a tad hysterical this morning. House looks like a tip and my sister-in-law is bringing my niece over for a playday - she is very house proud (s-i-l not niece!) and the house here warrants being looked down the nose at! Oh well - I'm doing her a favour so if she doesn't like it she can.... well I can't finish that sentence as it wouldn't be polite! :p

Looks like a dry day today, or at least this morning does, so maybe I can have a fun filled morning catching up with the washing - woopitydoooo - life is exciting! because when that is under control, I can move on to cleaning the toilet! Life in the tropics is so exotic :eek:

Foody-wise I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm being good though - in spite of an unhelpful husband who has got bored with being supportive and keeps telling me to have takeaways, go on just one won't hurt you! Pfffffft I say - pffffffffft! It's pure bloodymindedness that's keeping me going! :D

I better go wake the girly and then I'm off to comment on the :eek: goings on in a certain other diary *looks pointedly at Sorus*

Hope everyone else is doing well and keeping positive. All hail SW! :D
Hi Ozzie - god I'm so glad I haven't got a partner telling me to get a take-away! I would either end up morbidly obese or in prison for murder. :)

Skinny people don't understand, do they? One take-away in my case would lead to a mammoth carb-fest because I am addicted to carbs. So I generally try and stay away from them. I'm too scared even to have bread for my HexB half the time.

So good for you girl sticking to it despite. Perhaps he's scared you're starting to look a bit too sexy. :D
Well Sorus, part of the reason for my need to do SW is because of his I can't be bothered to cook, let's get a takeaway plan, so we've already done the obese thing, so all that is left to me is murder! Or I could just do nothing .... but would that seem apathetic? I'd hate to seem apathetic :rotflmao:

As for me looking a bit too sexy, I doubt that but I must confess my wobbles are starting to get a certain flow and rhythm - is that how you spell it? it's a word I always struggle with, it never looks quite right!

Yesterday, didn't go off to well with the playday. Niece who is a couple of years older than my youngun had a bit of an attitude yesterday and was taking it out on my girl, who put up with it for about 6 hours and then snapped! At which point I was totally proud of her, it's not often she stands up for herself and that is a sweet aspect of her character but one which worries me sometimes as you know you need a bit of backbone sometimes. The other thing was that when she did finally snap, she was totally polite but scathing! I was in the kitchen giggling and mentally "whooping". Was honest and told S-i-L that the day hadn't gone well but I just put it down to the age difference, but she assessed the situation correctly and said, "yes maybe, but C does have an attitude problem, and when she is in that mood she is hell" which I quietly agreed with but showed complete lack of backbone but lots of tact and didn't say anything! :D

Husband then cooked a big fry up for dinner - so I just shrugged and said I would cook for myself. I really couldn't face it, so I had a banana, a particularly nice one though. Today, I had better eat properly though as longterm I know skipping meals will come back to bite my proverbial bum, I think my proverbial bum is smaller than my real bum though - or at least I hope it is!

Today is going to be an EE day and I am going to cook something new for my lunch! I have a big folder full of recipes I've printed and I'm going to pick one! I might even go crazy and do something new for my dinner too, although I actually am hoping my OH cooks something nice for dinner as I really hate cooking, I'm quite good at it, just hate it!

Going to have a harmless day today (Plan A) and all we are going to do is to count up my daughter's change pot - we give her loose change mainly 5c, 10c and 20c coins. Every few months when it starts to look full-ish, we count it up and bag it, pay half into her bank account and spend the other half. She loves doing this! Only problem is it takes her ages to decide what to buy, but we have to spend it that day and go round and round and round the shops, contemplating various combinations, of the "if I have this and this, could I have that too? or if I had that and this would I have money for this?" Steam eventually comes out my ears and my head explodes on days like this! But she's happy! :D

Anyway, I better go and get my breakfast and a cup of tea and contemplate some diaries! Three cheers for SW - hurrah hurrah hurrah! :p :D
A banana? That's it? For dinner?

Blinking heck I'm never going to beat you at this rate! Sounds like I need to hire a husband who refuses to cook. Or who cooks only fry-ups. Where can I get one from and how much do they cost?
And have you noticed that apparently we both 'like to post'. Understatement I'd say. I think a more apt description for both of us would be 'likes to be a windbag'. I might suggest it to the mods.
Oooh I say! I'm thinking about being offended, maybe, but dammit I can't be, because although the truth hurts, you are undoubtedly are right. I am a windbag! There I've said it! .... that's the first step you know, admitting your problem! :p :rotflmao:

If we don't limit our posts a bit, we might find the mods might limit them for us - get a restriction of so many characters per post! Or we might get put in the naughty corner - who knows what!! Oh woe! :cry:

As for the banana dinner - that is a Bad Thing! Apparently body could go into starvation mode and cling to my fat for dear life, no more melting pools of lard overnight! :rotflmao:
Noooooo! I didn't mean to offend you! I was more directing the windbag statement at myself! But we can both witter for England. And Australia. I meant it affectionately, recognising a kindred witterer. Honestly guv. :D

Anyway the mods can't ban us for wittering. There are people on here whose diaries go on for millions of pages. We are but amateurs.
Ha! You didn't offend me, you daft bat - I have a skin as thick as an old rhino, rhino-hide they call me .... actually they don't, no-one's that brave! :rotflmao: I just like to pretend to be a sensitive little flower from time-to-time! :p

I don't think we are amateurs at all - what our threads lack in number of posts, we make up for in length and quality of post .... or should that be inanity? :rotflmao:

Anyway, why say in 5 words what you can say in 50. It's funny really because in one of my earlier versions OzzieMoz v2.0 , I used to do a lot of report writing and teaching people to write reports where somewhat two-facedly I used to urge people to be succinct! :eek: How times have changed!
Good morning all :D

Just read back to see if yesterday panned out the way I thought it would, and it did and it didn't! I didn't try any new recipes - d'oh! Bad bad me! But I did go and buy a couple of deep ovenproof dishes which is something that would appear to be lacking here. Today I am going to make quiche! Can't decide whether to try the one with cottage cheese as whilst it did appeal to me, some people have said they don't like the cottage cheese, so I'm dithering! I may dither for days knowing me! :rotflmao:

My daughter did her banking and felt very grown up going to the counter and talking to the teller herself, she did get in a bit of a muddle but the lady at the bank was very nice. Going and spending the money turned out to be surprisingly painless, she knew what she wanted before we even got to the shops, so we were in and out in just a matter of minutes - what a result!!

Ended up having a green day yesterday as stepson decided he was going to treat everyone to a KFC, so I just said that was fine and had to cook my own dinner again - wahhhhhh! I so didn't feel like cooking! It did highlight to me though how I've ended up in my current predicament! I don't think I realised how often they get takeaways in until I stepped out of the equation. I used to do lots of diets then after SW last time several years ago I really did manage to keep my weight under control for several years, but since I first came over here 3 years ago my weight has slowly but steadily risen. I'm not trying to blame my OH although it might seem as if I am, as I have a tongue in my head and am perfectly capable of making the healthy choice. I do wonder why it took so long for me to think, enough is enough. Main thing though is that I have thought that and I won't be slipping back into those bad old ways. The only things I miss so far after 3 months on SW are pies, they make beautiful pies here, and hot cross buns and I only miss them because there was a thread about them somewhere!

I already said I might buy a book as my 1stone treat when I get there, well now I might have a hot cross bun to eat with it, but only if I can find somewhere that I can buy only 1 - otherwise I won't bother.

This is a very boring post today. :eek: I'm bored and I'm writing it, must be even worse to read it ... :rotflmao:

Today, I have no plan ... I have lots I ought to be doing, but I'm not in the mood to do anything - lazy old bag eh! I think I might write a list of things I ought to be doing - maybe that will scarify me into actually doing something ... I used to be the queen of the school revision timetables, I used to spend so much time devising my timetable that I had little time to actually revise! Some things never change!

Anyway, my cup no longer runneth over, so more tea is called for and then I'll do some more diary reading and then I'll write my list! I'm all enthused about my list now!

Hope everyone has had a good day and sleeps well when they go! :)
Hi Ozzie,

Just thought I would pop in and say hi, I have been reading your diary and you do make me laugh!!

My hubby & I are in the process of moving to QLD, his Mum & family are all living in Brisbane so we are looking at moving there. We were actually in Cairns for honeymoon in August, we stayed in Palm Cove and visited Cairns quite a few times, we also went to the Raw Prawn which someone else on here mentioned, it was lovely!!

We went to Green Island (fantastic), Kuranda, Tjupukai and went to Port Douglas for the day, it was brilliant & definitely somewhere I would like to visit again.

You seem to be doing fantastic, I will be gutted when I go there as I will miss Quorn like mad as I am veggie (although I do eat fish), we should start a new business importing Quorn!!

Anyway I have waffled enough, hope you are well & the weather has improved.
G'day SaraC :D <---- see I'm practising my aussie accent there! :p

Glad you enjoy my witterings although the fact that you do, maybe shows that you've lost a marble or two along the way yourself :rotflmao:

I think you've been to more places round here on your honeymoon than I've been in 3 years of living here! That's what comes of marrying a local, they've been everywhere countless times and now can't be bothered to go! :D

Quorn is a shocker - I didn't realise how much I had relied on it in the past. There are rumours from time to time that it will be coming to Australia, but I'm in doubting Thomas mode and will believe it when I see it! But til then you can eat Sanitarium products and contemplate the link between that and female sanitary items :rotflmao: I hope you aren't hooked on Muller Lights too, as they are another thing that don't exist here - I even wrote to Mr and Mrs Muller lamenting that fact and they didn't reply - so I'm now not eating them on principle! well that and the fact that you can't get them here!

Good luck with your move over to QLD, hope the visa process is quick and painless for you! I've never been to Brisbane except in transit to Cairns, but I do miss the bigger city, I'm from London originally. Looks like they have some chronic traffic issues at times though judging by the traffic helicopter that we see sometimes on the news!

The weather here has gone back to normal, beautiful blue skies and sunshine! Need to enjoy it while we can as probably not long til the wet season - although I'm still not entirely sure when that officially starts!

Anyway, was nice of you to pop in and say hello! Good luck with your week! :)
Hi Ozzie,

Thanks for taking the time to reply, I have added your "witterings" as you call them to my subscribed threads, aren't you honoured ;)

The main reason for us to move is that we have a (just turned) 1 year old daughter & I would like to give her the best life possible which we believe is in Brisbane. It is supposed to be taking 2-3 years from the time we submit the visa application (which we've yet to start as it is like a version of War & Peace!!). We're just awaiting hubbys skills assessment by the Australian board before we can proceed.

Anyway back to SW. I have done SW a few times, although I am not attending group this time as I don't like the C and as I work full time and with having Amelie I just dont have time. I started before Christmas but went spectacularly off plan over Christmas & Amelie's birthday (oops!!). I mostly follow Green Days and have a food diary on here if you ever want some inspiration for Green Day meals. My fave is Veggie Omelette and Sweet Potato Mash, yumm!!

Anyway I will keep popping by from time to time, my weigh in is Sunday morning too so I hope it will come out in my favour :flirt2:
SaraC - I'll come looking for your diary later on as I'm always up for ideas on what to eat. For convenience sake when OH is cooking I have EE days and when I'm cooking for myself I do green. I find that works best but I have no idea why! I think it's because when I was single and on SW years ago I did green days mainly so it's just force of habit.

Yayyy, I managed to lose 1lb this week, wasn't expecting it, as I've had 2 good losses for me the previous two weeks, so that brings me to my first stone gone! Woop woop woop! I get to buy a book! and a hot cross bun!

Monitor for the pc broke yesterday, so had to get a new one, just as well I hadn't spent my Xmas money from my OH yet - so happy christmas to me! Not quite what I'd hoped to get, but at least I can still contact the world at large! :D

Rest of the day was an unmitigated disaster. It's times like these when you realise that living on the opposite side of the world to all the rest of your family and friends is really the pits. Going to bury my head in my book and in the sand and hope for a peaceful day.

Hope everyone else is well and happy. :)
Good morning/evening all :D

Yesterday was a bit eewwwwwk and awkward but mainly peaceful. So that's good! I mainly kept my head down and read my book and let the rest of the world pass me by! I'm a terrible book worm shame it doesn't burn many calories, or I would be superfit! I suppose it exercises my eyes and my arms get a bit sore sometimes if it's a massive tome!

I did an EE day yesterday, but I can't for the life of me think what I had for lunch! I'm sure I had some, I remember cooking for OH and daughter but I had something different. It will come back to me. Perhaps this is a sign that I should write things down!

Today, I think I'll have a green day. Just had my usual mix of fruit and yoghurt for brekkie. Youngun will probably nag for pasta and pesto for her lunch, it's her latest favourite food, so I'll probably just have the same and dinner will probably be "OMG what have I got in the fridge/cupboard". I know I can avoid this scenario by planning something now and shopping for it, but that takes away the spontaneity/panic! :p :D

Got to get myself motivated and start doing the back-to-school shopping for my girly. Got a massive list of stationery/books etc to buy for her and need to check uniform still fits. It's an expensive business, especially as catholic schools here are classed as a half-way house between state school and private school and you have to pay fees. I'd put her to work up the chimneys except there aren't any, who needs a chimney in this heat!! :rotflmao: There are mines though, she could work as a part-time pit-pony! :eek: :D

Well now that I've lost the plot and confused myself, I shall make another cup of tea til I find my missing marbles and can do something productive with the day!

Hope everyone is ticking along nicely! :)
Well I never really did regain the plot yesterday or locate the missing marbles. The day sort of drifted by in an almighty haze! I did remember my missing lunch though, it was baked potato with cheese and beans! I knew it wasn't exciting, but glad I remembered it. I'm not sure why it mattered, but it did!

It was very hot and humid yesterday and I felt as if I was melting all day although I don't think that is ever reflected in my weight - but then again I drink loads of water to counter my sweating .... except I shouldn't say that, I remember a saying, "pigs sweat, men perspire and ladies glow" :rotflmao: I "glowed" a lot yesterday! Speaking of which, that would mean that Rudolph the rednosed reindeer had a sweaty nose! Interesting eh! :p

Apparently we might have a cyclone brewing off the coast :eek: Had a few threatened since I've been here, but luckily none have struck near here. There was one the year before I came over which hit way south of here and the damage locally was bad enough then apparently. Fingers crossed it fizzles out and drifts out to sea!

Yesterday turned into an extra easy day but today will be a green day, probably, unless there is another metamorphosis! Fortunately thus far, my failure to plan, has not turned into a plan for failure :p but I musn't be complacent and I remain vaguely optimistic that one day I'll make a plan and stick to it!

I'm off for another cuppa and my favourite treat of the day, a McVitie's digestive biscuit! Hope everyone is keeping faith with SW - live long and prosper! :D
Well done on your first stone, Ozzie! Aren't we both doing well? :) Never thought I'd lose a pound, never mind a stone.

I hope you're not being blown away by a cyclone as I type. It is grey and drizzly here. The interesting weather has all gone. Though I don't miss clinging to gutters, hedges and cars in an effort just to walk ten yards. I actually did cling to a gutter at one point, the ice was so bad. I must have looked completely ridiculous.

Hope you're having a successful, if entirely unplanned, SW day.
Yayyy Sorus, you're back! :D

I'm still here, looks like the cyclone isn't going to happen - phew! Just loads and loads of rain being dumped, but most of it seems to be hitting round Cairns but not directly on it - not yet anyway!

Had a quiet day yesterday, suffering from a bad case of apathy. I need a kick up the bum, a metaphorical one would probably do, but I'm sure I'd get more takers to give me a genuine one! :rotflmao:

Sticking to plan, still not varying what I eat enough probably despite my best intentions. What's that saying, the way to heaven is paved with good intentions... my route must be top class paving! ;) :D I think once youngun is back to school, I might be able to focus better, she has another week off and then starts Year 3. My girly is getting all grown up :cry:

Had a mid-week sneaky peek at the scales and I would appear to have gained a phantom pound and a half, but then again I need a good ermmmm visit. Perhaps I should get Sorus to send me some of her MegaBlast Magic powder :rotflmao: I do have a good book or two to read! ;) Actually, on balance, I think I'll wait for nature to take it's course!

I better shuffle off and get the dishes done and will be back to read the diaries later!
:eek: Plan A was that the cyclone wouldn't happen, we're now on to Plan B which is that the cyclone is happening, but hope it stays well north of us!! It's hovering off the coast and we're just keeping watch to see what happens next. Hopefully it will just blow itself out before it hits land or spin off out to sea, that's happened before. Will just have to wait and see what happens!

Yesterday was a quiet day, stayed at home reading, watching tv and playing with youngun. Stuck to SW plan like the good girl that I am (when it suits :p ) probably didn't eat enough but I wasn't terribly hungry during the day. Not got much food in so not going to eat much today either unless I go shopping :rotflmao: Will have to wait til this afternoon as OH has the car and although the shops aren't far, I don't want to get rained on, even if it is nice big warm rain.

Just done a load of washing and am going to have to work out how to get it dry, I think the best I might achieve is slightly damp, if I'm lucky!

Oh and I did another sneakypeek midweek weigh and my phantom pounds from yesterday have gone again, I didn't really believe in them anyway, but still glad they've gone!

Time for a cuppa and a read. Hope everyone is keeping it real - no idea what that means, but I've read it somewhere before! :rotflmao:
I'm so glad you haven't been swept away by a cyclone! I had visions of you - a la The Wizard of Oz - being swept up in the cyclone and transported thousands of miles back to the UK. Well you have to look on the bright side - at least you could've got quorn then, rather than having to eat Sanitorium. Or whatever it is. Still sounds like a feminine hygiene product to me. Would be enough to convince me red or EE was deffo the way to go. :D

Hope you're having a more motivational day today. I am having to wait in for a delivery and I'm bored. And when I'm bored I think of food. And more food! Snot good. :sigh: