OzzieMoz's Upside Down Diary!

Ha! Huffy pants. I love it! That's definitely going to be my new nickname for my daughter. Actually now I come to think of it, maybe my mother too....

I am now behaving myself. Mostly following EE simply cos it is so easy. Have even managed not to have a Christmas lunch since, um, December 25th! However the amount of food I'm eating makes me think I can't possibly be losing any weight. Will find out next Tuesday I guess!

And what do you mean it's not a competion? Of course it's a competion. :D
Lol actually I think a bit of competition might be working! I made a couple of puddings for our bon-voyage-to-my-dear-daughter Sunday lunch - bananas in rum (completely divine) and raspberry and almond tart (beyond divine) and I was dithering over which to have a very small portion of when I thought of you, Ozzie, fast asleep somewhere in Cairns getting thinner and thinner with each passing hour. Fat literally melting away as you dream, possibly even forming a small puddle.

And it worked! I didn't have any pudding! Can't have you beating me. Besides which the whole mental imagery of you waking up in a pool of fat put me right off me pud. :D
Hey ozzie just having a shuffle through everyone's diarys just wanted to say Happy new year and well done on your 2lb weight loss this week! Brilliant start to the new year!
Pudding, Fat, Competition????!!!........ ladies you are funny LOL

Well I too am back on track and weighed this morning for the first time since 9th of Dec. I weigh 76kg's, think I have gained only 800gm, that's basically 2lbs. i can live with that and plan to have it gone by Sat.

Besides which the whole mental imagery of you waking up in a pool of fat put me right off me pud. :D

:rotflmao: Sorus, you are beyond disgusting, I commend you! :D In fact that mental imagery could well put me off food for the rest of the day!

Thanks henna, I think this is our year, eh! Our inner slim person is going to break free and bust out and surprise the world! hmmmm maybe sounds a bit too much like Alien, perhaps I should stick to "good luck with the weight loss!" :rotflmao:

Bren, that's great only putting on 2lbs over Xmas/New Year, I can see why you'd be delighted! As to the lunacy on this thread, I blame Sorus, she's a mad old dear, bless her :p - hmmm maybe I shouldn't say that, she knows where i live!! :eek:

I'm much later visiting minimins than usual, so won't have time to read diaries til later and will have a catch up then!

All is going well here though, didn't do much yesterday, or if I did I've forgotten about it! pre-senile dementia seems to have struck! Not got much planned for today either. Probably going to go into town later as OH needs new trainers as he is playing indoor cricket tonight and his old ones fell apart just before Xmas. He's back to work today, so I'll probably be sent out to get the replacements. Just need to check the game time to see if I'll go and watch him, if it's a late game then youngun and I won't go as it keeps her up too late.

Probably going to be a red day.... that's if I can face food :p :D

Hope everyone is keeping well and happy and focussed on the righteous path of weightlossery!
I miss playing team sports, might try and look into that this year with a few of my colleagues???

Oh I did get that lovely impression from a cheeky Sorus! Hello. xx

Excuse my naiveness to SW but please tell what will a red day involve food wise. Not jumping ship, although I have never really asked any of the other SW friends i know.

How old is your little one? We are planning to move this year to a bigger house and thinking maybe this time next year of trying to fall pregnant.

Red day is predominantly a meat,fish, poultry based day with heaps of veggies/salads but very low if any of pasta/rice/potato type stuff. I'm not really a great meat eater so I tend to prefer green days, or their new plan which is ExtraEasy which basically is very close to normal healthy eating. I'm probably the worst person to explain it all! :rotflmao: I just found when I did WW years ago that I found point counting used to worry me, as I seemed to spend so much time looking things up that I constantly remembered I was dieting, and I'd rather not think about it too much! That's why on the whole I prefer SW.

The indoor cricket does look great fun to play! I really like the fact that here people of all shapes, sizes and levels of fitness play sport regularly and with no suggestion that the less fit and larger person is in any way mocked. It's been a real eye opener.

My daughter is 7 and a real chatterbox. I never really saw myself being a mum, I liked children but didn't plan to have any, and then life did it's thing and I had my girly, and she is the best thing that ever happened to me, she is an absolute joy :D
That's great to hear about everyone being accepting with groups sports. I use to play netball and volleyball. It was only Netball that had that mentality, volleyball people were always rake thin.

How has you day been then on the red?
Happy New Year hun! Hope your red day went well ~ I used to do a mixture of green and red days but then tried EE and that was it!! However I do intend to throw in some red days as I had better losses! Have a good day xx
*yawns* I'm very tired - husband has an early start on Tuesday mornings, so been up since 4 am. Should have gone back to bed when I got back from dropping him off, but I felt wide awake, now that I'm shattered, it's too late to go back to bed, as I have to take stepson to work in an hour - oh woe! :cry: :D

I really really really don't like red days. It's probably a psychological thing, but I always feel hungry on a red day. Today, it's back to EE for me, or green maybe, it depends what I do at lunch time I suppose. I really should plan more!

Today, as OH and stepson are working different shifts, its mainly going to be a day of driving backwards and forwards to their work, to take them there, fetch them home at lunch time, take them back after lunch, then go and get them at home time - all times 2 ! At least when I go back to work, assuming I can find work, the job situation here is dire, we'll be buying a 2nd car. Sharing a car is frustrating!

On a completely unrelated subject, do Christmas decorations have to be down by the 5th or 6th? I never remember. I hope it's the 6th as I don't want to take them down today, I'm too sleepy!

My brain has seized up now, so I better shhhhhh. More tea needed. Hope all are well and happy - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :zz:
In Oz, it's bad luck to take them down before the 1st but anytime after that is okay.

Bugger about only having 1 car. When will you be looking for work, when school starts?

Perhaps today when you little one is napping you can too hun. Dont wear yourself out.

Good Lord - I thought I'd lost my diary! Now I confess to being a tad untidy at home, but my computer I keep well organised, so imagine my horror when my diary had disappeared! Page 2 I tells ya and half way down that to boot! Also means I have a heap of diaries to read, looks like it might be a 2 cuppa job!

Anyway, to business!

Today, I'm going to take down the Christmas decorations, well it's only the tree really, but that's a job in itself and I'm probably best to do it before youngun gets up, or she'll want to help which is a scary prospect as it would involve detailed discussion of every single decoration on the tree, it's individual merits, and comparisons with others. "which do you prefer out of......" is a phrase which strikes dread in my heart, as the conversation then usually lasts hours! I'm a mean mum, she's really lovely! :D

Re, the job hunting Bren, I'm going to sort out my CV/resume in the next few days and then start seriously looking. Might have to go see a recruitment agency to find out more about the state of work here as I'm just not seeing jobs I really want to do advertised. It's a bit of a shock to the system going from working in a large city to working in what is effectively quite a small town, but I'll find something :D I hope!

Yesterday was a mad day, I spent all day to-ing and fro-ing not just to OH work, but also had a pointless trip to the bank and back, and to the library and back! Daughter has become a country bumpkin and keeps forgetting to put on shoes when we go out!

Plan-wise I was back on the EE yesterday. I don't think I eat enough syns and I don't always remember to have my HE B thingies. A's I always have because of skimmed milk in tea and quite often a bit of cheese in or on my dinner, but B's not so good at! I'm a bit off bread at the moment, if I have cereal, then that uses up too much of my milk allowance, but I have read that if you don't use your syns let alone your HEXs then you don't lose weight so well .... maybe that is my problem, as other than in gravy sometimes or for a little bit of butter in the mash or on toast on days when I have bread then I rarely use them. I think I need to re-read the bumph and plan a bit better.

Just had a lovely bowl of strawberries, blueberries, grapes and FF yoghurt for breakfast. I think it will be jacket potato and beans with mushrooms for lunch and then dinner will be .... I dunno, that's hours away, dinner will be something else! :D See, planning, not my forte!

Time to go peg out a load of washing then sit back and read all these diaries! I may not post in other people's diaries much but I do read them all each and every day! Good luck to everyone, hope you all sleep well and have a good day tomorrow! :)
Hun, have a good day taking down the tree, I hope that goes quickly. As for using all your syns etc, it's the same with all diets really if you follow it to the plan you will loose well.

As for jobs, i have many girlfriends who live and have lived in country towns and mining towns. An agency is a great place to start, also I'm not sure what line of work your in but admin at local schools (then you work school hours) or for the local council are good paying and convient. Best of luck.

When is your WI day? I forgot.

Have a good day today!

Ha! Your description of your daughter and her inevitable questions really triggered memories of my own children at that age. Adorable but incredibly exasperating! Come to think of it, that doesn't change...

Hope you have a slightly more relaxing day today. I know what you mean about Hex B's. I often don't have any either. I just forget. I don't think it's a huge problem. A's are important, yes, for calcium etc, but B's - well as long as you're getting fibre and complex carbs in other areas I can't see the B's are that essential. But they do give variety I guess, which is very important to assuage boredom. For me, anyway!
Well so much for a relaxing day yesterday, that sort of didn't happen. Spent 4 hour at the hospital instead. Husband is epileptic and he had a seizure at work yesterday so was whizzed by ambulance to the hospital, so youngun and I tootled up to there for the afternoon. He is home now though, which is good :)

He gets quite emotional/depressed after fits, not surprisingly really, but I've discovered a fool proof way to distract him and that's to sing Rolf Harris songs at him (not to him, definitely at him.... ), it does invoke violence but at least that seems more of a positive thing :D

Still somehow managed to stick to plan. Sneaky peek at the scales suggest that I'm not going to lose weight this week, but what will be, will be.

Today, I'm planning on being angelic and a good wife. It will probably go wrong, and there will be strains of "two little boys...." ringing round FNQ :p :D

I'm going to have to give diary reading a miss this morning whilst on my saintly/angelic mission but hope all are doing well ! :) Might get to nip back later if OH goes for a sleep.
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Hi Ozzie, hope things are better for you today and that you haven't had to sing the entirety of Rolf Harris's repertoire! Personally I think that's grounds for divorce.... On your husband's side I mean. :D

Well done you on sticking to plan despite. I'm dead impressed! I know when my son's in hospital all thoughts of sensible and healthy eating fly out the window. In fact they become impossible given hospital canteen food! Well, that's my excuse, anyway.
Yayyy! I'm back again! I missed my morning wibbling, not sure anyone else would though :rotflmao: but that's irrelevant, this diary gives me the opportunity to empty my brain of a small proportion of the nonsense that finds itself floating around aimlessly. :eek:

Just did my WI - a day late though, and I've lost another 2lbs this week! Although I'm over the moon and do deserve, in my opinion, a loss because I have been totally good again, I suspect that this was more than it should be and that next week I'll sts at best, but we shall see! Til then, yayyyyy - go me!! :rotflmao:

Been a fairly tiresome few days, hence my absence, just been difficult to get quiet time at the pc when my brain was in gear to write. I've been reading diaries though, as I like to keep up with everyone. Husband is now ok and going back to work this morning. His 2 or 3 day headache which he always, not surprisingly, gets after a seizure was a strange one this time so that caused some concern for us. Then on top of that we had high-drama with my step-son and his girlfriend. Other than being a bit eccentric possibly I'm generally a quiet person wanting just a quiet life and there just seems to be too much drama in this house sometimes, but maybe it's all the adrenalin from that which has seen 2lbs fall off me this week! At least I didn't comfort eat!

It's been raining cats and dogs .... or should that be kangaroos and koalas.... for the last couple of days all day long and it looks set to continue this morning and it's not even the wet season yet! In which case using my logic, I should be safe to go out without my brolly! :D

Youngun's sleep pattern has gradually gone off plan over the summer holidays and although there is a couple of weeks before she goes back, I'm taking radical steps this morning and waking her up very early. The sweetener for her though is that I'll take her out this morning to the cinema so she can snooze through the Princess and the Frog.

Anyway, enough rambling from me, time to finish my cup of tea and nearly time to go wake the lads up for work! Hope everyone is well and happy!
Hey well done on the 2lbs! That's a great loss. All credit to you for sticking to plan while all around is chaos!
Very tired this morning. All the dramas over the last few weeks have taken their toll, but still not able to sleep properly. No idea what that's all about - I get to sleep fine, I just can't stay asleep long enough.

Youngun and I did go to the cinema yesterday and saw Princess and the Frog - really enjoyed it, a bit of classic style Disney. Apart from that we didn't do much all day except go and watch my OH play indoor cricket in the evening.

It's a better looking day today, think it might be a bit showery but better than the almost constant rain we've had the last couple of days! Mind you, the good thing about the rain is that it keeps the temperature down at night, which sounds strange bearing in mind how cold it is back in the UK. Although I miss snow in theory, I don't envy all of you who are having to slog to work, school, the shops in it!

Just realised that if I lose a pound this week then I'll have got to my first stone! I've been trying to think how to reward myself when I get there, decided yesterday that when I do I will buy myself a book!! I'm a bookworm but have had to stop my profligate spending on books due to a financial crisis, and am having to rely on the woefully inadequate libraries to keep me sane(ish). To buy a book will be a real treat - so that will be my reward! I have to buy them from the UK, it's generally cheaper to do that and pay shipping than buy them here, actually I use a site that doesn't charge shipping which is even better! :D

Speaking of books, Sorus you are a lovely lady, I have received my book midst all last weeks muddle! I will write to you shortly! .... I thought I better mention it now though whilst it's in my head, as my "shortly" may become a "longly" but even if it is a "longly" it should still fall within the definition of a "soonly" :p ;) :D

My tea is cold, I am hot and the washing needs to be pegged outside but undercover in case it rains. I must awa' the noo!