OzzieMoz's Upside Down Diary!

I wouldn't mind being swept up and taken back to the UK, for a little while anyway and preferably when it's a bit warmer there! Trouble is I see myself more as a Wicked Witch of the West than a Dorothy! With that in mind, I better stay out of the rain, I don't want to be doing any melting ... apart from my lardage of course ;) :D

Cyclone was cancelled yesterday due to lack of interest, but is brewing up again and probably will hit the coast way north of us in the next couple of days. Should just mean cooler, wet weather for us for a few days and a bit windy - hopefully :eek: Apparently there is another system a bit further out and we'll have to wait a few more days to see what that decides to do. The weather is getting way too exciting everywhere!

Didn't do much yesterday, OH came home from work with a sick headache, the sort he usually gets after a seizure and only then, so we're not sure what that's all about. He was in a horrible mood and life was somewhat fraught. I'm going to keep my head down below the parapet today, as I don't want it shot off again :rotflmao:

Foodwise, not really all that good, I wasn't naughty just didn't eat enough, that's the trouble with when I get stressed I can't eat. Going to make special efforts to stuff my face today! Probably will regret that come Sunday WI, but longterm I think it's better. Will make it a green day because really they are my favourites, although I mainly do EE. Have an urge to eat Beany risotto but at 9am I'm thinking maybe I should wait til lunch time!

Not sure what I'm going to do today. Check finances and do a food shopping probably. Oh the excitement never ends!

Hope everyone else is doing well and living the dream! :D
Apparently, the low which was meandering along slowly minding it's own business decided to surprise everyone and has whirled up into a cyclone overnight! Looking as if it could head right at us in the next 48 hours :eek: Category 2 is forecast which isn't too bad, still very high winds though, so we've been clearing up outside this morning and getting our cyclone stuff ready, just in case.

All is good apart from that, dry at the moment, the calm before the storm!

Sticking to plan still - reckon I'm going to have a sts this week - WI tomorrow morning! Will be a little disappointed if I do, but it's probably inevitable, as i've lost 5lbs overall in the last 3 weeks and that's very fast by my standards, so a week or two sts will level it all out! I accept that I am a tortoise! but a damn fine tortoise :p !!

Will be back tomorrow, weather permitting :eek: :D
Yayyyyy another 1lb off - I really had psyched myself up for a sts even though I've been 100% good again. Good start to the morning :D

Had loads of rain overnight, just been checking the radar maps and cyclone is due to hit quite far north of here this evening, so unless there is a rapid turn, here we should just get lots of rain and high winds, but nothing really destructive. Or that's my understanding! I suppose the trouble is though, that our gain is someone elses loss, so hope that where it does hit land isn't in a built up area.

Anyway, better shuffle off and have my breakfast. Up a bit later than usual so if I want to enjoy some peace and quiet I better do it now!

Hope everyone is well and happy and I'll catch up on the diaries later.
I have depressed myself today. Just realised that when I lose 2 more pounds, I'll weigh the heaviest I ever weighed when I joined a slimming club years ago and that will be after I've lost 17lbs! Because til today I hadn't translated the number of pounds I weigh into stones and pounds, I hadn't actually realised quite how heavy I had got! Clothes size hadn't given me a clue, as I don't seem to put on a lot of clothes sizes or lose them either. Oh woe! :cry: But at least I'm doing something about it, just a fair old way to go yet!
I have shed yesterday evening's dark cloud of whingeyness (here it is ----> :raincloud: ) and am back to ignoring stones and concentrating on my much lighter pounds :happy036: ! Also, what is in the past is past is done and over with, I'm just focussing on the here and now! I have some pounds to lose, but I'll get there and I think I've done bloody well so far - so hooray for me! :rotflmao:

Peace has been temporarily restored to our house, so that's got to be good! Today, I have to do heaps as I've been a bit of a slackarse and not got my girly ready for her start back to school on Wednesday. So it's a mad dash round the shops, probably heaving with other mums like me! Serves me right though, I must hang my head in shame! Tomorrow is a public holiday, hence having to do it today, last chance!!

Plan-wise I stuck to it as usual yesterday, had a very dull day of food, it turned out to be a green day. Usually I like green days, but yesterday I just wasn't in the mood to cook anything vaguely interesting. So it was fruit and yoghurt for brekkie, pasta and pesto for lunch and jacket potato with cheese and beans for dinner. All nice and easy so that was a plus!

Just heard the washing machine do it's final roar of victory, so I better go peg it all out! Will be back to read more shortly while I have a post exertion mug of tea!

Hope everyone is rolling with the punches! :D
Your posts really make me laugh Ozzie! And yay for the 17 lbs! That's a fantastic achievement!

Glad peace has been restored, even if it is just temporary. Are you going to miss your daughter when she goes back to school or are you looking forward to it?

Must admit when the kids were young I used to dread school hols. Trying to keep them entertained was exhausting! But as they got older I realised I was starting to enjoy it. And now I love school hols cos it means I get a lie in too! All I have to do is provide a mega load of food everyday (no problem there - don't really know any other way) and then I don't see the kids cos they're either out surfing if it's the summer hols (both) or Xboxing and football (son) and shopping (daughter) in the winter.

Course now they're really growing up and edging out of the family home I look back almost wistfully on those long days of sticky back plastic and face painting. Almost.

Anyway - back to your 17 lbs. Are people starting to notice? Cos I've lost roughly the same amount and I can safely say not a single person has noticed. Or if they have they've not said anything. Even I'm not sure where that 17 lbs has gone from!

I think it's because, like you as well, even though I've lost that amount I'm still only back down to where I used to consider my absolute heaviest. Which just goes to show how humungous I'd become. Also goes to show that people were very polite then and didn't mention the fact I'd become so lardy so I shouldn't moan that they're not mentioning anything now. Wish they had in a way - might have spurred me on to do something about it sooner!
Sorus, my dear pal, I think you should really be very worried, you are so like me in a lot of ways, which I feel should give you much cause for concern! :rotflmao:

Not a soul has noticed how gaunt (see I'm borrowing your word there!) I've become! Actually I haven't noticed any substantial difference either, but for this it may not surprise you to learn, I do have a theory! I believe that I am losing my weight from the inside out, I think I had overweight internal organs .... and now my intestines and that blasted pancreas and all the other wibbly wobbly slimey bits are fading away and sooner or later, my external self will notice and will suddenly, perhaps overnight, contract and I will be thin - ta da!!!!!!!!!!! As theories go, I think if I read it often enough, I could possibly convince myself it's true! In fact, it is true! ta da!!!!!!

I'm looking forward to little H going back to school in some ways, but I will undoubtedly miss her quite horribly. She is a cheery little chatterbox and very good company! However, I do sometimes enjoy a bit of peace and quiet! Unfortunately, her return to school also marks my deadline for pulling my finger out (why do so many of our conversations seem bottom related?) and looking for a job! Oh woe! ... I might dig out my little black cloud of doom gloom and bad things again! ;) :D

I'm not meant to be here, I'm meant to be ironing..... so don't tell anyone you saw me! :whistle:
:eek: I haven't written here for days! Things have been a bit hectic and my peaceful morning routine is all screwed up! Young OzMoz has gone back to school and is very happy, her teacher is apparently cool. It's a very nice school that she goes to but there are a few little turds there, unfortunately she seems to have been lumbered with them in her class this year, probably in the hope that a male teacher will bring them into line. They've never messed with her in the past, possibly because she's taller than them :rotflmao: Going to keep a close watch though.

Plan-wise, I've been good .... I'm so boring :eek: :D

:eek: must run, time to start getting my girl ready for school. Will be back later to post more thoughts from Chairperson Mo ;) :p Hope everyone is staying on track, and all are well and happy! :)
This week has mainly been a week of getting soaked, drying off, going out and getting soaked again! Too hot for coats too, so you either put up with the wet clothes til they dry out or keep getting changed! Trouble with keep on getting changed is it means extra washing and it's hard to get them dry because with all the rain it's so bloody humid! Pfffffft - living in the tropics can be a pain in the posterior! The other thing that is strange is that when you scrumple up paper here, it doesn't make that scrunchy noise, because paper goes all soft! I found that very peculiar! oh gawd, it's my day for uninteresting facts .... I already shared one in Sorus' diary :rotflmao: and I'm seeing a pattern emerging for the day!

Struggling to get into a proper eating routine at lunch time now that LittleOM is back at school. Because I have to pick OH and stepson up from work at lunchtime and take them back after, it mucks up my hungry time, if I eat before I go get them, it's a bit early, and if I eat after it's a bit late, so I've gone off the idea! I'm an awkward bugger aren't I ?! :rotflmao: Sure I'll work something out ..... probably will just involve a metaphorical boot up the backside and getting myself into a regular routine.

Had a green day yesterday, SW chips for lunch, lost interest in cooking anything to go with them, and didn't really enjoy them as I ran out of time and had to gobble them up and dash to school .... in the rain! I looked like a bedraggled hobo as I was in my scruffies - luckily daughter doesn't care! Anyway, back to food, then for dinner I had a vegetabley thingy that was left-over and frozen from the other day with Ainsley Harriots roasted vegetable couscous. It was yummy!

Today, I'm going to have an EE day as I don't want to cook tonight, so I'll just have whatever husband cooks. Weigh in is tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a sts, my weight has been pretty constant over the week and all either at what I was last week, or slightly over. A sts is a bit disappointing if looked at in isolation, especially as I have been good, BUT I've lost 5lb in the last 3 weeks which is a lot for me so a sts or 2 is inevitable so if that's what happens I will take it on the chin! However, if any weight sneaks on, then I'll have a tantrum and it won't be a pretty sight!! :D

Looks like a wet weekend ahead so probably going to have a quiet one.... :eek: it's OH birthday tomorrow... so that means I'm going shopping this afternoon! He's going to have to wait for his proper birthday present for a few weeks, til I've hopefully got a job, but I'll get him something to open tomorrow!

Anyway, I'm rambling and I have dishes to do! Hope everyone is doing well and has a great weekend! :)
Hey Ozzie! Good luck with your weigh in! You're going to mess with the interesting stats now, aren't you? And is it possible that we're both that anal.... :D
Oh dear :cry: I messed up our uninteresting statistic Sorus, I've only been and gone and lost a pound! Strangely enough, my initial "yayyy!" was remarkably closely followed by the thought of our statistic *sighs* I'm still pleased though :p I deserve my pound but I still don't see where it came from, all week I've been set for a stay the same so I thought at best I might get a half but nope, a pound magically fell off over night ... hmmm using one of your earlier theories Sorus, I should go check for a pool of lard in my bed..... I almost did the obvious joke then of "oh no, that's my husband" but to be fair and honest, he's as fit as a butcher's dog and a skinny-malinkey-short-legs! :rotflmao:

Not much happened yesterday, rain, rain and more rain. Went out and rented some DVDs to keep us all entertained .... my favourite was actually a kids movie, "Aliens in the Attic" which was very funny, especially when you have 2 youngish kids in the house giggling away with you! My younger stepson(10) came to stay unexpectedly for the weekend.

Went out to get a small present for OH birthday, he'll have to wait for a proper present, and the whole shopping centre was in darkness. I should have guessed as all the traffic lights on the way were out too! Apparently the power had been out for well over an hour and no news as to when it would be back, so I just turned round and came home again! So I've got an emergency dash to the shops first thing this morning when they open, which isn't til 10ish I think! At least I know what I'm going for, so that makes it all quite simple.... hopefully :fingerscrossed:

On another uninteresting note, I need a new bed, my back hurts which it has done for weeks now off and on, but today my head hurts too as I'm so tired from lack of sleep! Might try sleeping on the floor tonight!

Apart from aches and pains I'm feeling good about life and happy that slowly my weight is dropping! Just wish it showed a bit, although I do feel that my lower intestine is looking trim ;) :D

ExtraEasy day today! Going to make mini quiche for lunch probably and no idea about dinner yet. I would say see what comes up my humph later (as my late mum used to say) but it does sound vaguely rude!

Hope all are doing well and shedding pounds left right and centre! :)
I see I was going to make mini quiche for lunch yesterday, well that didn't happen! I'm an idle slob at times! It's not so much physical idleness as mental laziness, I made a risotto instead, which is probably more work than the quiche, but I know how to make it without reading the instructions! I'm a little bit ashamed of myself truth be told! :eek: I really must vary what I eat - although in all honesty, I'm not getting bored, I love this regime. Sad old bag I am.

Oooooooooooh I did my first really bad thing since October when i started, bought a triple chocolate ice-cream log thingy to use as my husband's birthday cake as he's not really a fan of cake, and I was going to have a sliver, just to be polite..... but I had a great whopping huge ginormous slice! Strangely enough it acted as a temporary cure for my backache, I was in heaven! I'm not generally a chocolate monster and I haven't really been missing it, but it was just divine!

Just done the work/school run, put a load of washing in, then a second trip to work as my OH forgot some of his work tools, then a bit of food shopping, just had my breakfast and now about to do the dishes. I would vacuum, but my back is too sore, so we shall walk knee deep in grime til tomorrow ;) :D

Today, is going to be a green day I think, leftover beany risotto for lunch and pasta/pesto with salad for dinner. But with me, who knows what I'll actually end up doing - all I know is that I will be good.

Hope everyone is breezing happily along :)
Morning Ozzie. Or evening, depending on what time you pick this up!

I have a bad back too this morning. I would like to say it's because of some seriously energetic action going on in the bedroom department but if I did I'd be lying. Chose instead yesterday to watch the Murray/Federer final. Much to OH's disgust. What a crap decision that was. :D

I can't believe the chocolate ice-cream log thingy is the first naughty thing you've eaten since October. Is that true? How is that even possible?! I take my hat off to you. Blimey I take the contents of an entire milliner's shop off to you!

I'm off to Truro today to change some jeans I bought for my son. He seems to have grown 3 inches just in the last fortnight and the ones I bought are too small. I realised last week that he has literally just one pair of jeans that fit him. I'm a terrible mother! And he never says anything or complains. Unlike my daughter who would consider it social death and ring the NSPCC if she was down to her last 15 pairs of jeans. :)
oh ozzie I miss home so much and hearing you talk about it makes me so homesick :cry:

even the rain :D

keep up the good work
Sorry that you're missing it here so much soccermom :( I miss being in England as well - would be nice if we were rich enough to live part of the year here and part of the year there! As it is we aren't rich enough to live anywhere :rotflmao: The last couple of days have been quite appallingly humid, I'm melting - it's hotter indoors at home than it is outside, hope the house owners are going to take the government grant and get the roof insulated and give us a few degrees off! :fingerscrossed:

Sorus, hope your shopping trip went well! My girly (7) is only just getting to the stage where she is at all bothered by clothes and even then she isn't hugely fussed as she is turning into a bit of a feral little grub, but a well-mannered charming one :rotflmao:

Meh! I did sneakypeek midweek weigh in .... and i'm not sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, as I would appear to have put on 2lbs! The bad side is obvious, but the good side is that at least I can try and correct it at least a bit by weigh-in day. I know I had that HUGE bit of chocolate ice-cream on Sunday, but surely not 2lbs worth?!? Anyway, I'm just about to start making a big pot of superfree fatgirl soup. I hope it tastes nice as there seems to be a lot of chopping involved and I have limited interest in chopping! Soup in 30C heat seems wrong somehow ... maybe I should serve it cold and pretend its gazpacho - not sure that really appeals to me though :eek:

Daughter came home from school all enthused about learning a musical instrument - she isn't fussed what she learns, but can she learn something. Now I'm all in favour as I learned piano when I was her age and am really grateful to my parents for giving me that opportunity. Problem is my piano is still in England and I'm not sure I'm going to get it shipped, so maybe she should learn something smaller and more portable. But what should she learn ..... waaaaaahhhhh! Might look into the cost first of piano lessons and then try and see what we can do, I know I could get her a cheap-ish keyboard for now, but trouble with that is that the keys are much lighter than a proper piano, and she would be as well learning with the real thing. Wahhhhhh! I don't know what to do. I'm going to have to go find my thinking cap and do some thinking .... if you hear wailing south of you, that will be me as thinking hurts and is therefore a Bad Thing.

Anyway, time to peg out the washing, do the dishes then make that soup! oooh I sound all busy ... it's a hectic life! <---- that's a lie! :rotflmao:
Hiya Ozzie - how was the soup? Worth all the chopping? And any decisions made re musical instruments?

Interesting you say you were glad your parents encouraged you to learn the piano. Mine encouraged me too. In vain! I absolutely loathed it and made their life a complete misery till I was allowed to stop having lessons. Vile child that I was! And of course I regret it now.

What about the triangle? I hear they're quite reasonable. :D
Soup was absolutely delicious! The fact that there are another 6 portions frozen, so 6 fewer meals I have to cook makes it seem even more delicious too! I hate chopping carrots though, it made my hand hurt so next time it's frozen ones.

No decision made yet re musical instruments, she really wants to learn piano and to be honest I'd love her to play. My dad was the piano player in our family and I enjoyed sharing that with him, it was our special thing when I was young. On a practical level though, it's not looking like it's feasible. Going to look see if I can find a batty old second/third/fourth hand piano going cheap, and if we can't then it's back to the drawing board! I learned the piano until my teacher died, I didn't want another one, so I stopped then, I was about 13 so was getting a bit fed up with it by then anyway. Funny you should mention the triangle, my dad to his dying day was very bitter about triangles as that was all he was allowed to play in primary school, more fool them as he was very talented musically.

I'm a bit fed up today. Sore head, sore back and I've put on yet another pound ... I'm 3lbs up since Sunday and all I did was have a piece of rotten bloody ice-cream log! I'm getting bitter and twisted about this :rotflmao: No idea what's going on. Just going to keep on keeping on and hopefully the pounds will get the message and keep on keeping off and then some!

Looks like another stinking rotten humid day - grrrrr I'm definitely growly today aren't I! :eek: It's this house is like an oven where the thermostat is broken and it's on full blast! grumble grumble whinge whinge....

Not got a plan for today - heaps of dishes to do, clothes washing/drying and general pottering about the house. I think after I've done that I'm going to sit and read my book and everyone and everything can get stuffed for a couple of hours until I regain a more sunny outlook. :rotflmao:

3lbs I tell you ... how can you randomly put on 3lbs in 4 days, in those 4 days the syns from the ice-cream would be balanced out by now anyway, as I rarely eat my full entitlement. Dammit!! Meh! Pffffft! and indeed Hurrumph! You know I'm really cross when I "hurrumph" that's a bad sign, that is! :p

Anyway, I'm going to have a cup of green tea with mint, I read about it yesterday and felt inclined to give it a whirl today. Knowing my luck, I'll hate it ...... said Eeyore :eek: ;)
Well I didn't hate the green tea with mint, it was delicious! I'm very anti-oxidised now after 3 mugs yesterday and 1 so far today. Not going to switch to it completely as it costs too much, but will incorporate it into my drinking regime, makes a really nice change from normal tea.

Mint green tea and someone kindly digging out the recipe for courgette and cumin soup for me actually were the highlights of my day yesterday. It was a horrible day generally. I usually snap out of growly moods really easily, but yesterday everyone I came across seemed in that sort of mood, I think it was the heat/humidity. It was stifling and looks like being pretty much the same today.

Weight stayed 3lbs up on Sunday - no idea what's happening there, I thought it was a water-retention blip yesterday but still up this morning. Feeling quite down about it, I generally accept with resignation and a smile the fact that my weight isn't going to go quickly but this is getting a bit silly now when I have been really good since October, only once since mid October when I started have I been over syns in a day and that was this week and that was evened out over the next couple of days. I'm disheartened but I'm not giving up, keep plodding along and see what happens.

Today is a green day .... :D it really should be a red day as I'm feeling more :mad: than :D

Washing is on now and then I have the dishes to do, so I better shuffle off before it gets too hot and I don't want to do anything! Hope everyone is doing better than I am and I'll be back on form soon!
I think I'm going to take a vow of silence ... a bit like the carmelite nuns or trappist monks, but without the holy stuff, hoping this might keep me out of trouble! But fear not, fellow diarists I can still type! :rotflmao: - you can't escape my ramblings that easily! :p

Yesterday, was not a cheery day.

Still sticking to plan - one of my pounds that strangely appeared has gone, but that still leaves 2 and I'm none the wiser as to where they came from. A bit disheartened, but I'm not going to give up, at worst I know I'm eating healthily while I try and work out what to do, and at best, the weight will start coming off again rather than appearing on! It's madness I tells ya!!

Everyone here is still asleep including the cat and dog, it's lovely and peaceful apart from a few birds twittering and gentle snoring from the dog.

Think I'll probably have a green day again today. WI tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it, I can put up with sts but not with weight gain, that is just plain unfair *stamps foot indignantly*

Hope everyone is doing well and staying positive :) ... which is a bit rich coming from me who is being an Eeyore again! :rotflmao:
How's it going Ozzie? How did your weigh in go? Hope you lost some weight cos you sound a bit fed up! You need a boost!

My weigh day is Tuesday and as we know by now there's no chance of my actually losing any weight so you'll be storming ahead of me. And as for my weigh in after my holiday - yikes! Think I'll just stick my head in the sand. I've ever so good at that.

Hope things are peaceful and sunny with you. I'm hoping to find some sun - ie warm sun - on Thursday. Can't wait!