OzzieMoz's Upside Down Diary!

G'day Sorus :D Weigh in was disasterous, catastrophic even and I'm right royally pee'd off. I was huffing and puffing and sulking too much to bother with my diary yesterday. Put on 2lbs and there is no reason for it whatsoever. I'm well within syns every day, and I've done what I always do and stuck rigidly to the plan and I'm eating the right foods and enough of them. If it wasn't for the fact that I know this plan works, I'd be feeling inclined to give up. I want to shift this weight once and for all and whilst I'm not all that big, I'm bigger than I should be.

I'm just feeling that no matter what I do things go wrong in life these days. Wahhh, it's definitely a bad case of poor-little-me syndrome. I just want something to go right.

Think I'm going to have to give myself a kick up the bum and sit down and count my blessings.

Sorry for being :badmood: but I try to be honest in my diary about how I'm feeling and today is definitely :raincloud: which is actually mirrored by the skies outside as it's looking a tad stormy out there too!

Anyway, for now, I'm off to do the dishes and then I'll start thinking happy thoughts and get to work on shifting the gloom. This diet will work.

Hope everyone else is doing well :fingerscrossed: :)
Hey Ozzie - cheer up my friend! You're not doing anything wrong at all - the body is just a perverse, complicated machine at times! There are so many reasons why the scales might be showing a gain at the moment.

You do sound a bit down and it sounds like there's been quite a lot of stress in your life recently. In which case it's more than likely you're producing a lot of cortisol (a hormone). Cortisol is associated with weight gain. So the most important thing to do is not to beat yourself up, or you'll release even more cortisol!

The other thing is - if you didn't have a scales throwing out some arbitrary number would you be fed up now? About your weight I mean? Cos the scales can be tyrannous. They only show a number. Scales are a very blunt instrument with which to measure how much fat we're losing. It's just that that's all that most of us have to go on. Would you be quite happy sticking to the plan just glad to be feeling healthier and knowing that your clothes will get looser in their own good time if you didn't own any scales?

I don't know about you but I do know that I'm at that age where I know I have no choice. So the scales don't sometimes show what I want. But what's the alternative? To go back to eating far too much bread? Too much fat? I know if I do that I might enjoy the freedom for a week or so but then I'll start feeling bloated and uncomfortable. My clothes will start to feel tighter again and I'll start feeling less and less attractive. After about 6 months of that I'll be so depressed at how I look and feel I'll start dieting again. And the cycle will continue. So there is no point in doing that, from my point of view. I shall just continue doing what I'm doing, which is perfectly doable long term, and most of the time enjoyable too. As long as I keep my food varied! If I lose on average just a quarter of a pound a week it's better than the alternative, is the way I'm thinking atm.

Are you now at a weight that you've stayed at for a long time previously? Cos I have a theory - completely unscientific! - that we lose weight nice and easily, until we get to a weight we were once 'comfortable' with. And I think our body kind of likes it there and just likes to hang out with that weight again for a bit. But then after a few weeks it gets bored and as long as the plan has been stuck with a nice downward patch starts again. That's my theory anyway. Mainly cos that's where I am at the mo!

I also think sometimes our bodies get bored. ie they need a bit of excitement, a bit of confusion. They get bored with the same thing - day in, day out. They get too efficient at dealing with the way we're eating and learn how to hold onto fat again. It's as if we need to give them a shock occasionally. Again - a completely unproven and unscientific theory of mine!

So why not try - just for a couple of days - doing something completely different, like a low carb, high fat diet? So your eating is still controlled, but in a completely different way?

Just a few thoughts. Don't get down Ozzie. Throw the bloody scales away if necessary. Or dig out the ones that always showed you as weighing 0 lbs. :D

And bear in mind I'm about to put on about ten pounds while I'm away so you'll still be beating me by miles even if you do go completely off plan for a few days! And no, it's not for that reason I'm suggesting you do it. Though tempting. :D
Thankyou Sorus - you are a diamond :D

I really appreciate you talking me into submission :rotflmao: :p Sorry for being down in the dumps over something as silly as this. I have been doing a counting my blessings thing today and I do have a lot to be thankful for..... and a lot to growl about, but then life would be dull without a bit of a growl from time to time!

I think you're right about my body having a bit of a rest. Going to give this some thought tonight and I'm either going to take a few days off and sod the consequences which is what I possibly should have done at Christmas instead of being a goody-two-shoes or I might just stay on plan and do a week of red days, I almost never do red days so that might frighten the pounds off! Trouble is always undereat on red days, I don't know why, but I must do because in the past they always left me starving. Anyway, I'll make my choice and stick with it!

... and finally Sorus, you're very kind sacrificing yourself and eating/drinking on your holiday just to make me feel good - you're a martyr to the cause!! :rotflmao: and a good friend ;) :D
Good for you Ozzie! Have yourself a little holiday. You know you're brilliant at sticking to the diet so whether you go completely off plan for a few days or do a week of red days you're still in control and know that you're more than capable of getting back to the straight and narrow when you feel it's right.

And yes, I'm glad you appreciate what a huge sacrifice I'm making flying off to sunnier climes and eating as many king prawns in garlic butter as is humanly possible in one week. I feel it must be done... *martyred sigh*
Been catching up with your diary Ozzie, hope you are feeling brighter. I loved Sorus's post 162, some great advice and wisdom. Are you having a diet holiday or are you doing a week of red days? I always had great losses with red days but since doing EE I have found it very difficult to have green or red days as I love EE so much. For me personally the weight loss is slower. Anyhow I hope things are going ok for you hun, keep your chin up, xx
:eek: it's been days since I've posted - how remiss of me! Been enjoying a few days off plan - well not entirely off-plan but not entirely on plan either. I've had a few little treats and not given any thought to how it fits in with syns or reds/greens/EEs. I have no intention of undoing the good work I've done, so it's been naughtiness within boundaries but I've enjoyed it. I think tomorrow I will return to the truth path of SlimmingWorldiness but I might have a few more days off :rotflmao: I'll see how I feel in the morning.

I'm hoping that once I get this out of my system that it might shock my system out of the doldrums and into losing weight again, but we shall see.

Life is a bit fraught at the moment, we seem to lurch along from one disaster to another - but we'll get there in the end ... I hope!!

Anyway, just thought I'd have a quick visit, and catch up on a few diaries which I still have been reading daily even though I've not been posting. Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)
Hi Ozziemoz, just thought I'd pay your diary a visit and see how you're doing. How wonderful to see you've lost 14lb! Well done.

I do hope you find the motivation to get back on plan. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you x
Thanks Marie for popping in and saying hello! Glad to see you back in your diary again and hope all is going well for you - you've done so well and people like yourself help me keep focussed even when things aren't going too well, as I know this plan works!

.....and on that note, yayyy! I'm back on plan and got my huffiness out of my system I think! I didn't go terribly off plan - just was a bit carefree for a few days. Had a lovely Singapore-style fried noodles from the takeaway one night and it was a huge and I mean HUGE portion and I've had ice-cream and and and .... a little bit of KFC but not much because I don't really like it, but it was the principle of the thing! :rotflmao:

Anyway, after a few days of being part good and part bad I seem to have lost those rogue pounds that had appeared from nowhere, which is somewhat bemusing but I'm pleased about it regardless of the cause!

Whilst the temptation is to say that takeaway noodles and ice-cream are a good weightloss plan, I suspect that they're not, so I'm returning to the fold today, it was good to have a few days off and also quite encouraging that in the main I was still making good choices anyway. So I'm back to 16lbs off, which is where I'd got to before, I'm hoping that I don't stick there too long or I'll start to growl again. I want this weight off and although I'm a patient person, I do have my limits.

Not much else to report here, except that I'm having to cook for all the family which I don't like doing, but husband on crutches having torn ligaments in his foot last weekend. Life is still generally being a bit fraught but I'm hoping for a quiet week! well a girl can dream, can't she??!?!? :rotflmao:

Hope everyone is well and happy!
Hi Ozziemoz :)

Good to see you back on plan and raring to go again! I seem to recall you said your husband liked to do the cooking, and so sorry to hear about his torn ligaments. But I was just thinking that perhaps this is a good time for you to bring in a few new ideas to the kitchen, he might end up liking a few of your choices? But obviously you know what works best for you in your household :)

I still find myself cooking two or three different meals for my family though I do try to integrate some of my sw food into evening meals occasionally if I think they'll like it. My youngest son is the most open to trying new things and already is much more aware of what is and isn't good for him.

I found it so funny that you had KFC even though you don't like it much, simply because it would be rude not to have it haha. I kind of work on that basis too when I'm not dieting I won't touch apples because I consider them a diet food!

Good luck with your continuing weight loss, do you have an official weigh in day so I can check on you and wish you luck?
Life is being very awkward at the moment and my routine is all over the place so getting in to post on my diary each day seems to have gone out the window! Thing is, I do log in every day and read everyone elses diary, I just like to post when I have a quiet few minutes and I don't seem to be getting those!! :rotflmao:

Thanks Marie for popping in again, my weigh in day is Sunday and I'm hoping for a good result this week! Still doing all the cooking and getting used to doing it but fed up about it nonetheless. I don't mind cooking for myself or my daughter but I don't like cooking for other people - horrible aren't I?!? :rotflmao:

Being mainly back on plan seems to be going really well! I'm still being slightly less rigid than I was and judging by my sneaky peeky weighing session each morning it seems to be working. I suspect that perhaps I wasn't having enough syns and I am somewhat casual some days about having my HexB(s). Have switched from having fruit and yoghurt for breakfast to having Weetbix (notice the lack of "a" in it, the Australians are most peculiar :rotflmao: ). Not sure whether it's this that is making the difference or not ..... the other change I've made is having several cups of green tea (mint) each day which I'm really enjoying! ..... or it could all be a complete coincidence and the changes have made no difference and it would all have happened regardless! who knows?!? who cares!?!? it's working - yayyy!

On a non-diety note, I've not been feeling too well for some months now ... not feeling really ill either, just sort of tired and under the weather. I put it down to stress and stuff but I finally went to the doctor about it today. Felt a right prat as I promptly burst into tears as soon as I started talking to him - I think I may have "issues" - poor man! Just been to have a whole load of blood tests done and I'm a real woose when it comes to blood, but I was a big brave girl and didn't pass out this time. I made the woman laugh with my stories of past incidents, so she gave me a good girl sticker! I'm as proud as a peacock!! :D

Anyway, I think I better get back to doing something vaguely productive. Need to take husband to hospital for an MRI scan this afternoon and stepson to the dentist, he's an adult so could take himself, but it's best that I take him.

Hope everyone else is keeping well and happy!! Catch up again soon - I want my routine back! I miss wibbling on here in peace and quiet!
Hi Ozzie,

Bless ya, you seem to be going through the mill at the moment, hope things turn up for you.

Sometimes you need time off plan to "kick start" your weightloss (I know how strange that sounds", it's like your body gets used to burning all the same things and when you put something "naughty" into it, it suddenly wakes up and starts running at the proper speed again (I imagine the body something like a furnace and every so often it needs fatty fuel to give it a bit of a boost!). I also think it's important to have all of your A's and B's per day and have at least 5 syns a day.

On a personal note I have completed our visa paperwork for our move, I just need to track down my illusive birth certificate and other documentation!

Hope you get your routine back soon :D
Hiya Sara :D Thanks for dropping by and the good wishes and stuff :) I think you are right about the kick start and about using syns and Hex Bs properly.

Great to hear that you are almost ready to go with the visa application! You know you mentioned your birth certificate, it's just a suggestion but before you make the big move it might be an idea to make sure you have spare copies of all the family birth certs as it's a lot quicker to sort out from the UK than it is from australia. Good luck with the application when it goes in, it's a strange feeling when you finally send it off, all the hours of preparation and dotting i's and crossing t's and then you have to let go and hand it over to someone else!

Plan-wise I was very well behaved yesterday and had a green day, I probably didn't syn enough, so I'm going to have a big ice-cream this afternoon to make up for it! :rotflmao: I'm liking synning now! Today is probably an EE day... Had superspeed soup for lunch so the day might yet turn green as I have no idea what to cook for dinner!

Proud mummy day today, as daughter got another "You Can Do It" award at school for general loveliness. She gave me a giggle this morning as she rather randomly called me "angelcakes" - no idea where she got that from, but it made me spit my tea!

Paid the school fees, so I'm feeling poor, still grumble to myself that you have to pay fees to go to a church school here, but it's a really lovely school with a very family oriented environment. There was much excitement at the school this morning as a big football (as in rugby league) team are coming in to visit them. I told young Ozzie that if any of the players talk to her and ask her who her favourite player is, just to tell them that they are!! Learning the skills of diplomacy! :rotflmao: or crawly-bum-licking depending on how you look at it! ... or charm I suppose!

Anyway, I'm wittering and my soup is getting cold! Will catch up with diaries later, hope all are well and bobbing along nicely!
Hi Ozziemoz, I do enjoy reading your diary, you always try to stay upbeat even though it does sound as though you've got a load of issues going on. As to the doc, who hasn't burst into tears?! I think it's a case of bottling it all up and saving it till you get into their room then releasing it all in one big splurge :D

Well done on getting the good girl sticker :D I want one!!

I think you're doing fab at the moment, giving the plan your best shot despite all the troubles you're facing. I hope you enjoyed your ice cream, funny how those treats taste all the sweeter when you're not allowed so many of them :D

Take care and talk to you soon xx
Yayyyy another 1.5lbs gone - that's 17.5 in total - so averaging just under 1lb a week which is quite typical for me so I'm happy :D I still find it quite bizarre that being naughtier is proving effective but while it works I'll carry on doing it!

In keeping with my current spirit of evilness, I had a Wispa Gold yesterday. It was an impulse buy because it was made in the UK - British chocolate is just way nicer than Australian chocolate, which is good really as it means I'm rarely tempted to eat choccies. However, when I saw it was an import I couldn't help myself, bought it, ate it and then thought ewwwwk it was too sweet :rotflmao: I'm an awkward beggar at times!

Starting to stew a bit about waiting for test results from the docs. I'm such a worrier - silly old bag I am! Only have to wait til Tuesday so that's not so bad!

Not much else happening here. We had a lovely rainy day yesterday which cooled everything right down - it was even a bit chilly last night! That's bearing in mind, that the windows here are just about never closed, just screens and we have no duvet (or doona as they call it).

Cat is in psycho mood again and is stalking me wherever I go - I had to put him on another 10 minute time-out where he sits outside the backdoor looking very hard done by! :rotflmao: He is a menace but a funny one!

Got to buy some new trousers today as mine are turning to rags. I wanted to delay getting new ones til I'd lost a bit more weight but these could collapse any time and I would be up on charges of gross indecency! ... and if I'm going to be charged with that, I'd rather be a bit more slim and toned first ;) :p

Anyway, enough wibbling on from me, it's time to finish doing the dishes which I abandoned half way through and then peg out the washing! Another day in paradise :D
It's a grey rainy morning but I'm not complaining because it's not stinking hot! OH back to work today still limping but he can't take any more holiday at the moment and here you only get so much sick leave which accrues like holiday. It's lovely having the house to myself again, hoping to get back into a routine as the house is looking like a pig-sty at the moment, and that statement is probably doing a grave disservice to pigs :rotflmao:

Foody-wise I had a green day yesterday and am probably going to do the same today, mainly because there are leftovers and that will save me cooking! OH returned to cooking yesterday evening, but I felt sorry for him, so I did all the veggies and peeled the spuds for him, so he only had to cook the meat. I have a feeling that things will never return to how they were and that I am going to be stuck doing more cooking :cry: As I've said before I'm happy enough cooking, just not for more than one or two of us! I think it's because my daughter isn't critical and we like the same foods mainly, whereas my OH and stepson don't and so I always feel they pick at the food I cook suspiciously. It's probably all in my mind! Have I mentioned that I'm a tad mad? Or have you noticed?!! :eek: ;)

Time for me to go have some breakfast having been up for 3 hours, somehow it never fits in to my early morning anymore! After that, it's last nights dishes and peg out the washing (undercover because it looks like more rain is coming!). Some aspects of the day are so repetitive, dishes never end nor does the washing!

Hope everyone is feeling inspired to be happy and do well! I am - I'm planning on losing another 1.5lbs next Sunday to get my club10 thingo! :fingerscrossed: With that in mind, bearing in mind the last couple of weeks, I better go eat some ice-cream and noodles - but not simultaneously - ewwwk! :D
You dropped into my diary for a cup of tea so I'm jetting over to Oz to join you for one now, only fair after all, though you can keep the rain we've got enough here thanks!

First of all well done on losing 17.5lb! You're nearly at the halfway mark, and Club 10 too how exciting!

The story about your cat stalking you made me laugh because my cat is just the same, in fact I swear she's got a screw loose (since my son and I picked her out from a cat's protection home, obviously we must have recognised the madness in each other :D) Cat's are just so haughty it's unbelievable. She doesn't like being picked up, will let you stroke her when SHE feels like it, won't lower herself to sit on your lap and if she's hungry at 6am she WILL damn well get fed or else! I've noticed her tactic now if I don't wake up, she plays with the phone wire by my bed which is annoying enough to wake me up. As soon as I climb out of bed she runs off downstairs and sits by her bowl. Funny things, cats. If you get chance and you haven't already seen it, google 'Simon's cat' on youtube, it's hilarious!

Anyway, have just realised this is not the 'PetsRus' site so back to slimming hehehe...

Good luck this week and fingers crossed for a super weigh in on Sunday x
Hi Ozzie - have managed to catch up with your diary at last! Soooo glad a bit of naughtiness did the trick. The body is a peculiar thing at times! I had the hazelnut wafer roll thingy that comes with my morning cappuccino today. Normally I leave it but I thought of how a bit of naughtiness worked for you (the fact I was absolutely starving had nothing to do with it of course) and succumbed. God it was gorgeous. Don't know how many syns those things are but they can't be more than 4 or 5 surely? My Body Optimise membership has run out so can't check. Mind you I find that site so bloody useless I doubt it's on there anyway.

Good luck with your test results tomorrow. Actually it's already 'today' where you are. Hope everything's ok. Will be thinking of you.
Just thought I better give my diary a quick visit before it thinks I'm abandoning it .... ;)

Lots of things going on in life at the moment that I'm not too sure how to deal with and not really stuff that I feel comfortable posting on an open forum. The only reason I mention it is so I know if I'm reading back in weeks to come that this was a bad time and that it may have an impact on my weight loss. Having said that I'm trying not to let that happen and am being good as gold ... does gold tarnish? if so, I'm being as good as slightly tarnished gold :p I'm sticking to being good but with a more carefree attitude to syns than I had. I think if I bothered to check, I would find that I'm staying within 15 syns but I'm enjoying not bothering to check. If my weight loss stalls then I'll know what I have to do! One thing I'm determined about is not to comfort eat, it doesn't make problems go away, it just creates new ones or exacerbates existing ones.

On a more positive note, my daughter is funny, gorgeous and sweet and I love her to bits. Any time that things seem less than great I always have that to think about :)
Ozzie I'm so sorry life is being so difficult for you at the mo. Can't help having your siblings living half way round the world. Do you have friends in Cairns you can offload to?

I would love to be able to trot out a few trite cliches such as 'things can only get better' etc, etc, but I know whenever people said those things to me when my life was seriously sh!te I just wanted to hit them.

So all I can do is send you loads of hugs, love and positive vibes from this side of the world. And yes, children are a fantastic blessing aren't they? At least, that's what I keep telling myself. :D
Thanks for the kind thoughts and positive vibes and stuff my dear pal - but I'm not sure us big hairy truckers should be hugging :rotflmao: :p

Yesterday was a totally horrendous day. However, some issues have been brought to a head and hopefully resolved. It is still however a time for tip-toeing on eggshells and maintaining my low profile .... it's hard to do that with hob-nailed boots on though :D

Well now that those weighty matters have been addressed I shall move on to my other weighty issues. Yayyy, I said I wanted to lose 1.5lbs this week so I could get my Club 10 thingo and I did it!! Woop woop! However, the downside is that I believe that I truly only should be 0.5lbs down, the other one is a phantom loss because I didn't really eat yesterday and no doubt I will pay the price for that next week! I'm writing about it here, so I remember next week and don't get down-hearted or sulky and huffy if I sts or maybe put on a pound. We shall see!

Todays little piece of pure wickedness was one battered scallop from the fish shop. I had to go in to pay them $10 which I owed from last night, my card was declined :eek: and I didn't have enough cash with me. I couldn't believe how kind they were, anyway, I went in today to pay and they gave my daughter and I some battered scallops which she loves, and I stole one from her. It was pure heaven! Today is going to be an extra easy day but I'm sulking because I want some toast for lunch and I've already used my HexB - dammit! *stamps foot*

OH watching cricket at the moment, youngun off playing at a friends house and all is peaceful here. Yayy!

Well I'm sure I've wittered on long enough. Hope everyone is doing well and feeling happy!

Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!