People starting LL in March...

Hey ISOM, I'm sorry your 1lb was excellent & 3 inches amazing - well done!!!
How did the strimming go?
Just had my last foundation session, feel a bit cheated as I have still got 10 days to go to the 100 days, but I had worked out before that the dates didn't tally!
Also unsure as we had to pay for a full week and those of us going into development start on Monday (as do the Management lot) and we were told we have to pay a full week then too. Our LLC said "it is always useful to have some spare packs" !
Anyway lost another 3, and will count my end of foundation loss as the date I think the 100 days is up.
Development here I come!!
Well done little blue, I should have started development last Monday, but due to it being bank hols decided not to go.
I was on week 12, so still had over 2 weeks to go. Our development will still be on a Monday, so there won't be much change just shorter class & different work book.
I'm hoping to do 2 months in development, what about you?
Well done on the 3lbs weight loss.
well I reckon I have 4 1/2 stone left to lose, would like to do that in 3 months, but not sure how much weight loss slows down as you get smaller! I should have lost 4 stone by the end of 100 days, but I have not been as good as I could be in that time!!
Well done Little; not far behind you & like you begin before the 10 days is up! Also like you want to loose a few more stone. I set my target at 8.5 but as I am now 12.5 and definately well on the way may reduce that target! I seem to loose inches rather than weight (still not lost 3 stone according to LL scales!) but thats possibly due to muscle mass going on (digging!) & fat coming off but fat weighs more than muscle but its a good thing as muscle burns energy at rest!
Cherry the strmming wa a wash out so hoping to borrow it again today! How are you getting on? Hows everyone else? Typical tha Just as I am going back to work the sun starts to shine!
Wow Isom I'm nearly the same as you, I'm 12 st 10lbs now (on my scales) from 17st 2lbs, but I only want to get to about 10 stone, because I'm 5ft 7", I think I would probably look quite ill if I went any further.
I can't beleive how quick it is still coming off.
I haven't weighed in properly for over 11 days, so hopefully mondays weigh in will be a good one.
Can't wait til Monday, the kids will be back at school, I can get back to the gym & its my birthday, I'm gonna do what I want all day, I might even get my belly button peirced!
I promised myself I'd do that when I was slim.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
In haste as want to chill with my last pack...just uploaded my latest piccies to gallery and quite chuffed - really can see the difference now!! Hope you all ok!
Wow ISOM, what a difference & you look so much happier.
Well done with the weight loss so far.
Not sure when my OH will be loading my photo's, he is away a lot & I'm really not that technically minded, give me a group of kids & it's a breeze, but computors I struggle with.
This week I bought a size 14 t-shirt & it fitted, still can't get into my old M&S size 16 jeans though, I don't think M&S jeans can be that generous, because my Asda 16 Jeans are now baggy. I don't really want to buy any new ones yet, I think I'll wait for the 14's.
I blipped on my Birthday, I had a couple of mouthfulls of a clotted cream rice pudding from Tesco's, it was heaven.
But I'm now back on the straight & narrow.
I've not had a milk week, so I'm putting it down as milk week & moving on.
Thanks both! Very chuffed with my waist & gradually feeling more confident....Am now off the milk but didnt last a week (4 days) as wanted to be in ketosis for busy day in work on Sat...Well done cherry and dont worry about the blip - just move on! Whats done is done and you need to look at the overall achievement which is fab! How you getting on little? Anyone else still there or is it just us hanging in!! My group also quite diminished...feel quite sad for the people who have droppped out...shame you cant do it for people isnt it! Anyway...hope you all ok. Off to watch the apprentice - getting v. exciting!
Another weigh in, another 4lbs off. Almost 5 stone gone now.

Next week I move into Management, so this is the last week of abstinence for me. I'm excited, but really nervous at the same time.

Well done everyone else on your losses so far. You've all done brilliantly and it's great to see everyone rally round each other and encourage everyone to keep up this difficult regime. You should all be very proud.
Hi everyone sorry havent posted in a while really busy at work. This week weigh in lost 5lbs thats 54lbs off now only 1 week to go on foundation then will start development to get one more stone off. Had a great day yesterday drove down to Dublin to see George Michael concert he was megga. Well done everybody and keep going .
Luv Mandy x.
wow hopefilly & hidden thats fab! Well done both of you & keep us updated on maintenance! Can understand why its so scary!! I'm onto development as want to loose another few the time I get there am sure it will be terryfying! Most of my group also going to to development so wont be on my own!
Well done Hidden for getting to management and your great weight loss :clap:

Mandy - Well done on the fantastic weight loss so far.:clap:

I started development also this week, there are quite a few of my original group there so I am lucky. ISOM - i'll be in development another couple of months also. Thanks for sharing your photos, you are looking great!!!

My 100 days is up next week and hoping to be over the 4 stone lost mark by then.

A question for everyone..... Did your counsellors take your photo in week 13 like the book said? My cousellor has said she will take our photo when the 100 days is up and then another when we get to goal but we don't get to see them until then.

Hi Sam yes we are having our photo taken next Tues which will be end of week 13 then its into development for me.
Mandy x.
I am finding it hard this week. I think it is to do with the little voice in the back of my head telling me that I've finished foundation and that means that somehow, the pressure is not on. Must keep motivated!!
I had hoped to have lost 4 stone by the end of the week, but that looks unlikely- unless it has somehow all dropped off me today!
I will still have reached my next mini goal though, as I will be in the 14s for the first time for ages.
Hang in there little! You've done SOO well! Tell the little voice to f-off and think of the goal of just getting through the day. I was really chuffed to almost be into the 11's (only 5 feet tall!) but the last few ibs is elusive!! I had my photos done this week...Keep up the good work Samatha!
Final weigh in before management tonight. Lost 5lbs, which actually puts me below my original target, and means that I have officially lost over 5 stone in 12 weeks. First day of management tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to being able to get some sense of normality back, but at the same time I'm a bit scared of eating!
Well done Hiddenfishcake thats a brilliant loss.
Good luck with management.
Hi everyone had weigh in last night lost another 4.5lbs that brings me to 58.5lbs off start development to get another stone off next week was quite sad saying goodbye to the class we are all going in diff directions Im scared to even attempt to eat food yet will stick to the packs its easier.
mandy x.