Pixie's Attempt to become a skinny minny! :)

Hi Gem,
Im doing ok Im bit like you too trying squeeze in more meals
as I was used to just one meal..an its hard trying get more in.
I didnt have any fruit yesterday
last night was craving sweet stuff so had 1 slice toast with golden syrup an it hit the spot..
Well todays a new day
waiting on delivery as I need my yougurt :D
good luck today x
Hi Gem,
Im doing ok Im bit like you too trying squeeze in more meals
as I was used to just one meal..an its hard trying get more in.
I didnt have any fruit yesterday
last night was craving sweet stuff so had 1 slice toast with golden syrup an it hit the spot..
Well todays a new day
waiting on delivery as I need my yougurt :D
good luck today x

Hehe..yogurt! :D

I'm meant to be trying to do it today, but i still haven't eaten anything yet, i'm going to make an omelette in a min though as i'm actually getting really hungry, probably because i didn't really eat yesterday :eek:

I'm off to Dublin in the morning until Sunday, and i was hoping all the walking and sightseeing would help me with whatever i ate that may have been bad, but i checked the 5 day forecast and it says rainy/cloudy every day :(
I think i'll just take an umbrella and say "sod it" it's only a bit of rain, and why go to another country and not see any of it because of a little rain, seems so silly!!

Hope you have a great weekend, and just try and be good today and tomorrow, you did great last week at WI even though you went out a couple of times, think it's about balance (or that's what i'm telling myself lol :p

Still i'll do my best in Dublin and i will be back on it 100% on Monday, until we leave for Florida in September x
Hehe..yogurt! :D

I'm meant to be trying to do it today, but i still haven't eaten anything yet, i'm going to make an omelette in a min though as i'm actually getting really hungry, probably because i didn't really eat yesterday :eek:

I'm off to Dublin in the morning until Sunday, and i was hoping all the walking and sightseeing would help me with whatever i ate that may have been bad, but i checked the 5 day forecast and it says rainy/cloudy every day :(
I think i'll just take an umbrella and say "sod it" it's only a bit of rain, and why go to another country and not see any of it because of a little rain, seems so silly!!

Hope you have a great weekend, and just try and be good today and tomorrow, you did great last week at WI even though you went out a couple of times, think it's about balance (or that's what i'm telling myself lol :p

Still i'll do my best in Dublin and i will be back on it 100% on Monday, until we leave for Florida in September x
Aw sometimes its more fun walking in the rain..least it wont be all humid..
Ive not eaten yet either but my stomac settled now so going have some breakfast then in 2 hrs lunch lol
then dinner later
thats how I do plus I have diary on here too an I swap it a little but plan it early
Ive ordered the coconut yogurt so going see if I can attempt the ice cream I prob only stir it twice then forget though
today is a cleaning day ..roll on the weekend haha
I hope you have a lot of fun an remember to eat :D
thats how I do plus I have diary on here too an I swap it a little but plan it early

today is a cleaning day ..roll on the weekend haha
I hope you have a lot of fun an remember to eat :D

Shall try my best lol :D and you too!
I'm debating whether to bother straightening my hair which takes hours if it's raining over there, i think i probably won't bothered me thinks!
Oooh you have a diary, what it be called and i go find it x
lol yea I rarely straighten mine just go with the got out bed look:D
its called Jules 2nd attempt
oh had bit of a blip yesterday as was rushed of my feet an had friend over..but today Im all set
going give the buscuits to my dog lol
Im feeling really bloated too which is not helping much

You all set for your trip? x oo saw popidoms are free for red dragon ones btw x
lol yea I rarely straighten mine just go with the got out bed look:D
its called Jules 2nd attempt
oh had bit of a blip yesterday as was rushed of my feet an had friend over..but today Im all set
going give the buscuits to my dog lol
Im feeling really bloated too which is not helping much

You all set for your trip? x oo saw popidoms are free for red dragon ones btw x

Shall look for that then as i didn't manage to find it yet.
am in Dublin and so far today i've had shreddies and milk, a cup of tea, a roast chicken s/w on brown (only choice, really suprised i didn't get the white bread lol) and half a bag of hula hoops, so not doing overly bad, but am with someone who doesnt seem to wanna eat anything.

Hope u feel less bloated soon, and i shall go look for your diary now xx
Thursday (in Dublin on holiday, so not as much control as i would like but will be trying and walking lots so hopefully won't do too bad)

B - 30g shreddies, semi skimmed milk
L - Roast chicken sandwich on brown bread (only white or brown available)
D - A bite of a burger (it was nasty :( ) and about 10 chips
Syns - 2 strips of Lidl's white chocolate with hazlenuts - no idea on syns, half a bag of hula hoops at the airport (shared with friend)
No water, and about 4 hours (if not more) of walking.

Hopefully tomorrow will go better shall try and find some food places that aren't fast food. I swear they must be hidden as walked all round town today and the sandwich shop was by far the best option. Dinner in the hotel but was yucky :(

Still, here's to another day tomorrow x
I got into a size 16 pair of trousers today as my 18's were falling down
well done your doing great
make sure you have fun too xx
Friday (in Dublin still)

B - half a small baguette with turkey
L - other half of small baguette, an apple, and a mini choc chip muffin
D - 2 bitesize sliders & 1/2 portion chips with diet coke
Lots of tea (finally! Got some real milk instead of yucky UHT
Oh and a strip of Lidl white chocolate with hazelnuts.

Walked about 4 hours and got soaked so my joints are screaming at me, but got to see the Tall Ship Festival, looked like we were on a Pirates of the Carribean set lol
Am hoping that all the walking is setting off the food, although to be fair i've not eaten much and none of it has been fast food, although i did see an american diner that did real milkshakes so my resolve may very well be tested later :p

Hope everyone has a great weekend! :) x

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Saturday (Dublin)

B -
L - Spaghetti Bolognese and garlic bread (was yummy, and first real meal that i've had since i got here so am hoping it doesn't bite me in the arse lol)
D -

And that be that, oh and another couple hours of walking today, not as much as previous days but i'm so sore from getting stuck in the rain yesterday that i just couldn't do it for as long as normal.

Peace & Love x
well done your doing great Id have been on the beer xx
well done your doing great Id have been on the beer xx

Well i don't really drink so think that has been saving my bacon lol :) x

Oopsie the beer won last night..well the jack daniels anyways :busted:

Dreading weigh in now, but had a good few days in Dublin, so if i sts then i will settle for that....please please please don't have gained though!! X
lol That naughty jd
Im sure you be fine
Im not expecting to do great this week but will go an stick to it 100% this week
as if im out this weekend it not be a mad one cya soon xxx
lol That naughty jd
Im sure you be fine
Im not expecting to do great this week but will go an stick to it 100% this week
as if im out this weekend it not be a mad one cya soon xxx

My scales say i've put on a lb whoopies :sign0007: I have to stick 100% this week as i think i'll have some making up to do lol
cya soon xxx

Back to it today, am home from Dublin, and off to Florida next Thursday so i need to be 100% til then, or as near as damnit (janet :p) so fingers crossed...
Here is the plan for today, it will be edited if anything changes..

B - 30g Shreddies (hexb), 250ml milk (hexa)
L - 3 egg omelette, 45g R/F Cheese (hexa) Lean ham (hexb)
D - Dolmio pasta sauce (3 syns), 75g pasta, 25g R/F cheese (4 syns)
Syns - 12 tictacs (1)

Syn total - 8

Today turned into a green day, were meant to have lamb steaks for dinner but when they were out of the packet they were dinky so hubby has both, which is totally fine by me, red days appear to be a novelty to me, and i never seem to manage them!
Oh well, i will throughly enjoy my dinner, i just wish i had planned better then i wouldn't have had cheese at lunchtime and could have more on my pasta! Heyho, not worth worrying about, it's still a valid green day :p not 100% as no fruit or veg (run out and no shopping til payday on friday) x
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