Pixies Diary...

Morning Kirsty,
I think a new meeting a new you!
I found it helped when i changed meeting,when i used to go on a monday i found that i had to be good on a weekend as the wi was so close you can do it huni xx
sorry i wasnt round earlier hunni.
i do think the change of meeting would help u, spec cause sometimes when the leader is ur friend u dont have the whole "i dont want to go in and gain incase she looks at me weird thing". i used to have this with my leader, now she never did lok at me weird but that was my fear!lol

look upon this as a big fresh start. obviously ur frustrated with being on and off that wagon so make a decision to TRY ur damn best to stay on it!
u want it, and i think u can do it hunni xx
Morning :) .................... Ok so this morning ive had my rice crispies 2.5 ..Lunch im gonna have a jacket and ww tune 3.5 and for tea well im not sure yet but i should have alot to play with! lol

This will be my first full day on WW ... I even have some deserts left in the freezer so if i get the munchies i can have one of those :)

I think i am going to start a new group! .. Monday 6.30pm ... local to which is better ... and ill see how i get on, Think ill just transfer rather than rejoin! ....

Thanks guys for being here xxxx :)
Good luck with the transfer Kirsty, hope all goes well at the new WI!

You so can do this! *Hugs* xxxxxxxx
good on u hunni for starting really well. take it one hour (min/sec) at a time and think everytime u go to eat, then ull have a chance to think do i need this or am i slipping.
hope u have a good day x
just joined, so made my way through all 75 pages of your diary - totally worth the read (saves me £7 from buying a book!) good luck with your new class hope it goes well :)
Ok so im owning up! today didnt go quite as planned! ... Ive eaten bread bread and more bread! .. yes i had my rice crispies but that was it! i had crumpets and lots of toast today :( why oh why! an now i feel like a big fat bloated heffer! ... i am sooooooooooo NOT HAPPY with myself! ... The only fluids i have had today are two cups of tea! not good either!
I really need to sort myself out! ggrrrrr
oh huni,this is not the easiest time to do a diet at the minute i am bloody freezing could i just want a bit dinner,i no what you mean with bread i am terrible with loads of butter.
Try and draw a line under it and get back to it huni xx
huni u could still possible be under ur points spec if thats all u have eaten.
its ur attitude that is half the battle so get up in the moring and look at it as a brand new day.
dont even try make up points just continue as if u had sticken rigidly today.
u can do it hunni xxx
Morning Kirsty,
I hope you have got up today with the good diet head on todat thinking that you can do it ? :)
We are all here for you hun,i no its not easy but i just decieded i needed to do the diet fed up with stuff being tight.
Come on you can do it xx
Morning :) thanks so much for being here listening to me babble lol ...

Ok so dare i say ive woken up with a "good" head on! lol ... Im cleaning this morning then home to get J from playschool,
Breakfast ummm not had it yet. Just trying to think what i can grab! lol ...
Lunch i am going to have a jacket with some chilli i made last night so will point this as 5.5 altogether .... Im not even going to go as far as this evening as thats just asking for trouble at the moment lol.

I have poured myself a glass of water! and have been sipping it ! (better than yesterday) ... Im feeling so so tired all the time! and im sure its due to lack of water! lol .......

oh well back later to catch up on the threads! :)
ooohhh good on u waking with the "good" head!!....has it lasted??
bet ur doing brill xxx
Well ive had 11.5 upto now! ... I am having chips and sausage for tea! .. so that may just leave me enough for a hot choccy for supper! lol ..

Ok so half way thro the day! .. Ive also had a glass of water! not alot i know but better than what i drank yesterday (none)
well done Kirsty your doing so well,i am thinking of having oven chips and healthy living sausage tomorrow for my tea but not sure how many chips i can have for my points i will have to have alook tonight before i say i am def gonna have it :)
hope ur ok hunni and managed to get threw today xxx
hope you enjoyed your sausage and chips.. would love some myself right now! good on you for the water though - i find it so difficult to drink my 8 glasses a day!
Morning :)

I didnt get my sausage and chips as was running late for spiritualist church .. so i ended up with cereal and toast when i got home! ... I dont have some sausages left so will freeze them for next week! ...

lol thought id try very hard to follow core! it may just break my snacking rutt ive got into! i think over the last 3 days ive eaten the equivilent to a loaf and half of bread toasted! so not good i always gain loads after munching bread!

Just had breaky = porridge! ... Lunch i will have some covent garden tomato soup and maybe a jacket tattie (im gonna use it as a sauce next week with meatballs!) Best tom soup ive ever tasted! ...Tea tonight is shep pie! soooooo all pretty straight forward! ... (hehe) ..

Im cleaning at 10 till 12.30 and am gonna do my weekly shop tonight, so will keep my eyes peeled for some decent fruit! My fruit isnt lasting me long at the moment and i HATE throwing things away! Apples are the worst at the mo! ....

No water as yet but will have a couple of small glasses whilst at work! (i hate cleaning) ! .... hate hate hate! sooooo boring and dull! .. But i spose the money will come in for my xmas fund! ...
Mark has told me he would love to get an xbox 360! ......so im saving like mad to make his year! ..
we normally only get silly bits and peices for each other and just for once id love to knock his socks off! so save save save! ....

Nothing else to report apart from umm maybe half a bar of big aero i ate last night :| .... ~sighs~ ...