Pixies Diary...

well no heating cos the energy prices have soared and i cant afford a huge bill :) ... soooooo warm fluffy blankets cuddles in the evening :)
Oh poor you hun,sod that i have to have my heating on if im cold ! I hate being cold ....
i know what you mean Gemma .. last year our heating was on in sept if i was cold lol ... but im already paying £70 a month for my gas and thats without my heating on! :( am dreading what they are going to go upto! eeeeeeeeeekkk ...
Wish we had a chimney id definatly have an open fire!
I no my mum has the same problem as she has a big house and pays gas and electric £270 a month when she phoned up and said its wrong they monitored her and she has to call each day with reading and now she pays £290 ,everything has gone up so much,terrible
Irene when i was growing up we only had the open fire in the living room and a gas wall heater in the kitchen diner ... and it was BLOOMIN cold in the winter ... we used to get wet walls, i used to go to bed in jogging bottoms long sleeved jumper socks and then wrap myself in my duvet so i was like a lil caterpillar! ...
They only had heating put in 2 years ago and what a difference! I dont mind visiting in the winter now ;) lol
gas / electric is a killer isnt it :( I just moved into my own place in july and the house was previously rented so its all keycards and prepayment.. I want to swap over but think I might wait until spring comes as I like to keep an eye on what I'm spending..

how was work anyway? I hear ya on the cleaning - I spend my life washing dishes and it makes them so much more annoying to do at home when I've been doing them all day long! :p
hope u had a good day yes hunni and a good one today xxx
Hi :) ... well not been online as spent most of yesterday down at marks mums ... an then i did lots of baking! .. BIG MISTAKE !! well for me anyway! cos i um eat it all!.
Ive decided im starting again on Monday by going to a new class! .. so this is my last weekend of arsing about! ...

Im off for a nice walk a bit later as the grand prix is on and i cant stand it! so am gonna take the dog for a stroll!....
Am having my hair done on Tuesday! woohooo .. nice new trim.. and then off to Cornwall on Friday for a few days :d cant wait to see mum and dad! :) ... and am off out with my mate clubbing! girlies only lol so that should be good to :D ....
Ok am off to catch up on posts xxx
enjoy ur walk hunni, and dont worry u will get it back hopefully the class will help ya. do u stay for meetings ye?
bet ya cant wait for the girls night..ya cant beat them xx
A new class tomorrow sounds like a good idea hon - fresh start. If you know bread is a trigger food for you, you might want to think about cutting it out completely just for one week and seeing how you get on.
Hey hunnies! ,..

I find that i have to to try and cut bread out 100% or else one slice sets me off and i cant help myself! ...
I do usually stay to meetings although have found myself not bothering so thats somthing else i need to change! ...

So tomorow 6.30pm is the time! ... its closer to home and i should be home by 7.30-8 ready to make our curry! alot better time i reckon

so today is a normal non ww day and tomorow evening ill try and treat as a new start! ... Im going to have to try and walk to playschool this week to! i drive there each day and its a 15 min walk! how lazy is that LOL ... well takes me 15mins alone and 25 with jake ....
Morning :) ..Ok .. so i went to a new class last night closer to home ... a smaller group the leader was very friendly and suggested if i cant get back on 100% to just change one thing this coming week! ... i stayed to class and i feel OK this morning ive decided to restart on Core! (but im pointing it just in case) ....

W.I last night showed another 4lb gain! so thats 5lbs in the last fortnight! :( .. Not happy with that it just makes me feel useless! like a failure! ... I need to click into this again otherwise im just going to end up doing this whole circle year after year! ... A friend of mine text me yesterday to say she didnt answer my text earlier as she was in next buying size 10 jeans :( .... she has also done ww and lost 4 stone in the space its taken me to lose 20lbs! .. ~sighs~

food today

Porridge and grated apple

1egg omellette with pots peppers and mushrooms +spag

turkey mince meatballs pasta and covent garden tom soup as sauce

highlights (snack)

thanks for being here xxxx
Mmmm just had my lunch and it was YUMMY! ..Im lacking on the water front so far! so am going to pour myself a glass for when im surfing and then i can drink without thinking about it!

I cant wait for my tea! :D really looking forward to trying my recipe! ...
Ive also got a pan of leek and pot soup cooking away nicely :) DARE i say im having a good day ?!?!?!
good luck with this week - i'm sure now you're back at class you can get your head round it and get back on track :) I'm still on Core this week too, so may steal your ideas for meals as sound lovely! I struggle with the water too, so going to copy you and drink as i surf! :p

dont forget as well, you're still 20lbs lighter than you were, and that is really really good! chin up babe, you can do it! xxx
Good luck on Core this week Kirsty - good way to keep off the bread, methinks.

Blackwidow is right, you are 20lbs lighter than you were and that's an achievement to be proud of.

Here's to an amazing loss this week x
well done on going to ur class hunni and dont worry bout the gain it was a blip and will be off soon!! and u have lost 20lb if u werent trying u could have been that but heavier so as long as its down its a good thing!!
hope u have a nice yummy dinner enjoy xxx
Evening :) Well day one over with! .. and stuck to it :giggle: how happy am i! Im quite pleased with myself ....
My tea was lovely and im looking forward to tomorows food! .. Im pointing it also just in case i trip myself up or find myself in a position of difficult food choices! .... so im hoping i cant go wrong lol ...
Im cleaning in the morning so tomorows food plans as follows! ...

B= cereal + Boiled egg (if time)
L= H/M leek and pot soup with a jacket spud
T= shep pie veg and gravy!

another Core day so all free:) ... altho around 14 points ! hehe ...

Thanks so much for the messages left for me today :) it means so much to know i can come and babble and at least somone is listening to me :p
im soooooooooooo delighted u stuck with it yes hunni and ur food does sound yummy lol!! enjoy it xxx