Pixies Diary...

Oats is a good one. Put a load in a sock/tights & hold it under the tap & run the bath, then have a good soak in the oaty water. Helps with exczema & chicken pox as it helps with the itching. You can just put loads of oats in the bath water but the sock/tights method is good as well.
You do it the way Anna do it or I used to use a hand blender to grind the oats in powder then put a good amount in the bathe under running water then take a long soak in there.
Excellent thanks so much for that! Im sure it will ease the itch and the red soreness ..
Thanks hun....hope she is feeling better.
Afnoon :) .........
A bloody cold one again! -3 its saying here at the moment altho it was -5 when i was scrapping the frosten off the car
(jakes new word!!) "look mum everythings frostened" lol bles

Diet today
2 weetabix 2.5
ww lasagne and salad 4.5
Homemade stew 4.5 no dumplings tonight! lol ....

snacks umm well i bought some maltesers cos im cheesed off! But am going to try not to eat them!
ww chedders 1.5
orange and nana 1.5
ww desert 3 :) woohoo happy days!

17.5 in total! so if i do give in to the choccie i can do :p ...

Beccas still really bad .. off to docs after school today to see if there is anything he can give for the itch! ..
I was watching her last night when we went to spiritualist church and she took her coat off (her arms arnt to bad) kept her scarf up and put one peice of it in her mouth and held it between her teeth to cover her neck so noone could see :( ...........

really wish i could magic it away and have it myself so she didnt have to :(
Hey hon. Sorry to hear Bec is still suffering. Looks like you're doing really well at sticking to plan though - well done for not letting it send you off track x
I really wish i could magic it away and have it myself so she didnt have to :(

Being a parent can be soooo hard at times like these :hug99::hug99::hug99:
I'm sorry to hear she is suffering :( I really hope she improves soon. You just feel so helpless when a child is ill. Big hug ((hug))

Oh and look at you!!!!! Sticking to plan!!!!!! Well done xxx
Yer, you go girl. Stick with it. I feel a loss coming on! :)
Afnoon all :) ...
well its certainly a cold one again! -5 .. altho i dont mind it, rather this than the rain! ...
Beccas psoriasis is still the same! we went to the docs yesterday to see if they would give her anything whilst waitng to attend the hospital, and doc said she was only prepared to prescribe 1% hydrocortizone as would rather wait until she has seen the Derm ..She also said that this was one of the worse cases of Guttate she had come across :( ....
usually if Strep triggers psoriasis it just brings a few patches out ... where as i would say bec has it on 70% of her body roll on the 10th feb!

Diet wise going ok .... had a down day yesterday things with me and mark not great, think we have gotten ourselves into a rutt and not sure how to get out of it! ...
Food today,
Weetabix 2.5
WW spag 1,.5 and 3 ww toast 1.5
stew 5

woohoo what a good day :)
snacks ... WW chedders 1
WW desert 3 ...

oh yes this girls on a roll! hehehe xx

I just wanna say a big thankyou to all who have passed on best wishes for Bec ... it means so much xxx
sorry to hear you and OH are in that place.. theres a lot of stress on both of you atm so i hope things pick up soon :) sending you lots of hugs for both you and Bec.. is the hydrocortizone helping at all? I suppose if its on 70% of her body she will be going through a lot of it! :( really hope it improves for her soon.

so pleased you have gotten back on track with WW though - you'll have that gain off in no time.. you're not finding out until feb how you've done are you? Or are you finding out how much you've lost but not how much you weigh? is that how it works?

also i must get some of those ww cheddars.. Jen has them all over the place in her car and i've craved some ever since! :D
Hey Rach ....
yep im going to find out how much ive lost each week but not going to know my actual weight until Feb :)

They prescribed 4 tubes of the cream but the chemist only had 2 in stock so have to pick the rest up next week :)

Thanks Susan :) im pinning all my hopes on seeing the Derm.

Yeah i think there are alot of people in the same place at the moment, Im sure we will be ok, its just got to the point where we just take each other for granted a bit ...

sorry to hear you are not having a great time honey, am so impressed that with everything youre going through you are still sticking to you diet!! Well done!! Hope your wee one picks up soon and the spark is back with mark. Perhaps a nice wee meal...frankie and bennys is good! lol!!
I think you are doing yourself out of 1/2 point honey, weetabix are 2 points for 2, the oatibix are 2 for 2.5 points.
Just popping by to say hi. Have you manage to get your daughters itching under control? Hope the cream is working.
Hey hun, things better now? Will be on msn later if u wanna chit chataroo! x
Hey all :) thanks for the lovely messages .. weekend has been a bit uppy downy! ..

Mark says he has no intentions of us splitting up or anything, and its the last thing in his mind, but we have to start making more of an effort to spend time together or else its going to get worse and he doesnt want that, and also for it to be natural and not to force ourselves to make the effort just to keep things ok.
He is really down about the fact he doesnt go out or do anything for himself, he works sleeps works sleeps ... and he is so upset he cried about it........ i think this is what has triggered everything with me and him to ............ his mates have sorta moved on so he doesnt really see any of them anymore :( ..

any ideas for getting him into somthing again would be wonderful! ..

Diet has been good! and altho i know ive been an angel i am still dreading tomorows W.I lol

becca still the same .. redness is calmer and she is using cream twice a day so definatly some benefit!

will update everyones diaries later am gonna serve up my tea YUMMY ! hhe