Pixies Diary...

Ideas for Mark.... ok, something simple to start.... Does he like football? If so does he do the fantasy premier league online? I do it because Lee does it and its actually quite fun.... you make transfers and stuff each week and compete.... the scores depend on actual game results.... HOWEVER, that does mean staying at home....

Even half an hour at the gym after/before work is good for the men - it's their time and they feel powerful about it - I'm at the gym - woooo....

So glad your not splitting up.... it's so hard when things go a bit pear shaped and you have the added strain of becca...poor thing.

Morning :) ..........

Lou thanks for the ideas hun, BUT he hates footy lol, Im so scared im gonna lose him ya know :( .. Hes a very quiet man naturally, doesnt say alot, and it takes alot for him to open up, im just worried hes going to decide that its not going anywhere ...
Im going to be left up here with noone only my kids, and he will still be living in the village :(
Do you think im over reacting? do you think i have any need to worry?
Or is it just a case of him wondering where his life is going, maybe he is seeing his dad, pipe slippers and a hotmeal after work? Oh i dont know!
sorry for waffling
A few years ago my husband went through a 'I need to change things, life is not what I thought it would be' phase that lasted about 6 months & put a huge strain on our relationship. We are however really happy, it was more a mid life crisis thing than about us & our relationship so we got through it although I was rather hurt along the way & worried about what was going on. It could be something similar, something that will worry you but that will work out just fine in the end. I feel very blessed as I have a wonderful family & a husband who I know is very much in love with me & who I love very much, we are so different but balance each other out really well. Bumpy patches happern, it doesn't mean it's always the end :)

I hope your worries are short lived :)
Thanks anna :) ... I know he loves me he tells me every day, he told me he is IN love with me fancies me like mad etc .. just things have gotten into a rutt .. and with his own life to ...

Hope we come out of this ok cos i dunno what id do if i lost him! .. Im placing all my hopes on this stemming from his wanting to do more for himself! ..
Thanks anna :) ... I know he loves me he tells me every day, he told me he is IN love with me fancies me like mad etc .. just things have gotten into a rutt .. and with his own life to ...

Hope we come out of this ok cos i dunno what id do if i lost him! .. Im placing all my hopes on this stemming from his wanting to do more for himself! ..

Sounds like you have nothing to worry about, even though you will ;) Just to add I have no idea how my husband came through the other side, nothing has changed other than his attitude to things.
i think its natural that you are worrying but at the same time I dont think you need to.. (even though you will!) if you know what I mean.. is he geeky at all? Get him on World of Warcraft, or you live near woods dont you? Dig out some local walks or something and you could make it a family thing.. or even better.. ask HIM to dig some out, and put him in charge of organising something for you all to do. If you have a sports centre near he could probably get into something like rockclimbing, kickboxing / boxing, any sort of sport, or like Lou says - the gym! I dont think Mattys hit his mid-life thing yet, but he often complains of the same and so i sent him off to the gym and he loves it!
oh and btw, ur WI is tonight right? :) good luck! xxx
Yep w.i tonight ! ... todays eats are ..
2 ww toast 1 and a nana 1
lunch umm cereal im thinking 2.5

then w.i a 6.30 and home to a WW lasagne and jacket spud :) may have a bag of maltesers for my W.I night treat :)

He hates anything Gym orientated lol god he sounds so boring LoL .. he has got a new xbox so i bought him the latest magazine for it yesterday and have asked him to get a new controller so i can play it with him! ......... and am going to start playing rayman on the wii with him to lol ...

:) thanks xxxx
Massive hugs kirsty!

Hope Becca feels better soon. I soooo feel for her. Bless her

Good luck for tonight xxx
Hello sweetie - let me know how tonight goes.... x
Well im back briefly just a quick update before i go to bed .........
i lost 2 lb! ....... and to be honest i feel a bit miffed :(

i thought id have lost more than that being my first week but my leader said its not exactly my first week! :( umm not really sure but i suppose its a loss no less!
Ive been angelic to! ..

hey ho onto next week :) xxxx
Well done on the loss.
2 lbs off is great and in the right direction.

Good luck for this week. xx
Well im back briefly just a quick update before i go to bed .........
i lost 2 lb! ....... and to be honest i feel a bit miffed :(

i thought id have lost more than that being my first week but my leader said its not exactly my first week! :( umm not really sure but i suppose its a loss no less!
Ive been angelic to! ..

hey ho onto next week :) xxxx

2lbs is great Kirsty! Well done you!!! I had my first 'proper' week last week (re-start) weighed on Monday and was a STS cos of my TOTM and i had a chinese so you did super well! As KDMA says, it's in the right direction!xx
Well done on the 2lbs. That is a good start. It's in the right direction :D

Keep it up! You can do it!
Wooooo - as u've been stopping and starting and were semi being good before, 2lbs is good hun. ***CONGRATS*** (((hug))) :) x
Morning all :) ... thanks for the congrat messages :)

Ok so im happy with my 2lb ... means only 12lbs to my first stone! orrrrrrrrr 5lb to my first half a stone which i would love by valentines day!
Things are going ok, mark seems perkier ;) .... which is definatly good in my book! lol ..
food today
breaky = weetabix 2.5
lunch = WW spag on 3 WW toast = 3
tea = shep pie ... um points 8? ... not sure will look for definate!

so thats 13.5 which means i can have a hotchoccy .5 ww chedders 1 and my ww crisps 1 and a ww carrot slice 1.5 .....17 WOOHOO ...

ummm does anyone think me eating "proper" lunches would effect my losses ????
depends what you mean by proper lunches. I tend to have something on toast or a sarnie. sometimes something with salad if i'm in the mood, its more convenient to have main meal in the evening .I guess its what suits you. Not a real answer i know - sorry
if you tend to eat a lot of the same things for lunch, then a change could boost your body a little. I am a soup / sarnie / salad person for lunch, but i do try and change them around not only for variety but because i genuinely believe that the variety helps my body stay "alert" if you know what i mean :)

well done on your 2lbs.. so pleased for you :) x