Platinumbabe's Diary

Hi platinumbabe, loving your diary, you are doing so well sticking to it 100%, I feel the same as you, just dont want to cheat, to much at stake! Really looking forward to seeing your weightloss Tues, good luck, altho u wont need it!!xx
Thanks Dolly , only another day to weigh in day 12 today . Had a brilliant day , tried someting new and its really worked wonders especially as its a sunday and not a busy day. Had my vanilla shake at 12.30 , plenty of water and coffee inbetween and then at 4.30 had half my bar with a large black coffee . Held off for my chocolate shake at 8.30 had it hot , omg what a treat . Plenty of water after and then the rest of my bar at 10pm as a treat like I normally do on a sunday sit watching tv with something tasty . Finally bought some bouillion stock today and what a revolution that has been this evening. Was thinking it would be dire , but what shock actually nice so that will definately be going into my eating plan for the day.
Bring weigh in on tuesday , that 5lbs will be my prize this week and total lost for the fortnight 1 stone. Will post my weight loss tuesday
Well done so far Platinum, you seem really focused.

I've got some bouillion to try tonight. Its the reduced salt vegetable one, not sure if anyone else has a veggie one? im not hopeful lol x
Good luck for day tomorrow hun xx
Thank you for all your support , it really helps
2 week weigh in and I lost 4lbs, was hoping or 5lbs but 13lbs off now so first stone will be next week.
Im well in the zone , never going back to being fat again ,this is it!!!!
Was a little down today about not reaching the 1 stone but its happened so I have to suck it in and get on with it.
Finding Im not hungry when I have my bar about 4pm so have been splitting the bar in half and having that in the evening whilst watching late night tv. Only having shakes and bars and drinking plenty of water . Have 2 litre bottle of sparkling water a day plus 5 or 6 coffees so I definately have plenty of fluids . Looking forward already to next week and seeing how much I will lose ............bring it on
Well day 16 and still going strong . Cold today and the rain is in for the day, so looks like a hot chocolate shake today and bouillon later if I feel like Im feeling the cold. Plus Water is harder to get down when its cold. Really love this forum and reading how others have got on with weigh loss. Find it really inspiring and motivating and Its great knowing your not the only one.
Well 2 1/2 weeks into diet and still feeling positive. Weighed myself today and the scales havent shifted since Tuesday , but I knew this week might be a lower loss as Ive had a brilliant two weeks so far. Kept 100% to the diet even though its hubbys birthday and daughter came over with grandchildren and made pizzas , shame I didnt have any :( , treated my hubby to a fresh cream gateaux from our local patisserrie which he loves , havent touched any and dont even want to which is odd for me. Really quite happy to be going without to be slimmer . Spent an hour this morning marking in my diary mini goals and be quite happy to reach target by July so I think in 18 weeks its possible to lose 45lbs . Currently Im having a vanilla shake every morning(12 nooon) as I dont like the other flavours in the morning for some reason, the 3 large coffees till I have a bar about 3 or 4pm, but I only eat half the bar. During the day I drink 2 litres of sparkling water I find this fills me up and then possibly about 6pm I have a cup of buillon if I fell cold and want a treat. Have my last shake about 8 or 9pm if its cold I have chocolate one hot and eat the rest of my bar or I have it normally and then eat my bar watching tv.
I really make sure I drink the 2 litres of sparkling water and have plenty of black coffee throughout the day. Well week 3 will soon be approaching and I will get to that 1 stone mark.
Been busy all weekend and I think that is the key so I dont munch and pick at the weekend. Went out today and forgot to have my first shake , never had it till 330pm. so now Im out of sinc, oh well . Must be burning fat as Im not hungry at all , just had my second meal a bar at 7.30pm so final shake will be late tonight . Only Two days till weigh in so hoping for a good result.
Well early start today as Im off to Manchester for two days tomorrow, not sure how I will fair on Wednesday as I have a meeting with Lunch , :( we will see. Weigh in day tomorrow and looking forward to that , can feel clothes looser now and my legs have definately got thinner . Wish it would go off my arms though. Well plan for today is , Vanilla shake for brekkie and a large coffee followed by large glass of water. Hold of till 4pm for Bar and only eat half , cup of buillon in between , looks colder today. Will be drinkimg my usaul 2 litres of sparkling water throughout the day and finally about 8pm my last shake of the day ,strawberry today unless its cold then ill have a chocolate one hot and eat my last half of my bar with it . I do love a treat at the end of the day. Well here's hoping for my 1lb tomorrow to make it a stone , if I just do the stone tomorrow Ill be happy . ;)

Wishing you well with your lb loss to tomorrow, as you are so organised with you day!

Just take each day at a time I am sure there will be something that you could eat on Wednesday.

Have a great day


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I have to be organised Im that sort of person , I have a day diary of things to do for the day anmd that now includes my meals lol. Sad I know but when I dont things go tits up .
Well start of week 4 now as Ive had a blip when I was away , but only a little bit . Not gonna beat myself up about it , ill carry on as Ive been doing , ordered porridge now for the end of the month , so have enough to last through to end of march with shakes, bars and porridge. Off to Tesco in a bit to stock up on water and start drinking plenty of fluids again.Back in the zone and hopefully lose a couple of pounds this week or stay the same , had a good loss till now so one slow week wont kill me.
Into 4th week now and although I had a blip when I was away wednesday Im back on track.......weighed myself this morning and Im back to the weight I was on Tuesday again having put on 2lbs when weighing yesterday.
So back on the plan and looking forward to seeing a small loss on Tuesday and a some more inches off. Had planned a food day on Tuesday after weigh in but now I had something on Wednesday this week Im leaving it another 4 weeks. I know we are suppose to have a food week every 4th week , but after reading some of the Diary of long term members it seems they just do a food day. I think i will cope better with this as if I introduce food for the week I will be tempted with food I should definately not be eating.
Have a hen weekend in london and it is a more reserved affair so it will just be a few glasses of wine , lots of shopping and a meal on the saturday night which Im sure I can cope with . Well onto the net weigh in Tuesday and hopefully no hiccups between now and then.
Great day today , been blitzing the house and mowed the front lawn so shows this diet definatley doesnt give you less energy. Bought Zumba 2 for the wii , so gonna be going on that every day. Porridges arrived for the next 4 weeks , so Im having a change this week having a porridge , bar and a shake a day . Mix it up a bit . Still having one mug of buillon a day the reduced salt one , usually have that between the afternoon meal and evening meal just a nice treat to have about 6 or 7pm . Still drinking plenty of water so we will see that difference on Tuesday at weigh in
Im sure you will , after you have got the first week out the way and you see the fab results your hooked to losing more weight. Im not saying its easy , ive had my moments when i could have opened the fridge and eaten something , but then Ive remembered why Im doing this. If I have a hungry moment I have more water and do something. Buillon has been my saviour after tea time keeps me going till i have my last meal at 8-9pm. Im hoping for 3lbs on tuesday to make it the 20lbs, well on track was hoping to lose 28lbs initially by 28th April but looks like I may lose 40lbs by then which would make me even happy. The support I get on here is 100% better than any ww meeting or sw meeting ive ever been too . That helps immensly.
Well 4 weeks now done and 20lbs have gone , yippee . Im so pleased aimed for 21lbs(1 1/2 stone) for 4 weeks but after the naughty treat I had last week I thought Id be lucky to lose 2lbs let alone 3.
Really in the zone and needed to shift this weight , already feel better and loving having the porridge to fill me up. Been doing zumba every day for the last 3 days only the short class not fit enough yet to be doing the others lol, drink a pint of water doing it and I sweat like hell but enjoying it. Even if the steps I do arent the same as some of the dancers what the hell Im enjoying it .
For those who want to know what Im doing:
Porridge or Shake about 12
Bar or Shake about 4
Mug of bullion about 6
Final Shake or Porridge about 8 or 9
I drink 2 litres of water , sparkling or tesco strawberry still water, and about 6 Large Mugs of Coffee throughout the day.