Pleased but gave in


New Member
I've lost 9lbs in the first week which I'm really eased with but this weekend I went away with my husband and on sat he wanted fish and chips. I find evenings the most difficult time on CD and I stupidly had a few chips and a bit of fish. They tasted awful and I was temped to stop doing the diet. But I didn't and started again the morning because I want to lose more weight and the memory of those horrible chips is enough to stop me being tempted I'm pretty sure.
Anyway as I only had a bit of food, will it take my body three days again to get back to kerosine or will it happen more quickly?
I'm hoping I haven't set myself back too much.
Hi - don't worry too much about falling off the wagon, we all do it once in a while. I don't think there is a given period for ketosis - some people fall our of ketosis really easily and it can take a few days to get back. I cheated on Saturday afternoon and was out of ketosis but I was back by yesterday afternoon.

I would recommend you buy ketostix and test your wee, it's the only way you can get to know how your body works. You can get them at big Boots, they'll order them in or you can do what I did and buy them on Amazon. They are not expensive and really useful to keep you focused.

Good luck and keep up the good work!! :)