Plumfoodie's diary and ramblings

Well done, Plum. You may say that it was an unremarkable day but actually it was a solid low GI day. :)

Love your small victories too, am VERY impressed that you went to M and S and only bought veg and eggs. Their naughties are very tempting. :) And boo at people at work being muppets. A big raspberry at them.
Plum, I agree, your day was fab and I love the small victories idea too!
Ladies, you are sweet! :)

Today's weigh-in result...

+1.8lb (from right before Christmas)

but also

-2lb (from my highest unofficial daily weight over the hols)

so I'm happy with that!
You're doing great Plum!
Today went well, until... Well, you'll see.

Breakfast: quorn sausages, scrambled egg with veggies

Lunch: quorn and veggie stir-fry (would've had soba noodles too but breakfast was late)

'Snack': enormous amount of snack mix, one chocolate and one marzipan fruit

Dinner: south beach shepherd's pie, green beans

Plusses today:

- came in under my calorie limit despite metric ton of junk food

- did a little bit of exercise

- dusted off the Wii fit and it told me I've lost 12 lb since last time (it's been awhile) and my Mii shrunk a little :)
Apart from the little blip for snack time, you kept to GI/GL so good on you. Let's not focus on the blip, esp as you came in under your calorie goal. :)

Hey, that's super with the Wii fit weight loss (although I have no idea what Mii is). Am assuming its an image of your body shape. :D
Yep it's a little cartoon person who gets fatter or slimmer as you do! And makes rather sad little sounds if you get fatter, heh.
Here's to keeping your Mii a happy one with no more sad sounds!!
I think your food looked really good. You exercised, ate a little naughties and was under your calories, I'd say it was a success :) Plus we're all still recovering from the holidays. I still haven't gone cold turkey yet >_<
Today's food:

Breakfast: mini veg crustless quiche (made a bunch of these to freeze)

Lunch: chickpea, roast tomato, olive and halloumi salad

Snack: Nakd bar

Snack: smoked salmon and prawns w/capers

Dinner: south beach shepherds pie, steamed veggies, baked apple with dollop of lowfat custard

Snack: homemade popcorn with olive oil and Parmesan - edit: nope! Too full!

Positives today:

- not stressing about being too busy to track all food on MFP

- a good low GI/GL day I think

- finding a healthier popcorn recipe instead of taking the easy microwave option
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Well done your plan sounds like its going well! I may steal a few meals off it :)
Is MFP my fitness pal iPhone app?
I've just downloaded it and think it is fab!!!
Plum, that looks like a super GL day. Well done. Snap!, I have some crustless quiches frozen too. I used the leftover ham and all sorts of veggies. A portion makes a great breakfast or lunch option.

Lauren, myfitnesspal is a fantastic app. We all use it to some degree or other. Whilst GL does not focus on just calorie content, it is useful to be aware of high cal foods and the overall cal content of a meal. I'd advise using mfp for a few weeks till you're familiar with the cals of your favourite foods.
I just take a portion out and leave it on the counter or in the fridge overnight. Cover it and heat it in the microwave for 2.5 mins. It turns out lovely.
Today was a shambles. Breakfast and dinner were fine, but lunch! Ah, lunch. We had to drive a ways today and had specifically planned to stop at M& S for a feel-fuller-longer flatbread sarnie (which are great). But... we got there and that branch didn't sell them. Of course I was starving by then, having left it a bit late, and stormed off in a huff to the next nearest shop (waitrose) where I proceeded to buy exactly the same sort of (non-friendly) stuff they'd had in M&S. Sigh. Ate far too much as by then I was *hungry*. I even had a Nakd bar in my bag that I could/should have had sooner but I had it in my mind that I was saving it for afternoon snack. Never mind that they sell them in Waitrose so I could have restocked. Epic fail.

Breakfast: oaty muffin, hardboiled eggs

Lunch: aka the meal whose name we do not speak

Snack: Nakd bar

Dinner: wholemeal kamut pasta with white beans, bacon and kale


- (stolen from Ashie) did not actually kill anyone although I easily could have

- stocked up the freezer with salmon, cod, tuna steaks and blueberries, lots of good stuff

- didn't eat a bag of root veggie crisps I bought even though they were staring at me from the car footwell for quite some time

- got the meal plan for the next week done
Food sounds good today Plum. I wouldn't worry too much about lunch, as the rest of the day you ate really well, and it's a weekend 80/20 rule :)

I do know what you mean about how things just goes down hill when being hungry and plan doesn't work out. It's like you know what you should do, but you're so hungry you can't think straight, and it's like "Feed me now!" Well at least that's how it is for me when I get hungry >_<
Yes it's fair to say I 'hulked out' and was not thinking very well at all! Heh! At least I didn't turn green or burst out of my clothes. ;)

I really admire people who can have a food weekend with some treats. I find it so hard to get back on track that instead I enjoy the weekend by maybe cooking nicer meals that take a bit more time than what we can do during the week. For me other treats are a slippery slope, thus I admire tremendously those of you who can have some small treats and get right back to it after! :) Also it might sound silly but if I'm going to choose something naughty I'd rather pick something I really want and will enjoy instead of just grabbing things in hulkzilla mode, afterwards it feels like a waste if that makes sense? (probably not, I freely admit to rarely making any :D )
I agree, if I'm going to go naughty, it has to be something I really want. When I have no choice to eat the naughty when out, and it wasn't even what I wanted, it really makes me feel super bleh. The calories and high gl has to be something I was craving and really wanting.