Plumfoodie's diary and ramblings

Well done on the loss! Really pleased for you :)

The lady you work with is prob envious that you are achieving your weight loss, and still doing great! Don't be grumpy be "happy"
Congratulations Plum on the weightloss! You're really doing great! You're getting really close to goal :)

It's nice that the co-worker is concerned for you, but she has no need to worry. You aren't starving yourself, you're eatting really healthy and working out. You're doing things in a very healthy way. Maybe she's a tad jealous you get to lose weight while still eating :)
Thanks Cali! :)

And as you know I eat around 1500 calories a day, usually including dark chocolate, so definitely not starving myself! I don't think she has any idea how I've lost the weight though as we don't work closely together, just pass in the hall sometimes.

I do find sometimes that people like to project their own goals or values onto other people - personally I have my goals for my reasons and firmly believe that other peoples' goals (as long as healthy, obviously) are just as valid for them. But in this person's case her own goal weight was at a higher BMI than mine and she's also bigger framed (I have quite small bones, tiny wrists!) so I guess what's behind her comment is maybe that she sees anything less than that as not being 'right'. On the flip side I certainly don't look at her and think 'oh she's still too big' just because her goals are different to mine - I think she looks amazing and I'm in total awe of how much she lost.
Some people do have very different ideas on what's a perfect weight on someone else. I've had people tell me that I don't need to lose more weight, but they only met me a few years ago. People that's known me longer than a few years know that I wasn't this big until recently.

Plum you're a huge inspiration, you're beating up your illness like a champ and have come a long ways.
I'm off to Cyprus on Sunday to see my mom and stepdad for a week so probably won't get much of a chance to pop onto Minis. The food there is pretty easy to keep on top of - lots of yummy grilled meats, great veggie dishes etc. so I am usually pretty sensible. I do enjoy myself though and we always put ourselves into a food coma at least once by going for a full meze. :D
Ohhhh Cyprus! I wouldn't mind dieting on their food :) Incase you don't stop in before you go; I hope you have a fun and wonderful trip :) We'll miss you, and look forward to hearing how about your vacation when you get back :)
Firstly: woohoo !!!!!! To your fab fab loss of three pounds. What a result.

That lady really got under your skin. Ignore her comments. File them under ill informed!!! Just accept it as well meaning. At least she noticed all your hard work even if she thinks you're going too far. I'd agree, that she's probably projecting her own goals on you, so just ignore her. Carry on your own great journey to a happy healthy Plum.!!!!!!!
Now get off and have a truly fab time with the folks.
We will miss you lots on here but look forward to hearing your news on your return!!!!
Thanks for the kind words ladies - and Molly, you're very right!

Hope you all have a lovely just-over-a-week - i'll be back, slightly rounder no doubt! :D x
Been poorly since coming back, so not really caught up properly yet!

This week I am +1.2 lb from two weeks ago; however, I am not logging it officially as I'm still losing over 1 lb per day of retained water (from my flight - this always happens to me).

I was reasonably good whilst away, notable exceptions being most of a plate of chips, a white burger bun, and mini versions of all the Cypriot pies I love (spinach, cheese, olive and tahini - each separately, not all in one pie :eek: ).

No problems getting back on plan on my return, so will be interesting to see whether I can achieve my goal of 160 lb in the next two weigh-ins!
Welcome home Plum! I know you'll be able to get to your goal :)
Well done Plum on keeping the gain to a minimum. Great result!!
I hope you feel better soon.
Aw thanks ladies; I really appreciate the support. I've been a bit gloomy since coming back as it's always sad to leave family; sticking to plan though. The water weight finished coming off and I was up a bit in weight from before I left, so I may have to move my moveable goal date again. ;) But that's ok, as long as I get there!

Been really struggling also because my mom and stepdad have such a wacky eating schedule that when I come home (and while I'm there) I'm soooo hungry to compensate. I think my body gets a bit cross and wonders why I'm mistreating it so! Usually I take some snacks/low GL granola so that I'm not so dependant on what they're doing, but this time my suitcase was full. They eat a very very light breakfast in the late morning (maybe around 11-12 they'll have fruit, some cheese, a few nuts and olives), then around 4-5 pm what they call a 'coffee' (maybe a cretan rusk or two with a hot drink) and then a cooked evening meal anywhere from 10pm-midnight. This does *not* suit me at all! My appetite kicks into overdrive so when I do sit down (for example to the evening meal, or to a lunch if we've gone somewhere for the day) I eat more than I otherwise would. And for the week or two after returning home I feel constantly hungry even after eating my meals and really have to use a lot of willpower not to munch through everything in sight. Hopefully this will pass soon!!

I was pleased today to finally get back to my exercise - I hurt my back on the flight over (when a very angry man pushed me quite hard - if he'd said I was in his way I would happily have moved) and my ME had a little tantrum when I returned. But today I got back to it and although I know I'll feel it tomorrow I also enjoy the feeling of having worked my muscles, which sounds strange even to me. ;) LOL
The way they eat def sounds wacky .. I would be starving too - I tend to get the shakes if I don't eat regularly!

Glad you got back into your bells :) feels good! Hope your legs are ok tomorrow
Good to hear you're finding your mojo after the holiday. Well done on getting very quickly back on track.
They really do have a strange eating schedule. That'd put me off and make me hungry all day too.

Shame on that man for pushing you. I hope you're feeling better.
Thanks all! My unnatural hunger seems to have gone away finally for which I am thankful!

And yes, Cali, shame on that man. :( I can only think he must be a very angry, bitter, person which is sad for him. And sad for my back! ;) It did mean that on the flight home I got a row all to myself which was great.

I've been having some mega stress at work. There have been problems on and off for a couple of years now but it's now hit something of a turning point where I have to decide either to make a big stinky fuss, leave, or decide to just put my head down and let them walk all over me. The last one is not in my nature, so who knows what will happens. Whenever I get stressed I start missing meals but am trying to be good! It hasn't been an easy week as my husband has been away on business and so I've been eating more pre-prepared foods. Last night though some friends had me over for dinner and I had a moo-hassive plate of bolognese pasta with garlic bread, and the world's biggest chocolate cream cake. Which I feel has definitely influenced this week's weigh-in result... on Wednesday morning I was 1 lb lighter than I was today!

So, this week's result: -0.7 lb from last week, still 0.5lb heavier than before my holiday, and 1 lb heavier than yesterday!
Congratulations on the weightloss! Also you're doing really great with dealing with the stress and eating. I'm sorry to hear hubby isn't there and work is being a major a-hole. I remember around christmas time they were giving you a hard time too. I don't understand why people/jobs have to do that. I say give them h*ll :) !
