Portion control..


Full Member
I'm having a big problem with portion control, I have no idea how much I should be having..
would love if someone could explain it to me.. just feeling alot lost with what is needed for sucess on slimmind worls.
I'm on extra easy, and I just cant stop eating so week 1 was a total fail..
Basically as long as 1/3 of what you are eating is super free you should be fine as you're filling up on foods with a very low calorie content.
My portion sizes have decreased in that I now weigh my pasta and rice. I know you're not 'meant' to but I find it helps me a lot and when I compare what an average serving is (as recommended on a packet) in comparison to what I used to eat I see where I was going wrong (well one of the areas that I was going wrong).
As for constantly munching, that's ok too (though very hard to get your head around) as long as your first port of call is super free foods.
Have you had your second weigh in yet? Don't be too hard on yourself and if it is a gain then ask your consultant for some advice or similarly post a food diary on here, everyone is really helpful!
Good luck :)
I find that if you use a measure such as a cup for your rice, couscous etc you know that it will fill you up and no more.