Possible to gain 5lbs over 3 day binge? :/

I think so and all depends on what you ate. Most of will be your body stocking up on glycogen again. Why did you binge?
Oh yes. The curse of Cambridge. However, the majority of it is water so will be quickly lost and you will have learnt your lesson.
I have done exactly the same polar- you name it I wolfed it, but re-started on ss+ 100% from Tuesday and reckon I am now going into ketosis again as I have a banging head and am freezing! Think of it as a blow out before phase 2 and just get your head back on! I am here if you need me xxx
LOL, and the rest. :) :sigh: My body clearly has a huge glycogen and water store cos when I fall off the wagon I can gain anything up to 9lbs in a few days. My CWPC always says she's never known anyone else like me - I reckon she must think I do wall to wall troughing.

Now repeat after me - cos it's true - weight quickly on is weight quickly off (so long as your definition of quick is within 10 days).
Aww it's reassuring to know its not just me. We WILL do this and I like your way of thinking Fraufrau it's just a break before phase 2! (The final phase hopefully)! Lily do you think you lose the weigh just as fast as you gained it? For example it's taken 5 days to gain between 5-8lbs and so do you think it's possible to Lose that amount in a week? It's such a waste of money too isn't it :(
Yep - ive gained 5lbs with a 1 day binge! and 10lbs in 3 days. But it comes off just as quickly - dont make it a habbit! :)
Just get straight back on it polar and it will shift. I always think of it as "jelly fat" - get it off before it sets!! Xx
LOL, jelly fat! That's a brilliant analogy! :clap:
How are you getting on today polar? Xx

Did well yesterday and didn't eat. I've done we'll again today but now it's getting later, I've had my shakes and its a Friday night in thinking about those duck spring rolls I have in the freezer :/ xx
Well done for yesterday!! If you really need to today it won't hurt you to do an ss+ day, so rather than the spring rolls, have a chicken and green salad of tuna or even a plain omelette! The difference between ss and ss+ is only about half a pound a week.
Yes that's true, if I really can't stand it any more I'll make myself an omelette with some veg in it or something as don't have salad stuff in :(
Hello polar! Hope you didn't cave last night!! I am still doing well and have my head back on it after my Easter blow out!! Just taken the dog for a good 1 1/2 hour walk for a bit of activity too xx
It's a nightmare, I gained 1.5 stone in 2 weeks on my honeymoon in Vegas last year. I hadn't expected that much at all and it knocked me right off track so please try not let it get to you. Your gain isn't huge in the grand scheme of things and will be off much quicker than it went on x x x
It's a nightmare, I gained 1.5 stone in 2 weeks on my honeymoon in Vegas last year. I hadn't expected that much at all and it knocked me right off track so please try not let it get to you. Your gain isn't huge in the grand scheme of things and will be off much quicker than it went on x x x

Oh yeah happened to me I put on 3 stones when I came off the diet over Xmas. Went back on it around feb and ended up back to where I was at the start :(