Pregnancy and Slimming World

It's our 5th wedding anniversary tonight and 10 years together anniversary :O (I was a child bride, he snapped me up at 19 and made an honest woman of me at 24)- so we're thinking of going out for dinner, but no idea where. Maybe chinese at See Woo, maybe Italian. Decisions. . .

Some spooky similarities here m'dear...
I was 19 when me and hubby got together too (very stereotypically met in uni) and we got married on our 4 year anniversary of getting together.
So our 5th Wedding anniversary (but 9 years together anniversary) was exactly a month ago today - 7th May.
Hmm very spooky!!

I'm still really sore from my fall (not fair it's been 11 days now :cry:) although it is very slowly getting better. The time it's hitting me worst is when I'm in bed. I lie on my side but my hips have been aching like crazy! I've tried the pillow between the knees but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm really hoping it's because I'm over-compensating with my hips as my coccyx is hurting so much... and not something else which is creeping in...
I've got my 24 week check-up on Wednesday so will probably mention to my midwife then.

The thing is I'm feeling GREAT apart from the pain from the fall - no more tiredness, headaches, grogginess :D. I have truly reached the 'blooming' period... except can't really enjoy it!!

Also hoping my blood pressure has crept down at my check up. When I had it checked at my 2 anomoly scans, it was marginally higher than at my dating scan (it's on the high side of normal anyway), although dropped for my 16 week check-up. I'm worried they might want to keep a closer eye on me for preclampsia. Has anyone got any experience of this?
Congrats on the new BFPs, and Cheeky/Rosie - keeping my fingers crossed for you both!!
aww lexi thats lovely. Hope you have a fabulous dinner out. mmm yum.

Cheeky, what are you still doing here girl? for goodness sake, just pop already! ;) .. i hope i dont hear from you tomorrow, and that instead we get a lovely pic in a few days!! i forget now, are you pink or blue or a lovely yellow suprise?

I worked today, which i dont usually do mondays. It was nice cos i got to work with collegue who i havnt crossed days with in months, i totally love her and she makes a very physically demanding job a breeze and a giggle. However, still had headaches and spotty/blurred vision, and so i went to my docs - he managed to tell me that my bloods had come back normal ( so glad my mw bothered to phone to let me know either way even though she said she would this time) .. no protien in my wee and my bp is fine.. but he agrees driving isnt safe with the amount of blurred vision etc.. and has signed me off work for one week.. feel like thats a bit stingy, given the nature of my job etc. but whatever. Iv phoned my boss and left a message but no reply. Hope she picks up soon cos shes gunna be mad as it is. Best case senario is she allows me to take my 2 weeks holiday that was suppose to commence july 1st from the day my sick note ends and my maternity will have to start from 1st july instead of 19th.. cos i cant afford more than 1 week unpaid sick. worst case i have to go back after my weeks up and struggle to the end..Not really sure how this will pan out. Im very worried about money right now.
When are you due to go on maternity leave? As if you go of sick 4 weeks before that date you can't go back you have to start your leave x
Kimmy, sorry i dont follow you!

My Maternity pay was to start from the 19th of July, but with 2 weeks holiday kicking in from the 1st. My last day of work being wednesday the 29th. xx
It ok then if you were to go off sick 29th June they would make you start you maternity leave as it was four weeks till you were due to finish , just mean once you get with in four weeks of the date you due to finish , if you go sick it automatic starts your mp, if you get me ( gov guide lines to make sure you and your baby's health put first ) x so you should be fine soz to worry you just thought you should know case it was near that time x
Fern Kimmy is right, be careful how long your sick is, so 4 wks back from 19th July(when your mat leave starts)so i make that 21st June? After your 1 wk sick note try to hang on until your hols start cos if you are off sick withn that 4 wk period(from 21st June) that is when they will start mat leave, robbing you of a month but then i suppose you should get your 2 wks hols back since your on mat leave............god hope that makes sense? lol

OMG 5 attempts to get bloods this morning and it seems i'm allergic to the sticky tape since i have a lovely red rash wheres its been stuck! Put 3.5 lb on in 2 wks at SW so not as i predicted but still bad in a Sw sense. Been sick again today??? WTF? 2 Mondays on the run around 11am, madness!

Rant time.........flaming New Look , is it me or are they tight on sizing? ordered 2 sz18 tshirts..........not loving the painted on look, no room for growing bumpage! Skinny jeans, i don't think so baggy on legs and showing crack of my arse!! NONONO!!!!! Jersey pants were just jersey topped but then tight band underneath that , GRRRRR
The only thing that was nice was the sun dress at £14.99 which is lovely and will see me through all summer YAY!Think i'll have to stick to going in the shops! Rant over!! x
Hi guys - cheeky that's so wrong of the midwife - she should have done the sweep anyway in my own opinion - at the end of the day it would save the NHS money in using medication to start labour!!! Sorry - am just so annoyed for you! Fingers crossed (not legs though lol!!!) that you go into labour before Weds!

congrats to all the anniversaries and weddings going on - am just speed reading at the moment.

Fern take care hun - I know money is a big thing but at the end of the day you want a healthy and happy pregnancy and a safe arrival at the end of the 9 months!

I think things are miles from starting here as well - due date is on Thursday and I think I'll be having to wait another 2 weeks afterwards as well. I thought things were happening last night - but they disappeared and all calmed down and back to normal now! And so the waiting game continues.

Take care everyone and stay safe :)
I hate getting trousers as most are too small or too big. I have ended up living in skirts/dresses or leggings (which make me look like a fat whale), grrr
Evening ladies, just got back from my meeting and was feeling really fat and fed up before we went so was really shocked when I lost 3.5lbs and got slimmer of the week. When she said 3.5 I asked her if she meant on lol. Anyway just wanted to share will catch up on the thread later. Hugs Crystal xx
New Look Maternity range not too bad I found. I had to buy a white blouse for graduation which is harder than it would first appear let me tell you! Got one from New Look which is nice.

Asda quite good too.
Hey guys
Am back from weigh in and lost 1lb again this week - not sure how but it's happened :)

Anyway my consultant wants to do an article on us (my mum and sister are target members - mum lost just over a stone and sis lost 5stone) She basically wants to have a photo of the 3 of us with baby and then have us all talk about it - mainly to let other pregnant ladies know that it is possible to maintain/loss weight while pregnant.
Although I've put on alot while being pregnant I've put on a lot less that I would have done without doing SW. I've had quite a number of shocking weigh-in's where I've lost when I haven't been expecting it!
I'm not too keen on the idea - although mum and sis are loving the idea (but then they are at target and I'm nowhere near it!) I'm not too keen at the moment - don't like being in the limelight at all. Consultant wants to include a photo. Although on the other hand I do want to make people aware that they can go to SW if they are pregnant and want to help manage their weight!
What would you do??? I don't have to make a decision yet and I know that either way my consultant won't object but I just don't know how I feel about it at the moment.
Possibly espeically because I'm having issues with the midwifery service within the NHS which could well end up in the paper anyway once things start rolling - but that is a whole other story not for here!

Anyway I would appreciate any thoughts on the article for SW??
Lexi - glad you found a nice blouse - I got some stuff from peacocks - they have quite a nice range of maternity stuff.

Crystal - yay - well done you on the 3.5lb loss - that's fab :)

Bunny and Jojo - happy July for you both - hope you're weddings go all according to plan and that you get to enjoy them :)

Jojo - if there is a peacocks near you then give them a shot - I got jeans and some tops from there when I was early on and they are doing me fine just now - although I only have two pairs of trouser's I can wear at the mo I have no intentions to buy anymore at the moment!!!

I bought some nursing bra's on Sat - tried them on but they don't fit - had to go back today and return them - tried on some more and ended up going from 40DD which I have always been to 38C - which I don't think I ever saw even when my weight was climbing!!! Am dead chuffed with that :)
Rosie sounds like a great idea, espeically providing the information about pregnancy and not everyone will know, especially those that do it alone and are pregnant. Look forward to reading it when if you decide to do :)
It's 5 in the bleeding morning and I can not sleep, been exhausted all yesterday thinking I could get a hair appointment Monday, but they were closed. I decided unlike normal to not have a sleep during sunday to charge my batteries in the hope that I would have a good night sleep during Sunday night so that I was not so tired on Monday, no such look. I have decided to go to sleep when I need it and sod it, I think I be tired regardless, it is just amazing how tiring it can be. Yesterday I pottered about around town etc to do odd jobs (only did 5) normally no problem but with this pregnancy malarky is something else, lol!!!!
LOL i'm with you there Bunny, getting tired very easily but then not sleeping great either, been up since 04:15 cos i'm at work. Seems my morning sickness has kicked in, been sick 3 times already today, work says if i'm sick again they sending me fingers crossed pmsl!

I've been in Peacocks n Asda looking at mat stuff but that was a few wks ago so need to get my arse in gear and go get some basics! Might have a look at Mothercare's clothing too. Aww Scotland sounds lovely for your wedding,gonna wait till start of July to dress shop, just gonna opt for maxi dress then not just stuck to maternity stuff!

I got a white lacey maternity dress from Very which is lovely and not over the top, as I wanted something simple. Good luck with all the planning, you sure will need the honeymoon after :)
Hi everyone :)

Been avoiding minimins a bit as sw has kind of gone out the window the last 2 months! I lost about 7lbs because of m.s but the last 2 weeks i've been eating more...but just still mainly brown bread/rolls and marmite! Not weighed myself in 2 weeks as the battery has run out! I'm scared to get on now!

Just past the 12 week mark and in the last 2-3 days my tummy has filled out LOADS! Is this normal? When did everyone start showing? I'm a bit miffed as the main weight i have lost is from my tummy and now it's all coming back! *humph* :giggle:

Is it today that cheeky is being induced? or tomorrow? Good vibes coming your way cheeky!

Got my first scan next wednesday! Eeeek, then i will have to tell everyone! I'm scared!!

Next Friday i have an appointment at the perinatal clinic, i think it's to do with my anxiety/depression- i'm hoping they will prescribe some safe meds as my anxiety is at an all time high! I only go out if i REALLY need to, so maybe twice a week? I feel like a hermit :(