Pregnancy and Slimming World

Lexi - fantastic news about your house! Fingers crossed for you you get to move in before the big day! You made me laugh over your hubby! Bet his face was a picture asking him to dance! ha ha ha

Cheeky you're not allowed to leave we will all have questions to ask! lol, Its great you can express , as long as its breast milk Dizzy Izzy is thinking 'happy days'!!!

All is going well atm, still not 100% SW though lol, now i'm feeling better i have no excuse though!

eek - at work and just seen a cow attempting to cross the m6! better go x
Just have to share!!! iv managed two whole days on plan, and within syns at that. GO ME.

monumental achievment. Tomorrow will be tricky as we have bro & SIL coming to stay, shes on ww though so will have to still be healthy! .. wish me luck!
FernXx said:
Just have to share!!! iv managed two whole days on plan, and within syns at that. GO ME.

monumental achievment. Tomorrow will be tricky as we have bro & SIL coming to stay, shes on ww though so will have to still be healthy! .. wish me luck!

Well done Hun!!!! Hope tomorrow goes well for you x
Lexie_dog said:
Aye stick around Cheeky - that way you can tell us all baby stuff/SW stuffs :) Plus the boards will be emptying soon as a few new peeps but not many.

Hopefully once you a little less sore try latching on again?

Good news on the weight drop! Xx

I'll always try to answer any questions, you may even be able to answer my questions lol

I will try latching again if Dizzy and I can manage it.

I'm getting really bad after pains where my uterus is contracting. It's either when I express, my Dizzy crys or I've even noticed it when my eldest crys!! It's like the first stage of labor all over again lol apparently though this only happens when you've had a baby before. I never had this with my first so was a major shock. Hope it goes soon, can't.keep taking paracetamal (sorry can't spell it lol)

I wonder if Rosie has had a little one? She was due to have baby abt now, the same time as me.
Ohh cheeky dint say that I don't want pain after this one :(

Lol this be my second n well wen it's over I want little pain n soreness! Especially as I had forceps with first!! Plus I wanna breastfeed well n truly! :( hope it passes soon! X

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb
Leeanne910 said:
Ohh cheeky dint say that I don't want pain after this one :(

Lol this be my second n well wen it's over I want little pain n soreness! Especially as I had forceps with first!! Plus I wanna breastfeed well n truly! :( hope it passes soon! X

Start weight: 14s 7lb Current weight: 13s 10lb loss: 11lb

Sorry hun, apparently its more likely to us 2nd timer mummy's. It's only meant to last for abt 4 days but I have to say this time around my 'after bleed' has been a lot lighter as my uterus is contracting a lot quicker.

I'm sure you will be fine, just take it easy whilst in labor.

I'm not sure ladies your plans are for labor...but I just wanted to own experiences that made this labor far easier

1) Try and use a birthing ball. It really helped work through my contractions

2) Consider a TENS Machine - I found that it helped take the edge of contractions and gave hubby something to do. He ended up.controlling the machine when I told him lol

3) Use gas/air - if you get on with it, its very good. You need to make sure you take long deep controlled breaths in and you will find it works wonders

4) Avoid Pethidine - Personally I found the drug made it really hard to concentrate on the instructions of the MW or hubby. It was great taking off the edge of contractions but you will feel very spaced out/drunk which makes it hard to focus. Some people like it, others don't.

5) Try and relax - Rest between contractions and when you.have strength, get active.

These are only my views and everyone is different but I thought it would be nice to share my experiences. Hope you didn't mind x
Cheekypasterfield said:
Girls its official we have a breastfeeding sticky to move too!

I'll stick around on this one and hope the breastfeeding sticky will.pick up too, otherwises your all stuck with me until you have your bubbas and can move over lol x

Yay for a breastfeeding sticky! So exciting, thanks cheeky!!

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Evening ladies been to the doctors this morning with severe abdominal pain, apparently have a severe urine infection, poor doctor looked quite panicked lol. They would have referred me to the hospital if I didn't already have a clinic appointment on Monday so have some antibiotics and have been put on bed rest until then. Have quite a high fever and the headaches and vision problems have doctor all worried. It's funny really because I have been so busy rushing between here and the hospital to visit my Nan, I never even noticed how ill I was feeling. Hubby was not happy when he noticed that the seizures have started again this morning, think he thought we might actually avoid all that this time. Oh well knew this baby would have to be like it's big brothers and be a huge troublemaker. Guess we will know more on Monday. Hugs Crystal xx
I'm getting really bad after pains where my uterus is contracting. It's either when I express, my Dizzy crys or I've even noticed it when my eldest crys!! It's like the first stage of labor all over again lol apparently though this only happens when you've had a baby before. I never had this with my first so was a major shock. Hope it goes soon, can't.keep taking paracetamal (sorry can't spell it lol)

I wonder if Rosie has had a little one? She was due to have baby abt now, the same time as me.

I've heard about the after pains with the 2nd - I was hoping it was just a rumour! Hope they settle down really soon for you hun.

Crystal - hope you're feeling better really soon hun - listen to the Dr's and take the rest you need.

Fern - congrats on sticking to plan for the last 2 days :) also good luck for tomorrow with your bro and sil.

Lexi - big congrats on your new house - I hope everything runs smoothly and goes according to plan.

Cheeky - re the breastfeeding I remember from last time that it was really tough until about 8 weeks and then it just all fell into place - last time though due to where we lived I had to breastfeed as no shops nearby sold formula (was a ferry ride to get some) if I'd lived somewhere nearer to formula then I may well have switched - although I am planning on breastfeeding this one as well mainly cos I'm too lazy to steralise and make up bottles!!! :eek:
Try and get in contact with a local breastfeeding support network they may be able to help. If you have surestart in your area they usually have breastfeeding support available.

I've still got baby on board at the moment - am currently one day overdue and no signs of baby arriving at all. I've been bouncing on my ball to try and help baby into a good position but still nothing. :sigh: Am starting to think that this baby is just too comfy and wants a helping hand to get moving - which is the last thing I want but I still have 13 days to go I guess. Depending on what the hospital says on Wedsnesday.

Love your tips Cheeky - am trying to remember what helped with no 1 and I do remember the birthing ball and trying to rest between contractions. I remember kneeling on the bed leaning on the birthing ball (which was also on the bed) that seemed to help me alot last time. Although I'm hoping for a water birth this time round - but if baby doesn't start itself it's not going to happen.

I used the TENS machine - was very good and I loved it.
I tried the gas and air - but the nurse didn't set it right so I couldn't get anything out of it so didn't use it again until after DS had arrived when they were checking out the tear - it was fab once it worked!!!

Relaxing was something I did with my last one as well - visualisation and to a point meditation helped me alot - it's something you can start to practise before baby arrives!

But def keep moving and try and keep upright as gravity helps out as well. Try a shower if there is one available - I found it really helped with back pain during labour.

But as cheeky said everyone is different and every labour is different - I know my sister only wants an epidural if she has another one. Whereas I don't like needles and will avoid them at all costs.
I have been told by my psychatrist that it is not crucial to breastfeed if it causes me a lot of stress doing as it won't help me or the baby. I got very stressed and obessive aobut breastfedding hence why she said it and she said though there are health benefits to breast feeding most of the advertisement is down to making money.
Bunny - I totally agree with you that if breastfeeding isn't working for either mum or baby that there is no point in continuing it. Plenty of babies are fed formula and don't have any problems. When I had my son the girl in the same room was having such problems with breastfeeding that she wasn't enjoying being a mum (it was her first) her husband wanted her to breastfeed as he thought it was best for baby. I advised her that if she wasn't happy and didn't want to continue she had to stop as it was more important for mum to be happy with a happy baby than for mum to be unhappy as baby will pick up on it. Also her husband worked away from home for weeks at a time so her wouldn't be about much to support her.
I will never tell anyone they HAVE to breastfeed or they HAVE to use formula. However if anyone wants support and help to breastfeed then I will do what I can to help them out as I remember what I went through with my son.
It's definetly not something that you should stress about. It's not easy and it can be painful and tiring.
No matter which you end up doing bunny your son will love you and it's such a short period of their little lives - at the end of the day the baby will never know one way or the other.
But I do not agree that anyone should be made to feel bad for not wanting or being able to breastfeed. It's a choice and every mum has to make the choice that is right for them.
I have been told by my psychatrist that it is not crucial to breastfeed if it causes me a lot of stress doing as it won't help me or the baby. I got very stressed and obessive aobut breastfedding hence why she said it and she said though there are health benefits to breast feeding most of the advertisement is down to making money.
Don't feel bad about it, I never breastfed any of mine. Lukas had ready made cartons of cow and gate because our water was undrinkable and making them with powder made him sick, cost me a small fortune but was worth it not to make him sick. Leo had nutriprem prescribed by the GP because he was so teeny (2lb 12oz when he was born and they wanted him to gain weight fast) and Logan had ready made sma until we moved into our house and then we found that he preferred to drink cow and gate powder. Bonding via breastfeeding was never an option for me because of having such premature babies. They were all tube fed for a while and the hospital needed to closely monitor the amount of fluids and milk they were having. I never even got to hold Lukas until he was about a week old and that was only because I stole a cuddle while they were weighing him and I couldn't stand listening to him crying because he was cold. I did express some milk for all of them, but not much about a week for each of them because it dried up completely thanks to stress and exhaustion. I made myself really ill trying to balance being in special care looking after them, expressing and everything else. To be honest the pain was really bad too, I had worse contractions using the pump than I did when I had during labour. I refuse to feel guilty for giving any of them formula. I will no doubt spend my whole life feeling guilty for choices I have made concerning them and doubting that I am a decent mother, in the grand scheme of things a little bit of milk won't make a great deal of difference. (((hugs))) sorry for the rambling, hugs Crystal xx
Maypole - go for it we will try to answer if we can!

Afternoon everyone, another good day so looks like i'm finally in the blooming stage pmsl! Still getting the round ligiment pains though not too bad so not complaining. Looking forward to my 3 days off, got to take some mat wear back to New Look 2m so will have a good trying on session of everything they have, also gonna try Debenhams and H&M thats if my OH doesn't start complaining!

Ok we have been TTC for a couple of months. I have irregular ish cycle my previous one was 6 weeks & this one was exactly a month (ie same date to same date) prior to the 6 week one I was pretty much same date to same date but not always. I haven't just come off the pill or injection. Anyway this month we decided to get the clear blue ovulation test & tested everyday from the 6th day after my period till I came on this month which was a bit of a surprise as had none of the aches & pains & PMT that I always get prior to my period. Anyway I tested everyday & waited for the smiley face & didn't get one :( I wondered when i tested there were a couple days in the morning I had been out the night before on the rum so was a little dehydrated if you know what I mean :eek: but still tested. I find it easier to pea in a plastic cup then test than peeing on a stick. I also haven't been timing it exactly so may have been leaving the stick in for too long or not long enough. The long & short of what I want to know is cos I got no smiley face should I go to the doc & does it mean I don't ovulate? It's playing on my mind

Sorry for the long waffle

I never got round to trying the ovulation kits so i can't help you there, though i'm sure someone else can! Maybe a trip to the docs won't do any harm , good luck with ttc, don't stress too much about dates etc, have a try at nookie every other day from when your period stops to when you're due on again, you're bound to have caught your ovulating time! Don't forget to stick you legs up in the air after lol ;) x
erm, im not 100% sure what to advise myself maypole. the clear blue ovulation sticks can be difficult to use as so many people ovulate different days to what an online tracker may advise- i know i must have ovulated straight after my period, because my dates dont match up to the few days id thought we'd caught eggy.

i would maybe mention it to your GP, but how helpful they are may depend on the exact length of time youv been TTC, i know GP's arnt very helpful when it comes to this.

google 'baby and bump' .. i wont put the link as i suspect it may get removed, but during TTC i found it VERY useful, some have been trying for a very long time, and are full of incredible info.

Maypole....i don't think you ovulate every month. But if you are worried go the docs. Add a couple more months onto the time you have been trying and they will send you for blood tests then at a certain time each month. That happened to my friend she thought she was not ovulating but she was. Good luck!!

Well after a week later i think Im starting to come on! fingers crossed now for next month!!