Pregnancy and Slimming World

Ooh so exciting lexi!!!! on all accounts, fingers crossed you get your dates and it all goes smoothly from now onwards! :eek:)

EEEK. So lexi its you.. then me.. then who's after me next to go pop?
Why do babies make you want to eat things you don't like? The Mini Beast was making me look at dh's tuna sandwich and be tempted to try it :confused: I can't stand fish even the smell makes me heave and I thought his chips looked yummy the other night and I hate chips (maybe because I know they make me ill). With Logan it was red meat like steak in the supermarket, made me drool and usually I wont even walk down the meat aisle (I eat meat I just can't stand the sight/smell/blood when it's raw) and galaxy caramel (hate caramel :p), with Leo it was bacon crisps and milky ways (didn't really like either before) and with Lukas it was frozen chocolate gateau and for some reason the other one eludes me right now strange children. Hugs Crystal xx
aww what funny cravings! i craved ice cubes and would crunch them right up like eating a chocolate bar or something but they had to be made from mineral water ha! and i loved things liike dish washer tablets -anything used for cleaning i wanted to eat. lol xxx
What odd cravings! I'm not sure whether i've had any cravings (which probably means i haven't!) I've fancied things and gone off practically everything. I do have marmite all the time, so maybe that's my craving? My mouth does water when i think of it mmmm marmite :) I've had a hankering for orange reef too (not had it for years)! So had a nectarine and that satisfied my want for reef! I have 3 punnets of nectarines ripening on the windowsil as we speak :giggle:
Im only 7 weeks so I've yet to do cravings but I've gone off lots....tuna, eggs, pizza and pretty much all fruit esp strawberries, all of which I used to eat on a daily basis (minus the pizza!!!!) funny how even when soooooo tiny they make such a big impact on our bodies!!!
tehe, little beast!

my noodle has made me fancy all sorts, but deffo no proper funky weird cravings! .. it was icepops all the time, then just chocolate shreddies, then all i could keep down was white bread and butter, then it was kebabs and cheesey chips, then sweet and sour chicken.. pinapple..ooh and malteaser bunnies, no joke.. i'd eat like 6 a day.. when they started fazing them out after easter i almost cried when the lady in spar said they only had one left.. and then had the cheek to suggest i could just eat malteasers in stead.. NO i said. Its not the same :mad: .. oh and then it was stir frys, ate stir fry twice a day for about 2 weeks, then ham and cheese sandwhichs, mmm ham and cheese sandwhichs!! Loved it lol! .. i found i craved alot of salty foods in the beginning. .. iv not been having any cravings recently though, i find i fancy alot of sweet things but not really any proper cravings now. Which is proberly why im managing to stay on plan alot easier now!

pregnancy is funny isnt it? Im feeling SO emotional all the time now, i either just feel really mad or really teary and im soooo tired its unbelievable.. the baby is SO active aswell its a physical impossibility to nap during the day properly and then i get braxton hicks all night now. :(.. deffo having a hormonal day today.
:hugs: Fern! I'm sorry you're not getting much rest & feeling emotional! It's not like you can get away from the thing that's keeping you awake! Could you go for a massage or something? Might help you relax?

You have had tonnes of cravings! I'm wondering when and if mine will kick in?

Lexi- I was laying awake in bed this morning worrying about you! I was hoping you were going to move before baby arrives! Thinking about the stress you have to put up with! I'm glad you've got all the important things sorted! Now quickly move before baby comes :giggle:
lol I always call them my beasts, baby is mini beast, Logan is midi beast (although dh insists on calling him the maxi beast since it's the same size as his nappies lol) and Lukas is the mega beast. They think it's funny. I always struggle with using the term "it" when referring to the baby before we find out the sex This one is as wriggly as Logan was too, been able to feel movement since about 10 weeks (dh has been able to feel movement since about 14 weeks ish) they have never been able to work out whether the early movements are down to having less space available (have a bi/tri cornate uterus they didn't know which even after looking and removing part of it after my first miscarriage) or just super active babies. Hospital can never get all the measurements they want first try with scans because they wriggle so much. Sorry you are having a hormonal day Fern ((hugs)) hope you feel better soon. Hugs Crystal xx
Definately lol I don't like surprises, although I got one with Lukas they told me he was a girl. Got a nasty shock when he was born lol first words out of my mouth when they said he was a boy were "it better not be, it's got a purple bedroom and a wardrobe full of dresses" lol. Leo and Logan were definitely without a shadow of a doubt boys lol. We usually go and buy the first outfit after my 20 week scan, and if the mini beast doesn't want to cooperate I will find out the week after at my hospital appointment lol. I would be a huge liar if I didn't say we are all very much hoping that this one is a little girl. This one will be our last one, my body just can't cope with being pregnant. Lukas has actually told everyone he's having a baby sister, when we asked him what he would do if it's a boy he simply says "then I want a refund" lol. It's ironic really that Lukas was an accident, then we lost Gaiebraille and were told we had more chance of winning the lottery than having another baby. It was like being told it was unlikely made us really really want another one. Then came Leo, and we were ecstatic when he died at 3 months old everything crashed down. Then we lost Ambrose and by the time I was pregnant with Logan I had got to the point where I just didn't want another kid because I was so scared of losing it. I was a mess when I was pregnant with him, got worse when I found out he was a boy too. I was honestly terrified that since he was a boy he would replace Leo and I couldn't bear the thought of that. This one was not planned in the slightest, and was a huge shock. I had very mixed emotions about it to be honest and I am scared of how I am going to cope with 3 kids but I am slowly warming up to the idea. Wow that turned into a huge rambling mess sorry lol. Hugs Crystal xx
I burst out crying yesterday because in 4 weeks baby will be out and I'll miss them being in my belly :( makes no sense. Husband was like wtf?

I gave up trying to sleep this morning at 5 am, got dressed and went to Asda for tuna mayonnaise. We're going out for dinner tonight and I'm raging (like an ungrateful wench that I am) because I want my tuna sandwich.

Getting house keys on 30th June, now organising the carpet fitter so we can just move in after that.
Lukasmummy - god knows how you have coped, you need a medal. I have lost one and that was hell in it's self. You are so storng to carry on, fingers crossed this 'little beast' is a sticky one with a little fanny ;)
crystal, you brave brave lady! unimaginable what youv been through- massive hugs to you. xox i'l be chuffed if this one is a little pink'un for you.

lexi, wow thats super close! how excited must you be!x
Crystal you really have been through a lot! i hope you get your little girl!

Lexi hopefully you can be all settled for when baby comes! i do notice you say 'them' when you talk about your baby..are you having twins or is it just a saying??

I finally came on on Tuesday but Im a bit worried. My period started off like a dirty brown colour and then went to like a black/brown colour with tiny little clots. Im waiting for the fresh blood to come through but it don't seem like its coming. Its just this horrible colour that i can't really describe. Im also normally a really heavy bleeder and suffer with cramps but Im not bleeding much and have had no cramps!! :-/
Just a saying Squiggy! Just one baby in there, just don't like saying 'it' all the time.

Hope you totm settles soon
Not unless it's a really REALLY complex game of hide n seek! Xx ;)
Im really sad to have just found out a lady i got to know because she was due the same week as me lost her baby today. hadnt felt bubs move much and went to day assesment where they couldnt find a HB, she was scanned and it was confirmed baby had passed. :( Just didnt see that coming, you just assume once your over 30 wks your coming home with a baby.
