Pregnancy and Slimming World

Oh grumble that sounds horrible. Perhaps you could try calling nhs direct if you can't get to your docs. Have you tried having a bath or using a warm hot water bottle?

Fern - I really am hoping your baby decides enough is enough for you pretty sharpish

Yay I'm 32 weeks today - don't know why but I'm feeling like this is a significant milestone for me. Just wish the whole nesting instinct would kick off now I'm off work.
paracetamol and codeine is supposed to be safe during pregnancy hospital gave it to me when I was pregnant with all of the boys, and paracetamol and caffeine (2 paracetamol with a can of regular coke or cherry coke seems to work better than the over the counter mixes) and I think ibruprofen may still be ok in small doses as well (think it's only considered dangerous in the last couple of months) but you might want to check that with a quick call to your midwife. I have been told to take aspirin and I know that one is not normally safe during pregnancy but since my blood clots too fast it's perfectly safe for me to take, not that it helps a great deal though. I really hope you are able to get some relief from the pain, heat, cold and massage might help too huge crystal xx
Lukasmummy said:
I think ibruprofen may still be ok in small doses as well (think it's only considered dangerous in the last couple of months) but you might want to check that with a quick call to your midwife

just wanted to say I was told ibuprofen was a definite no no in pregnancy by the docs when I damaged my coccyx falling down the stairs. Shame as sometimes it's the only thing which will make a difference! My midwife did say at antenatal classes that it's safe when breastfeeding and really good for any after pains.

Having a cooking afternoon prepping for a BBQ at my SIL's house tomorrow. Making a tropical rice salad, a roasted pepper and courgette salad, potato salad and a White choc and raspberry cheesecake yum yum
Thanks for your replies everyone! Well i'm still in unbelievable pain! I can't walk only hobble bent over :/ I've spent the day in bed (i'm still in bed hehe) trying to get comfortable but nothing is working!.

I phoned the doctor and said it was an emergency, this was at 8.30am they said i can have a phone call from the doc after 6!! I phoned nhs direct and they said only paracetamol and that only my doc can tell me if i can have anything stronger. She did say put a cold compress on my hip for 20 mins then a hot water bottle....the cold helped a little but the hot made me seize up more!

I'm really hoping this isn't spd, girls with spd experience...did it come on gradually or just full on pain? My pain started in my lower back and is now mainly in my hip that's travelling round to my bump and i have shooting pains down the front of my thigh...does this sound like spd? The pain is so bad that i've burst into tears so many times and ended up looking like courtney love (my bf's words! ha!)
I still don't know if what I've got is SPD, but mine started off with a general ache at the base of my back/top of my bum on my left side. It then moved to my left hip and felt like a dull ache and weakness. This lasted about a week then one day it got really bad - like I couldn't put any weight at all on my left leg, if I did I'd get excruciating pain in my hip. at this point I ended up bursting into tears too - feeling very sorry for myself and the fact I could barely walk!

Doc diagnosed it as tendinitis, but this gradually got better after a few days and has now gone back to a more general ache which gets worse if I'm on my feet a lot and is now on both sides. More recently though I've been getting a fair bit of pain in my groin when I move around which I assume is my pelvis.

I haven't found anything helps apart from rest tbh and my MW has put me in for a physio referral (1st app weds) so perhaps yours could do the same if it carries on,

HTH and you feel better soon x
Thanks Sarah! Sorry you've had such horrible pain! I hope i've just caught a nerve, my leg is twitching so i'm thinking it might be? Although it sounds exactly like your symptoms early on but instead of a week it's been in the space of 24hrs. I just want some painkillers god damn it lol! Only 2 hours until the phone call!
I know what you mean, I would give anything just to take some ibuprofen. I swear throughout pregnancy I've missed ibuprofen more than any of the food we can't eat and even more than wine (which is a bit of a shock for me!)

Really hope doc helps when he calls x
I am so pleased after visiting the MW today the baby has moved from transverse to being head down and engaging. apprently, now that is it the baby will be like that tll birth :)
Yay great news bunny!
Grumble i feel for you. hope the out of hours doc see's you. If there is a problem you could always just go to maternity ward. They won't turn you away and the doc there can give you some pain killers........I was given codine which was enough to knock me out for the night, got a good night sleep. They say not to take codine all the time though but at least it will help for now! Not had tingles down my leg so it could be a trapped nerve, but my pgp did come on all at once. Am suffering today but thats cos i've been out and about, needs must!
Have got a gym ball now so gonna blow that up, hoping that will ease the back pain! Will let you all know!

Thanks jojo, Well i got no phone call so i'm assuming i've been forgotten about :( I'm at my wits end, i really want to take co codomol but my OH won't let me, he's gone out now and i'm in floods of tears cause i know i won't get any help until at least tomorrow from the docs :(
I can't get to the maternity ward so i'll just have to wait until tomorrow.
The doc did offer to prescribe me cocodomol when I went in with my hip. He said you just can't take it for a prolonged period.
Just ate a whole bag of doritos cause i'm so grumpy!

I might take one if i can't sleep tonight Sarah, loads of my friends have taken it when they've had pains while pg. I'm sure taking one won't hurt?
Well the doc defo offered it to me. I just made the decision not to take it as the pain had improved.
If it's that bad then taking one might help you sleep?

Don't blame you for munching on the doritos... I'm currently munching on butterkist popcorn with no excuses!
I hope i can get some sleep tonight, i've been awake since 5am. Just waiting for my OH to get home to make me dinner although i think i'm a little full of doritos now hehe Mmmmm butterkist omnomnom enjoy :)

Sorry to have a moan everyone, i just needed to vent a little and get some pain out in words hehe xxx
Question for ladies who've done all this before...
Earlier tonight I felt the baby 'lurch' in my tummy - never felt a movement like this before. Since then I've had tons of pressure on my bladder feels like I need a wee all the time. Haven't had any pain in my pelvis apart from the pains I've been having there anyway.

I know its awfully early but Do you think this could have been the baby engaging? Me and hubby have looked at my bump and it does look slightly lower.
I'm just hoping it's not the baby turning... S/he's been head down at my last few apps and I don't want that to change!

I've got a MW check up weds so will find out position then but just wanted opinions really
Baby may have just had a stretch and head pressed down. And also as they get heavy they put loads more pressure down tgere don't worry :) with Jacob I got to a point where all his movements were sore :(

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 13s 11lb
Did you feel anything bunny which made you think it happened?

Could just be baby changing position, it's just the movement felt so different to anything I've felt before that I wasn't sure
I feel like a lot more pressure around my plevis/cervix, kicks feel more higher up around rib area and I need a pee more now. As I have had baby be in this poistion at 26wks and it moved again at 28 weeks I think to transverse my consultant told me but now it is back to normal.

In the books as well ity does say baby starts to get ready in the head down poisition at 32 weeks but everyone is different, don't worry too much, just wait till you speak to MW who will be able to answer your direct question :)