Pregnancy and Slimming World

my hiccups are like tiny rythmic kicks like lexie said, though now babys engaged its very simalar to what i imagine having a small tennis ball bouncing off the wall of my lady garden would feel like!! xx
My next scan is 28 sept cause I'm on hols the week b4!
I don't no what is causing my hip pain it's only my left hip down towards my groin that's sore and it's only sore while in bed feels like my skin is ripping or something it's so strange but really painful even to touch, doc said it's prob my uterus pressing on a nerve or something but I dunno! This is my first time being pregnant and there is so much info to take in!!!
After saying on here yesterday about not buying anything I went to asda and bought a box of pampers wipes they were 6 packs for !4.50 and a White case with all johnsons baby products in it! U can never have to many wipes right???? Lol

Hope u r all well! xx
Both my hips hurt but my left left does hurt a lot more especially at night. During the day my right leg is fine but the pain in my left side is still there. I have a belt and some turbogrip from my last pregnancy but i find them so uncomfortable to wear.
They would have given me an earlier appointment (about a week earlier) for my scan but i asked them to find me one after 2 o clock so my husband could be there x
Lol i have no shortages of wipes as my daughters at 2 and half and 18 months still wear nappies. Not looking foward to changing 3 sets of nappies as my oldest is refusing to even sit on a potty or toilet! I am thinking of using reusable nappies with new baby so will probably buy some to try nearer the time x
Lol i used to think that but i went to this talk held by the council about reusable nappies and i have been converted. Plus i am sick of the sight and smell of disposable nappies and there are loads produced in my house. Just incase at first i will be buying a couple to see how i will cope with them and if i find them easy to use i will buy more or otherwise go back to disposables x
Hi everyone omg in so much pain have really overdone it today:-( but will be worth it when nursery done! my backs in bits sat on my ball for 30 mins made it worse! Defo think ill ring physio n get another appointment c if they can do owt else for me. I can't keep putting up with the pain! I know im suppose to rest but thats easier said than done lol. I'm off to bed hope i sleep x
bump pic 004.jpg

Just had my Noodle painted for some last minute fun! :D
Fern that's lovely x
Hope you're feeling a bit better today JoJo?

Such a cute pic Fern :)

I asked this question the other day but not sure if it was missed or it was just that no one knew the answer?
So here goes again :) I'm thinking of going back to sw group in Sept. where do i get the form for the midwife to sign to say i can go? Is it from the midwife or from S.W?
grumbletumble said:
Hope you're feeling a bit better today JoJo?

Such a cute pic Fern :)

I asked this question the other day but not sure if it was missed or it was just that no one knew the answer?
So here goes again :) I'm thinking of going back to sw group in Sept. where do i get the form for the midwife to sign to say i can go? Is it from the midwife or from S.W?

My consultant said that they don't really need the form as Sw is so well known about now it was only in the past when noone really knew about Sw? Dunno how true this is tho!
Hmmm maybe i'll just email the sw leader? One of the members who used to go to the group is starting as a leader in September, i'm in contact with her through facebook, so maybe i'll email her :D
I brought one of these Clevamama clevafoam baby pillow designed to stop flat head syndrome. My friend recommended it as a must as her daughter as developed a flat head. I looked online brought one due to the good reviews and it has show scientifically to reduce the risk of getting flat head syndrome. However, now that I have purchased it I am unsure of whether or not to use it on a newborn. Apprently the product is not like normal pillows, as the NHS guidelines say not to use pillows for babies no older then 12 months. What do you think I should do, argh stress?
Thats a very good point Allie, I shall look at the satisitics :)

Also forgot to mention if anyone is thinking of hiring a tens machine I have used this website TENS machine for Less Pain in Labour & Pregnancy. Neurotrac from Birth-ease. It costs £19.99 which is the cheapest place I have found and you can have it for 7weeks (they disatch at 36wks) and it also includes the pads to attach to the machine, where some places charge you additional for that service as well.
Flat head? Aghhh so much to think about!

Omg the bump art lol

Nursery nearly complete..........walls/ glossing done = broken back!!!

woohoo lost 2lb at SW, very happy with this, doing a food diary helped!
As for the form for midwife, you get it from your C. I showed it my midwife at first checkup i had. Neither of them have asked for it since though

Your poor back! Go rest up!

Thanks for the advise about the form- I contacted my friend from sw & she has a form & they need my weight management record throughout pregnancy! I've never been weighed by a mw or doctor, they just asked me how much i weighed at 7 weeks, maybe that's what she means. Since then i've put on about 3lbs although i've not weighed myself in a few days and since then my tummy has shot out! Eeeek!
i wouldnt use the pillow either xxxxx

Bunny- your community midwife centre should have ones you can hire, .. i paid a tenner and it has to be returned 7 days after i give birth, it came with new pads and a spare battery too x
I never used a pillow for my 2 daughters. Initially their head from the back got a bit flat but as soon as they could roll about they would always roll onto their stomachs or sides to sleep so now their heads are round again x i wouldnt put anything in their cot, i didnt even put soft toys in x
Hi Ladies, o thought is just pop in and see how you all are

Jojo - hope your back feels better soon

Grumble - Good luck with the classes.

Fern - Not long now for you. I really emphasize with you over the waiting. Love the bump painting

Bunny - Re pillow - I've not used the one you've purchased so can't say whether it will work or not. My little girl Abbie never had a pillow and didn't get a flat head. She did have a pillow once she was abt 1yr old. The pillow you've bought sounds sensible, you're going to put baby on his/her back so her airways will be clear, so the risk of suffercaiting (sorry bad spelling) is low. I'd see how baby is with it and how you feel before deciding to not use it

Re Tens - I loved it, used it for both my girls and it does work! £19.99 is a really good price, it cost me £25 to rent from boots. I think Fern's idea is a good one on seeing if you cab rent it for cheaper

I'm sorry if I've missed any one or big news. The baby brain is still here lol