Pregnancy and Slimming World

Yay so pleased for you sweetie. Hugs Crystal xx
Congrats safia

I just spent an hour in bed with other half sobbin and moanin and we had a row followed by mote cryin so now we can't sleep he gone for a fag while I'm on here

Why don't I feel happy
Why am I scared
Why do I feel insecure
Why am I scared he don't love me
Why do I feel I am worse than his ex
Why am I scared he isn't bothered bout this baby

Blergh :,(

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 3pm
I lost 2lb :) only been on plan 2 days!!! But since Jacob went big school I walk him there and back so wonder if that's why ?

Either way I'm 25 weeks 3 days and am only 2lb heavier since the day I found out :)

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 1lb
Wow thats so good Leeane, I think i am heading back to 16 stones (if i'm not already there as i dare not step on the scales). Want to go back to group as my eating is mad and usually makes me feel ill but my husband has put his foot down and wont let me but hopefully after yesterdays ordeal at the hand of the lady doing the scan (big belly was making it hard for her to see so she pressed down really hard, it still hurts:cry:) he might get persuaded.
I also had a extremly bad and traumatic time at hospital with my first that when i got pregnant with my second daughter i really didnt want to go in and everytime i passed the hospital i felt really low and depressed. When it eventually came to that time i can honestly say to you i was so glad i was in hospital as when my waters broke they had baby poopie in them and that automatically meant in our hospital that she had to stay in for 12 hours for observations and thank god she was fine. This time round i will definately be going round to hospital as soon as i can. I know its hard for you as you had your heart set on something else but think of the positives eg you or your boyfriend wont have to do all the washing and cleaning after a homebirth x
I know me too... Can't wait to hear from her! So exciting!!

Congrats safia on news of your baby boy!!

Now for my pesky baby to make an appearance so we can find out whether it's a he or she!! Midwife this afternoon, hoping my blood pressures settled as not sure whether they'll take any action if it's gone higher again.
No news of Bunny yet then, hope its all going well!

Been physio, right hip twisted again........stunned NOT! nothing else she can do she seems to think its the way i stand and podiatry will give me an instep which will sort the problem out! I bloody hope she's right! App not till next Thurs though :(
will update later when i've been pram shopping, not looking forward to this lol, too many to choose from!

Good luck with the move grumble!

Jojo - hope you managed to find your perfect pram. We had terrible trouble picking one - it's so hard!! We went for a mothercare my4 in the end

Just back from midwife. BP same as last week so good it hasn't risen any further. Seeing her again next weds when we'll discuss booking me in for a sweep around my due date.
Any experiences of sweeps ladies? She said it can be quite painful
What was it like, did it work?
MW said it can help start labour 50% of the time
When I had the sweep the midwife just puts her fingers inside and it's almost like a circle movement around ur down there! It didn't hurt and I didn't feel uncomfy. She had said I was already 2cm dilated ( I been feeling a bit "heavy" and uncomfy last couple days)

That was the morning bout 11am. Went bingo with mom n dad and bout 8pm I started gettin pains. Contractions started. Then bout 11.30pm I had my show. Which shook me up more than the sweep lol then tried to sleep on the night, my tens macheien helped. Then the next day by night time contractions were thick n fast so went hospital and was already 6cm. So was a bit slow but the sweep deffo helped me loads!

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 1lb
That's really helpful thank you, it's so good to hear other peoples experiences. How many days over were you when you had it?

MW said it can feel more uncomfortable if your cervix hasn't started to thin out yet or your baby's head isn't quite down enough.
Sweep?.....sounds delightful! but if it helps i'll do it lol!!!
no joy with prams though only went to babies r us n tesco ( which was rubbish, had about 4 prams). Dunno why there has to be so many, and so expensive and pricing so complicated! Some had everything included and others had f'all! GRRRRRRRR! Anyway for those interested, babies r us are doing an event from 24th till 6th Oct where if you take in any old pram/car seat or highchair......certain brands though, you get a 25% voucher which you can use to buy a pram ( or anything else), pretty good offer if you have anything like that already, my sister has a broken maxicosi car seat so will use that if they have the pram i like in store. Thats another thing, why do they do on line only on some stuff???? I need to have a proper good look at a pram to know if i like it and if it fits in the boot! Can you tell i'm annoyed?
Did get some bargains today though with some vouchers i got from joining alot of these baby clubs.At Boots got a free change bag for buying a pack of pampers whcih were also on offer and i got a £1.00 off voucher too lol ( its small but ideal for your fella or as a spare), also got 20% off avent breast pump which again was on offer at 1/2 price but the 20% came off the full price....get in! lol In Tesco got £3.00 off Johnsons starter pack ( then i got another £1.00 off as the bag was a little bit dirty), a free pack of huggies nappies and £2.00 off pampers which already had a 1/3 off price! Again got 20 % off full price avent bottles which were 1/3 off! Saved loads but now in loads of pain overdoing it today oh well

I was 8 days over and he was born the day I was meant to be booked in to be induced. When I had the sweep midwife said nothin about it hurtin or anything :/ but to be honest the midwife that done my sweep wasn't "rough" I've decided i will get other half to have a mess if I go over

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 1lb
See if there is a pram centre or independant shop near you, they seem to have more models on display for you to try out. Jojo when you decide what you want have a look at this shop on ebay Online4baby items - Get great deals on items on eBay Stores! and see if she has anything similar, she's brilliant everything is brand new but so much cheaper than the shops. I got both my twin buggies from there and Logan's travel system, delivery was free and came the following day. She usually throws in either the raincover or the coseytoes whichever is more expensive. I don't know what sort of buggy you are looking for travel systems are good value for money if you need the pushchair and the carseat. Graco's are my favourite because they are super strong, have big baskets for shopping and we haven't managed to break one yet and we have had quite a few. You can usually find the weights of the models listed online, lighter is good if you have to lift it a lot but lighter can also mean flimsy. One handed fold makes life easier, also makes it more likely to fit in the boots. Strollers pretty much suck until the baby is older because they majority of them don't lay flat. Most pushchairs don't come with raincovers but they will fit the standard ones places like argos sell, buying the branded one (unless you pick some weird buggy that needs a custom size) will be about twice as much and to be honest they are all cheaply made and will rip at some point anyway. Hopefully that helps a little bit, hope you manage to find something you love. Hugs Crystal xx