Pregnancy and Slimming World

Hugs sarah - it won't be long now, at least you have an end date inside. Trust me enjoy the time you have left cause after it is manic, I know that is frustrating to hear everyone say, I was the same but it is true!!! Your abby will come when s/he is ready and like everyone says it is better the longer cooked :) Try to distract yourself I did that and stopped focusing on time and believe me sods law works baby came randomly when I started to chill out and not get obessive about signs and such like. :) x
Thank you. I'm not obsessing now like I was - the scan was really reassuring and has definitely made me feel less impatient. I'm also convinced now that baby will be stubborn and hang on in there until I'm induced so if they do decide to come on their own it's definitely going to take me by surprise.

Bunny - how is everything going with gorgeous Charles? Are you still expressing exclusively?

How are you all coping with this heat? My hands and feet were about twice the size yesterday and today I'm just trying to hide inside, it's so warm though, and it's making me really drowsy!! Another nap is in order me thinks!
Sarah, so glad all is well.Gotta be really hard to chill out though so well done! This heat is a killer, i love sunshine but on holiday when your room has air con and you can get in a pool! No such luck!Can't even chill out outside as live in a flat! As for feet....oh yeah back to being massive! The 6lb i lost off them on Mon has defo returned lol! Have resisted sleep in the hope i'll be knocked out later!

Bump update 31 wk 5 days

Bunny - how is everything going with gorgeous Charles? Are you still expressing exclusively?


He is getting on well, I am expressing and formula when needed, e.g. at night when he drinks all my milk that I have expressed. He drnks tons which is good means he fatten up and eventually may fit into prem clothing,lol!!!

I had a couble of scars being a first time mum it is all new esepcially with having the sniffles and last night he god milk up his nose and oh my word the crying and he went beetroot red! It is all good fun and I am constantly learning and getting interupted in supermarket by peeps saying ooooooooooooooo he is sooooooooooooooooo small, lol x
I bet it seems strange him being so small considering you weren't that early!
I bet it's exciting learning everything for him. Well done on expressing and great he's feeding so much, he'll be chubby in no time :)
Happy due date by the way!!

Phew this killer heat again today! Hubby is planning on attacking our jungle garden with his mum later while I'm hiding inside babysitting my 7 month old baby niece...
Oh and we're going to have a BBQ too yum yum
Midwife came over to check me over today, baby still not down :-(

She also explained the induction process - they would take me in 10-12 days over my due date, give me a pessary in the evening which probably won't work, then do the same next morning which hopefully would work.
She also recommended that if I have to have my waters broken in hospital, to seriously consider an epidural as the contractions can come on quickly and really intensely.
So I've got lots to think about.

I'm still hoping baby comes naturally and I've now got my hopes set on next Sunday - dob would be 09/10/11. How cool would that be!!
That's my birthday! Lol

I was gonna have to be induced. The day I was meant to go in (10 days past due date) Jacob was actually born!

:) don't give up yet

I am 27 weeks and still only gained 2lb through pregnancy! :) nursery furniture is all aranged in the other section of the big room (was 2 bedrooms knoked into one)

Next is just to decorate :) all baby clothes washed and hung up and organised. So when I go on mat leave I can cook n relax and swim snd prepare for birth :)

Hope u all are well :)

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 1lb
You are good - we haven't even sorted the nursery out yet! Waiting until we know whether boy or girl. Probably a job for hubby while he's on paternity leave! Not too concerned as baby will be in with us for a few months.

We're having a cotbed off my friend, just need to buy a chest of drawers. All the clothes are washed but in storage boxes at the mo. It's only vests and babygros at the mo... Outfits will come once baby is born :)
Went for appointment today, been admitted. They have started steroids for the baby's lungs and antibiotics, consultant says baby will be born within a week one way or another. They seem very concerned and can't honestly say I am sure why. They keep stressing how tiny she is and the fact that she is breech. Just come home to pack stuff, Mark can't be trusted to find stuff. Will ask him to keep you updated but not promising he will remember. Hugs Crystal xx
Oh good luck honey, I'll be thinking of you and baby. At least you'll be in the best place to receive the care you need. Hoping that baby hangs in there a little longer for you xxx
Aww Crystal, as Sarah said at least you're in the best place for you and your baby. Hope everything goes well for you xxx

Sarah loving the date 9/10/11!

Been to Sw this morning, knowing full well would be a massive weight gain, yeah not been doing too good food wise but my feet were massive and i'm sure they getting bigger! +6lb lol, still got clapped at for staying to group which is nice as well as loads of positive comments, i love my group they're ace!

Had a day sorting out loads of paperwork and chucking out old bills etc! Only got half way through!
Blah feeling very uncomfortble today, like i'm about to pop!

Well done jojo on staying to group and being so organised!

I had a lazy day but did make an absolutely scrummy leek and potato soup for tea. Followed by jelly (sugar free :) ) and ice cream (full fat :-( )

Been having a few cramps today, hoping it's the baby thinking about moving down but not getting my hopes up as if baby did move down, then MW would be able to give me a sweep tomorrow.
Well MW has been. Baby's head is still not down so I think my cramps are just braxton hicks.
So it's unlikely they'll be able to give me a sweep tomorrow unless baby moves down tonight... We'll see!
At least tomorrow they'll give me a date to induce me so I'll have a date to look forward to
Sarah I'm so sorry for u but got my fingers crossed for u.

Crystal good luck hun how many weeks are u how early will baba be xx

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 1lb
Hi everyone

Been to physio again, hips are behaving yay!!! Still in loads of pain though??? The lady from podiatry there too so at least i know they are working together to sort me out! I've to carry on wearing the insoles for no more than an hr a day until the pain lessens, seeing them both again next wk.
Think the nesting is kicking in lol! Finally made a big hole in sorting all my paperwork, still a bit of ringing round to do then i'm sorted! Have also made a start on washing all my baby clothes...... aww felt all warm n fuzzy seeing my little Dan's clothes drying it's such a lovely feeling! Still a few things to sort in nursery and my wedding memory box to create.......should keep me busy for a few wks lol

Leeane, think crystal was coming up for 33 wks pg.

Sarah......wonder if there are any suggestions to get the babys head down like curry n sex are suppose to start labour? lol
jojogonnabeslim said:
Sarah......wonder if there are any suggestions to get the babys head down like curry n sex are suppose to start labour? lol

tried them all lol!!
In fact trying to smoke baby out by adding chilli to everything I cook!!

Well done on being so organised. I know what you mean about washing the baby clothes - I loved seeing them all hanging on the line!
Say hello to my 27 week bump!! I was full term plus 10 days with Jacob at this size.... I am doomed! Though I fit in my size 12 maternity trousers again!!! I'm sure my belly is growin but I'm losin it everywhere else.

Also me n my handsome 4 yr old!

Start weight: 14s 7lb pre-preg: 13s13lb current: 14s 1lb


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