Pregnancy and Slimming World

MissSlinky2011 said:
I'm surprised I haven't had that written on my notes or is that something that only happens at 20 weeks and I can look forward to it?

X x x

Had it on my 12 and 20 week scan, was rather insulting, I know I'm big but not obese (well I probably fall under that now) I currently weigh 13st 10 :(
Argh I could scream *ongoing* scale issues, two mornings in a row my scales have told me I'm 2lb heavier than I was just before I went to bed, I've never ever weighed heavier in the morning I don't know what's going on :(
Fyi I'm only keeping track like this for a few days as have discovered my scales all of a sudden don't like me and don't make sense Grrrr! Hope you ladies have a good day x
mummyClark said:
Had it on my 12 and 20 week scan, was rather insulting, I know I'm big but not obese (well I probably fall under that now) I currently weigh 13st 10 :(

I've not had it on mine and I'm 16 stone! My 12 week was really clear though so we will see if I get it on my 20 week!

X x x

P.s oasis buy some new scales lol
MissSlinky2011 said:
I've not had it on mine and I'm 16 stone! My 12 week was really clear though so we will see if I get it on my 20 week!

X x x

P.s oasis buy some new scales lol

If your 12 week one was clear you will probably ve fine, maybe I just carry more fat on my stomach or may have just been an older machine, who knows, this one was clear so I'm happy

And yer oasis get yaself some new scales, dorm nice glass digital ones lol x
I carry all my weight on my double Decker bus booty and my thunder thighs lol! My stomach goes really flat when I lie down, my mam said she was expecting me to have a flabby belly but when I lie down I go from size 18 to a 14 lol ... maybe I should get rolled everywhere on a bed!

X x x
I've not had it on mine and I'm 16 stone! My 12 week was really clear though so we will see if I get it on my 20 week!

X x x

P.s oasis buy some new scales lol

I defo think I need some new scales, will have a look in argos unless anyoen can recommend some good ones, these aren't very old.
I don't have any scales lol sometimes I jump on my mums though!

I like the hospital scales best, they make me half a stone lighter than slimming work lol!

X x x
I have digital scales but keep them at my parents or I'm on them all the time

I think I'm aiming not to go over 15 stone but would obviously love it if it were less, a stone on so far but iv Bren completely off plan. Not sure the 12 pack of milles cookies is gonna help but they are sooo yummy
Oo when I used to go to London I would get a millies muffin and hot choc for the journey hone yum!

X x x
I'm so hungry my belly ache's, I've had about 1200/1300 cals already but if I'm hungry like this baby must need something. I've had 3 pint's water today and 2 cups tea, on my 4th pint water but it's not filling me up. Think I'll get another yogurt x
Really sorry to hear your news Sleepy. Hope you are OK. I had a miscarriage around the same time too (the pregnancy before this one) and I found it really hard. I had my friend to talk to as she went through it 6 months earlier and was a tower of support for me. I spent the next 6 weeks drinking too much and eating rubbish as i struggled to cope with everything.

TRaceywise – welcome :) you know i almost feel like i shouldn’t be on this forum, I am the only one gaining a lot whereas you guys are all quite far gone and not putting on much or even losing. Although i know its my own fault when i crave sugar and had almost 50 syns yesterday – 3 cream eggs, a tube of Cadburys chocos and to top it off i also had a slimming world trifle haha. I have had 15.5 so far by lunch!!

Mia Angel – will do the same as you, newborn with a few early baby outfits. Got to think positive o really don’t want a 10 pounder haha

Vm019 – are u still on all the fruit :) i love strawberries and grapes although u have to shop around to get them at a decent price! Morrisons had some lovely strawberries in last week, a huge box for £1,75 and they were sweet. Unusual for it being so cold!! I definitely love that gummy bear – i didn’t even know they came that large!!

Might have to take a look at Gap for the baby clothes – did you get much?
Although not sure if i want to spend that much on a moses basket though as I have a natures nest which cost a small fortune (i just want the moses basket for day time sleep downstairs) Might look for one on ebay and buy a new mattress.

Oasis – you need some new scales. :)
Ours are Salter digital scales (cant see them online mind) but they do the body fat and water measurements. I bought these as I got some cheap ones first (cant remember where) but they wouldn’t work as our carpet wasn’t flat enough... didn’t have an issue with these ones on the same carpet and they were consistant, might be worth looking at that make and reading the reviews.

Right better get back to work :)
My midwife said your not allowed to use fat measuring scales while pregnant, so I'm goin to steer away from them but they are the one-s I'll get when baby born. It doesn't mean every midwife will advise against them though just being cautious since she said no x
I'm norm feeling great tonight :( got a headache and I'm so tired, early night for me I think!

X x x
Geordie lass if your stats are up to date you can afford to have them syns girl! Enjoy your ice cream! xx
I still feel stuffed from my Pizza Hut that i had at lunch time! Other half is stuffing a kebab and i have resisted as i thought both in one day is pushing it!! Get someone out to get your ice cream oasis. Pregnant women's prerogative!! xx