Pregnancy and Slimming World

Thanks :) It means I'm getting closer to seeing baby for first time too!! Midwife told me on the phone it's all done on a tablet now, no form filling as such. Anyone else experienced this or is it that new that I'm one of the first??!

Yeah, that make you 8 weeks ish? That's when I first saw the midwife. So definitely not long now til scan time! Makes it all feel a lot more real too.

Ours was all on paper, it was a tear out part of the notes book that you get given to keep hold of (I'm assuming it'll be the same where you are!). Plus there was stuff like the form for prescription exemption etc. Sounds very high tech where you are, must be very new! x
Found the list, let's keep it near the top!

Cai - 3rd October
Mama bear - 16th October
Missy1978 - 14th December
ILoveCake- 15th January
Pjallen1982- 20th January
Nellylou - 14th February
Dubchick - 18th February
Danni - 25th February
Dougal1983- 18th May

Hopefully we'll have some news from the top of the list soon! x
Yeah, that make you 8 weeks ish? That's when I first saw the midwife. So definitely not long now til scan time! Makes it all feel a lot more real too.

Ours was all on paper, it was a tear out part of the notes book that you get given to keep hold of (I'm assuming it'll be the same where you are!). Plus there was stuff like the form for prescription exemption etc. Sounds very high tech where you are, must be very new! x
Yeh I'm 8 weeks today by my dates, it's gone so quick from finding out at 4 weeks! So I'm hoping next 4 weeks fly by!

Yeh I got given a note book by the doctor but when midwife rang she said I won't need it as it's all done on tablet now!
So it must be very new as I went to doc less than 4 weeks ago!

So excited but I must get up off the sofa and get stuff done before she arrives and not just lay here, feeling sorry for myself! (Got a rotten cold as well as morning sickness)
Thanks girls, so happy! :-D
Hoping to go out and spend some money on her today (so far haven't bought a thing!!)

Good luck at your first appointment Dougal, it does sound very high tech!
Got first midwife appointment this afternoon :)
Ooh exciting
Thanks :)
It means I'm getting closer to seeing baby for first time too!!
Midwife told me on the phone it's all done on a tablet now, no form filling as such.
Anyone else experienced this or is it that new that I'm one of the first??!
Mine was all on computer. No form filling. Couple sheets to sign but they were printed n signed.
Yeah, that make you 8 weeks ish? That's when I first saw the midwife. So definitely not long now til scan time! Makes it all feel a lot more real too.

Ours was all on paper, it was a tear out part of the notes book that you get given to keep hold of (I'm assuming it'll be the same where you are!). Plus there was stuff like the form for prescription exemption etc. Sounds very high tech where you are, must be very new! x

I got NOTHING from doc or hospital. Eventually I'll b given my file to hold into n bring with me when I hav visits. I assume it's so my own doc can attach whatever he does to it too. I'm doing shared care... Dunno if u do that in uk?! So far I've only had my 13 week appointment which was my first ante natal n mini scan. Nothing since (except my trip to a&e) big scan next Monday (14th) n second ante natal then at 24 weeks (10 days later)
That's not many appointments Frances, I'd be a wreak if I'd only been seen once by 20 weeks! Sounds like you get a lot more appointments in the UK, I'd had two with the midwife and a routine scan by 20 weeks (plus my early scan after the bleeding at 7 weeks and an extra midwife appt when I freaked out at 14 weeks). You have the notes that you carry with you here too but sounds like you get them much later, I got mine at 8 weeks.

Is shared care when you see the hospital as well as the midwife? Kinda like consultant lead over here? I'm consultant lead at the mo because of the mental health stuff and my family history of diabetes but now they know I haven't got diabetes (first one in my immediate family not to have it!) I'm hoping they'll change me back to midwife lead so I can use the birthing pool when the day comes lol ;)
Thanks girls, so happy! :-D Hoping to go out and spend some money on her today (so far haven't bought a thing!!) Good luck at your first appointment Dougal, it does sound very high tech!

Aw, have fun shopping! I didn't buy anything until after 20 weeks either, was so scared of something being wrong that I didn't dare! Went a bit mad after that and now I have the biggest ever pile of baby clothes to wash lol ;) x
That's not many appointments Frances, I'd be a wreak if I'd only been seen once by 20 weeks! Sounds like you get a lot more appointments in the UK, I'd had two with the midwife and a routine scan by 20 weeks (plus my early scan after the bleeding at 7 weeks and an extra midwife appt when I freaked out at 14 weeks). You have the notes that you carry with you here too but sounds like you get them much later, I got mine at 8 weeks.

Is shared care when you see the hospital as well as the midwife? Kinda like consultant lead over here? I'm consultant lead at the mo because of the mental health stuff and my family history of diabetes but now they know I haven't got diabetes (first one in my immediate family not to have it!) I'm hoping they'll change me back to midwife lead so I can use the birthing pool when the day comes lol ;)
It's different for everyone here. N different in each hospital. I'd be seen more often if there were any issues. Either health or weight related. Most people would get a 16 week check too. In my first 20 weeks of pregnancy I had 2 appointments. First was just a quick scan as I was having allot of pains really low down n they feared initially it was eptopic but scan they done (in a&e) they cudn see much coz was only about 5 weeks. So they done a follow up at 7weeks. Then my first appointment at 13 weeks. N nothing since (but another trip to a&e)
It is very few visits but am pleased they don't need to see me more. Means everything's fine n if I've any questions r problems I can ring r go in obv. Tho sometimes I can get myself in a state due to the lack of visits.

No shared care is where I'll see my gp for every other visit. So far I've only been to him for my confirmation n referral letter. I won't need to see him til 6 weeks after my second antenatal app so in another 2 months... Providing all goes well at my scan n next hospital appointment obviously
Your scan will be fine - the 20 week scan is amazing! You won't believe how much baby has grown. <3 I love having lots of appointments with the midwife, keeps me reassured but then again I am the anxiety monster so I need all the reassurance I can get! ;) You don't really see your GP here once you've had your first midwife appt (unless there's anything wrong that the midwife or hospital wouldn't deal with)so that's definitely different! As long as it works for you, that's the main thing.

Tbh I think I have too many appointments now lol, it's all gone a bit crazy with the mental health stuff and the physio too, as well as midwife and consultant appointments. I only have two next week though which ain't bad! x
At the start it was quite scary. But now I can feel baby moving n I hav my Doppler so lotsa reassurance. N it's so luvly to lay in bed listening to baby wriggling about in there :)
I'm delighted ill see my gp in between. Never knew they done such a thing. The hospital I'm attending is in town n my gp is only around the corner. So much handier
At the start it was quite scary. But now I can feel baby moving n I hav my Doppler so lotsa reassurance. N it's so luvly to lay in bed listening to baby wriggling about in there :) I'm delighted ill see my gp in between. Never knew they done such a thing. The hospital I'm attending is in town n my gp is only around the corner. So much handier

That works well then! I agree, once you can feel baby move it's so much better. I didn't feel anything much until nearly 22 weeks so it was quite late for me but I calmed down a lot once I knew he was kicking and wriggling <3
Yea I was quite late in comparison to some of the lovely ladies on here but still early enough I guess. I was 18 weeks when I felt my first flutters. They were often but still. Got my first proper kick then last week n had 2 since but still not too many.
Although my feeling are only fairly new, when baby is quiet I get a bit freaked. Even tho I kno it's normal. So it's a new worry to replace an old one lol
Do you know where your placenta is? Mine was at the front so it was harder to feel anything. Now baby is so much bigger I don't get kicks just bum movements across my bump or the occasional knee sticking out.

Mama-bear x

No idea... Nothing has been said as regards an anterior placenta. Wud they hav seen that at a 13 week scan??
It might well be anterior! Mine's anterior too and you do feel less. When I went in for reduced movement the other day I was told that they see more anterior placenta ladies than anyone else!

They didn't tell me at my 12 week scan but it's on my notes from my 20 week scan and midwife explained it to me when I phoned them up panicking cos I'd not felt anything yet! I would ask when you have your scan, it would explain that :) x
It might well be anterior! Mine's anterior too and you do feel less. When I went in for reduced movement the other day I was told that they see more anterior placenta ladies than anyone else! They didn't tell me at my 12 week scan but it's on my notes from my 20 week scan and midwife explained it to me when I phoned them up panicking cos I'd not felt anything yet! I would ask when you have your scan, it would explain that :) x

At my 13 week scan I was told I had an anterior placenta. At my scan this week, she said it wasn't. So does this mean it can change?

I'm 25 weeks on Monday. Have felt flutterings, almost like wind into tummy, but no kicks. Trying not to worry but people seem to feel kicks by now :s
Some babies kick less anyway - this one is a right wriggle bum but I know ladies who have felt very little, even at later stages. Try not to worry - I know that's impossible though cos I'd be the same! When you get the first proper kick you'll know what you're feeling without a doubt <3

Not sure about placenta moving? I know mind is definitely still anterior - well according to my scan on tues is was anyway. I'm sure they can move up though - my cousin had to have extra scans as hers was found to be too low at her 20 week scan but it had moved into a better position when she was scanned again.
Some babies kick less anyway - this one is a right wriggle bum but I know ladies who have felt very little, even at later stages. Try not to worry - I know that's impossible though cos I'd be the same! When you get the first proper kick you'll know what you're feeling without a doubt <3 Not sure about placenta moving? I know mind is definitely still anterior - well according to my scan on tues is was anyway. I'm sure they can move up though - my cousin had to have extra scans as hers was found to be too low at her 20 week scan but it had moved into a better position when she was scanned again.

Thanks for the reassurance x
Found the list, let's keep it near the top!

Cai - 3rd October
Mama bear - 16th October
Missy1978 - 14th December
ILoveCake- 15th January
Pjallen1982- 20th January
Nellylou - 14th February
Dubchick - 18th February
Danni - 25th February
Dougal1983- 18th May

Hopefully we'll have some news from the top of the list soon! x

You realise once the top two lovelies have popped its us next?!?!?!?! Denial!