Protein too much???


Full Member
Hi guys I had yesterday 145g protein and about 120g of carbs do you think I hAving too much protein I hVe also hAd 1460 cals xx
Thats a very good question, i eat alot of quorn so worry about the same thing, unfortunatly i dont know the answer, anybody?
My personal trainer tells me high protien diet is the way to go.

I will probably explain this totally wrong but here goes.

Carbs are energy, energy unused is stored as fat.

When you weight loss you can burn fat and or muscle.

Protien helps prevent you from losing the muscle because protien help produce amino acids. The body needs amino acids which are not found in stored fat but in stored muscle so without plenty of protien the body uses muscle mass to get the amino acid which is why you can lose muscle mass when on a weight loss plan.

Therefore in theory.

Eating less carbs results in the body using stored fat as energy, eating the protien gives the amino acids meaning the body does not need to start breaking down muscle mass to get amino acid.
That's brill thanks I had 138g carbs and 118g protien my fitness advisor says that my target protein is 111g and I having 1495 cals a day which is 500 cals than what cals my body needs to stay the same

Today I have had

BreKfast protein shake with semi slimmed

Dinner ( I have at lunchtime) chicken Sweet potato and veg and gravy

Tea 2 slices of burden bread with Ww tuna 0%fat free Greek yoghurt options and 1 banana and eve protein bar

8 crab sticks
that seems like a pretty healthy diet if you're working out. the only adjustment i would aim to make would be to eat the bread in the morning and so have a smaller evening meal.
Sorry to hijack, but is it the sugar in the bread that makes it a better idea to have it at start of day?
well - it's generally held that eating a substantial breakfast is better than a substantial dinner, and some contend that with carbohydrates especially, one should eat them earlier in the day to give them a chance to be used for energy instead of stored as fat.
Too much protein is a bad thing but that isn't anywhere near too much so I wouldn't worry about it, you're doing well. That's about what I have most days.