Proud of myself :)


So, I had a shake this morning around 10am and then took my little boy swimming. My partner decides on the way home, around 4pm that he is hungry and wants to go to McDonald's. He said he wouldn't though as he didn't want to sit and scoff infront of me. I told him just to go as I though it was a shame to stop him having what he wants just because I can't, so we went and I managed to sit with him, with my black coffee and not pinch 1 chip. I honestly wasn't even tempted at all. We then went to asda and that didn't bother me either, walking up and down isles of food. I know this isn't anything amazing but it's the first time I have been faced with any kind of temptation and I thought I dealt with it quite well, especially as I had only had one shake at that point :)

I got some bouillon at asda and just wanted to check how many are you allowed per day and also, is the marigold Swiss organic vegetable reduced salt one ok?

Thanks x
Well done on resisting everything, that is absolutely fabulous.
It IS something amazing, you've been faced with food (and lots of it) and not eaten any.....that's one hell of an achievement in my book!
We have to celebrate any victories on this diet, big or small lol

And yep that marigold is the right one.
I believe that we're to have 2-3 cups a day maximum.
fantastic, remember every journey starts with the first step. Well done, what an achievement and the first step to a new you with a great attitude. Keep us posted.
J x
That's so great, angel! Hold your head up high and be superduper proud of yourself! I always seem to find myself in Tesco just as they've started baking - GAH - but very gratifying to leave and not have nommed on everything in sight! :D
That is fantastic will power. I could never resist fast food - that's why i am in this position . I am soo impressed x
Massive well done hun :) Overcoming temptation is the cornerstone of this diet, if you keep on resisting the pounds will drop off! McDonalds and supermarkets have got to be the worst places to be while on exante lol You're doing so well x
Thanks everyone for your support and kind words. Still doing well, not cheated but I could have today. Can't believe I resisted McDonalds without even being bothered but my son having some toast for breakfast today made my mouth water! Gotstome butter on my finger when spreading it for him and NEARLY licked it off...but I didn't. Phew :)

Hope everyone is having a good start to the week.

That's brilliant well done, being in that frame of mind is the only way it works for me. X